Chapter 13

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Amira POV

"THIS HIT THAT ICE COLD MICH- " I wack off the alam and yawn... Last night I couldn't sleep! After what happened I couldn't....

Cam asked me out....

I said yes....

I am so happy trust me but there's like one part of me that is telling me that I have made a mistake.... Some part of me is telling me that Jack G likes me.... Or someone else... But I shouldn't let that get inbetween mine and Cams happiness! Today was the day I told the guys about me and Cam and ask them about how they got soo many followers!

I get up and have a bath and etc! I get dressed into a white skater shirt, a black crop top saying "I DONT GIVE A FUZ", a white snapback and some black vans! I straight my black hair and leave it down, I grab my phone and go downstairs.... I have to tell my dad and Cathy first.... I see Cathy is in the kitchen and dad is sat down eatin toast and reading the newspaper...

"Goodmoring dad and Cathy!" I say and they both smile at me....

"Goodmoring kiddo, take a seat!" Dad says and I sit down...

"Moring Ami you came down just in time, here have some toast!" Cathy says givng me some toast to eat and I gladly eat them...

"Thanks and oh yh where's Jack..." I ask and my dad looks up from the newspaper....

"Oh he's gone to the other Jack's house just when you came down!" Cathy says and I nod my head.... I need to tell them about Cam....

"So.... Dad... I'm dating Cameron...." I mumble and I think dad hears me cuz he puts his newspaper down and looks at me..... Shit....

"What.... I heard you say Cameron...." Dad says and Cathy sits down on with us with some toast...

"What about Cameron?" Cathy says and I roll my eyes!

"I'm dating Cameron..." I say and look down...

"Oh... Okay.... Honey who do you think she's ganna end up with?" Dad asks Cathy completly ignoring that I said I was datin Cam!

"I think.... that Sammy boy! He seems like a very nice boy and Ami was dating him so yh Sammy!" Cathy says after studying my face and my dad shakes his head....

"Nah! My money is on Taylor! Sure Sam is a nice guy but I know it's ganna be Taylor!" Dad says just like I expected him to and I get up.

"Yh.... I need to go to school bye...." I say and they wave at me.... I put my plate away and leave... I see Cameron is standing outside my house, sitting on the curf and he hasnt noticed that I am outside... I put my hands over his eyes...

"Guess who?" I say trying to lower my voice and Cam stops to think for a minute.... He suddenly grabs my waist pulling my on his lap and my hands go off his face whilst he does that!

"My beautifull girlfriend!" Cam says grinning at me and I smile back!

"Shut up Cam I aint beautifull and come on we need to go to school we are ganna be late!" I say trying to get off his lap but his arms lock me in so I cant move!

"First Yes u are and second No can do babe!" Cam says grinning at me and I roll my eyes!

"CAMERON DALLAS! I shout and he smirks!

"AMIRA HOPKINS! Or shall I say Amira Dallas" He mimicks me back winking at the end and I roll my eyes!

"Right give me a deal to let ya free and I may let ya go or nah...." Cam says and I groun!

"Fine Ice cream!"


"A hug!"

"Got that before we were dating!"

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