Chapter 15

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Amira POV ( 4 days later )

It's been about 4 days and we are still on mission get Ami's memory back! Taylor OMG! He has been with me 24/7 and he's been helping me so much! Luckly it's the school holidays cuz Taylor's been staying at my house to help! He has shown me like 1000s of pictures and videos of me and him together and all I can say is "Why aint I not dating Taylor?" It sounds crazy but he's helping me more then my own boyfriend is and Cam has just came to see me once and that was when we came home and he just said sorry but left like an hour later.... It's like he doesn't care about me and Taylor on the other hand is not even leaving my side! Dad loves Taylor and so does Cathy, everythings perfect and all that I want is to get my memory back!

Right now Taylor and me are sat on my bed and he's telling me about a sleepover we did and then we prank called loads of people and it was funny!

"I had to call this camp about telling them my sis lost her viginity at their camp and the man said he would look at see if they had some viginity in the lost and found! Right and then you had to call Aaron to tell him you were pregnant and it was really arkward cuz you two dont even talk that much and at the end you peed yourself from laughing too much!" Taylor says and we are both laughing! Suddenly a flashback hits me....


"You have to call them to ask them if they have ya sisters viginity!" I laugh and Taylor's eyes go wide!

"Wat!! That's sooo crazy Ami! But I'm ganna go it!" Taylor says making me laugh! He dials the number and it starts to ring... (The videos at the top!)

"Hello this is Chris...."

"Aahhh Hello sir..." Taylor says trying to sound so innocent!

"Sir?" Taylor says giving me a confused look...

"Sorry.... How can I help you" The man asks.

"Erm... Do you guys have a lost and found?" Tay asks...

"Yes we do!" The man relpies...

"Ermmm... do you have access to it right know if like somein was lost?" Tay asks and I start to laugh... Taylor chucks a pillow at me to make me stop laughin! But it dont work!

"When was your stay here?" The man asks...

"Erm... My sister stayed down there for spring break.. Last week for spring break and thats when she lost..... Her erm... What she lost...." Tay says and he grins at me!

"Here erm wat?" The man asks...

"Wait... let me ask her what she lost... My dad aint real happy about it...." He says and goes back to kiss me check.... I give him a confused look... He points to his check and I kiss it back!

"Okay alright!" Tay says innocently and I snigger...

"She... erm... she... erm... lost her viginity...." He says and I brust out laughin! He is tryin so hard not to laugh!

"Ohhhh really...." The man says and I am still laughing!

"Aaaa... yh..."

"Well OMG! look I have some viginity right here on the lost a found file on the 25th is that when she lost it!" The man asks and I start to cry! This is so funny, Tay starts to laugh too!

"She says yh..." Tay says and I suddenly fall off my bed, from laughin so much! Tay bursts out laughin and I have a stitch!

"Well if you give me ya address I can send it to ya right away!" The man says and Taylor cuts the phone! He looks at me on the floor still crying and laughs too! He suddenly falls off the bed on top of me and we both start laughing again. We stop laughing after 10 seconds and look into each others eyes... His amazing brown eyes are twinkling and I can see my reflection in it... He licks his lips and looks at mine... He starts to lean in and I feel myself leaning in ... I feel his soft lips on mine ... This only lasted a second because... My phone starts to ring!

End of flashback!

".........Yh so the man was like OMG! Loo-"

"TAYLOR I REMEMBER WAT HAPPENED THEM!" I shout and Tay jumps up!

"OMG! REALLY!" Taylor asks and I nod my head! I stand up and Taylor is like going crazy!

Suddenly the flashbacks hit me!

Im Amira and Im 16! Molly used to be my bestie but Cam dumped her and she hates me! Jack saw me at Sammy's house and I told him I hated him! Cathy is dating my dad and Jack went angry! Jack and me got close but he pissed me off, Cam asked me out! I said yes! Oh I spoke to Dillion on twitter and he was nice! All the boys and me went to the beach and they found out about me and Cam dating! Cam got jelly of a boy and Taylor told me he had a crush on a girl! And then I decided to go In Jack's car and Cam didnt want me to and then me and Jack had a car crash!

"OMFG! TAYLOR I REMEMBER EVERYTHING!" I say and he has the massive smile on his face!

"I finally have my bestie back but I won't be able to stay here now cuz ur memory loss was my excuse.... But fuck it! I have my bestie back!" He says and lifts me up spinning me round!

"I have to tell Jack cuz he's here in his room!" I say and Taylor's eyes go wide...

"Erm... why don't ya like tell ya dad first..." Taylor says stuttering, It's like he's hiding somein.... He puts me down and looks at in the eyes... I know Tay is hiding somein, I can tell by looking in his eyes...

"Nah I'm ganna go and tell Jack!" I say and run to Jack's room with Tay shouting at me to stop me but I don't!

"JACK I HAVE GOT MY MEMORY BAC-" I shout but get interputed by the sight behide Jack's door....

Jack is kissing another girl.... My crush is like making out with another girl infront of me... They stop and look at me and I get to see the girls face making me gasp! Her... She looks at me with a really fake smile like she used to do and Jack just smirks at me....

"I'm glad u have ur memory back Ami!" Jack says and I nod...

"Yh.... just now...." I mumble because that girls death glare is scaring me....

"Meet my new girlfriend" Jack sniggers and I wave at her awkwardly.... Taylor comes into the room and I give him the "did you know?" look and he looks down..

"Jacky I need to go now! See ya later and nice seeing you again Amira!" The girl says and gives Jack a quick kiss on the lips.... She goes past me and bumps into my shoulder intentionally and whispers into my ear...
"I'm back bitch!"
It was Molly.....
Jesus Christ Ami got her memory back but Molly the slut is back and is dating Gilinsky... SEE YA TOMORROW WITH ANOTHER CHAPTER and don't forget to vote!

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