Chapter 8

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Amira POV

A week later....

Things have changed... Loads... Some good and some bad... Lets start with the good changes, Cameron dumped Molly! You must be wandering how? and you all know why? Well at school Cameron told her he doesnt feel the love with her anymore and things went.... Bad! Molly went all angry on me because she thought I runied their perfect relationship and she doesnt talk to me anymore... Cameron and I are now talking and are very good friends again, he said sorry at school and gave me a big hug, so we are like before! I think im offically in their gang because everyone doesnt like it when I sit alone and we hang out with together! Sammy has joined our school and he hangs around with our gang, its not arkward between us, we are just friends! The bad changes, Jack.... Jack doesnt talk to me, he doesnt even look at me! I know I said I hated him, I still do a bit but I love him too and thats what's complicated as fuck! But back to how Jack has been treating me, its like I'm not even there but luckly Taylor has been there for me the most and all I can say is Taylor and I are stronger then ever as besties! Dad hasnt been himself lately, hes been very secretive and I need to know whats up!

Now me and Taylor are walkng back to my house together, I told Taylor I was fine by walking myself but he refused and yh he is now walking home with me! We turn left and walk up my driveway. I put the key in the lock and open the door, I stand inside.

"Come inside Bandana!" I say and he stands outside.

"Nah I would but I promised Dillon I would skpe him after schhol and if I dont im ganna be a dead mother fucker!" He laughs and I laugh too, I really like the bromance between Taylor and Dillon! Its like Cash but long distance lol. I have spoken to Dillon before and hes really funny like Taylor but I havent spoken to him in person!

"I shouldnt keep you waiting then Bandana! Bye manslag!" I say laughing and he grins, I give him a hug and we break apart.

"Haha bye slut see ya tomoz or at night if ya lucky!" He says winking at me and I playfully push him back! Taylor tries to look offended but fails, he is about to walk off but I grab his tie and pull him closer to me and kiss his check! He laughs and kisses my check back and then walks away.... God dont I love Taylor!

I walk inside my house, I take my coat off and put my bag down at the side. I hear my dad talking on the phone again.... I go inside the living room where dad is and look at him, this time he doesnt put the phone down when I come, he actually carries on with his conversation!

"Yh, yh I will! Im sure she is ganna like you and whats his name again.......... what I cant hear you..... Connection musent be working..... See ya later bye....Remember 7 okay!" He says and puts the phone down, smiling to himself.... He has been very happyly lately! I aint complaining but its dat idk what hes happy about... I sit down next to him and give him the "what was that about?" look and he laughs....

"Thats a friend of mine who we are ganna have dinner with at 7!" Dad says and I get a bit worried... What if that friends a women.... What if she doesnt like me.....

"So how was school?" Dad asks snapping me out of my thoughts and I smile at him....

"It was okay, I guess.... We had netball and I made the team!" I say and dad gives me a high five, me and dad have the friends type of relationship then father and daughter!

"Dats my girl! Was that, that Taylor boy who you were talking to?" Dad asks again and I nod...

"He's a good kid, I like him and I aprove of him so if ya ganna date then go ahead!" Dad says and I shake my head vigerously (in the no shake way)

"NAHHH! He's my best friend dad!" I clearly say the best friend part to my dad and he laughs.

"Haha okay, im just saying about the future kiddo and if I was you I would get ready now its 5 and god knows how long you take to get ready!" Dad says back and I quickly rush upstairs to get ready!

"Dress fancy!" I hear my dad shout and I run into my room!

I put on my phone on speaker and press shuffle... Uptown funk comes on and I start jamming to it whilst trying to find something to wear... I finally get the perfect dress to wear (the one on the picture) and put in on. I straghten my hair and leave it down, I put on some light makeup, put on some perfume and im ready! I look at my phone and see the time 6:30! I quickly take a mirror selfie cuz why not and turn off my music! I get some black vans becuase I cannot wear heals, grab my phone and go downstairs. I see my dad all suited out and he's on his phone.... again.... and he's texting someone.... I cough and get his attension.

"Ami, you look beautiful kiddo and wow you only took 30 minutes! Come on lets go!" He says giving me no time to reply and goes and sits in the car... I lock the door and sit at the back.... Dad starts the car and I see I have a message;

My bandana boy!


I reply...

Sorry bandana Im going out to dinner with my dad and a special "friend" of his! x

He instently replies:

OH OKAY! YOU COULD HAVE TAKEN ME WITH U! -.- But tell me what happenes and BYE LOVE YA BAE- BESTIE! x

I smile and put my phone down... "So dad, who are we meeting...." I ask trying to break the arkwardness...

"Its a suprise and look we are here!" Dad says, pulling up and we go out of the car....

"SHES HERE! Do I look okay??" Dad panickly asks and I raise a eyebrow...SHE! I nod and smile and we enter the restaurant.... Dad waves at a middle aged women, I think dad's age and she waves back... He walks to her and gives her a big hug and I kiss... on the lips... Dats not what I do with any old "friend". I walk over to them and smile....

"Oh, she must me Amira! God she is beautiful! Hey Im Cathy (sorry I didnt know ------- mums real name...)" She says, smiling widely at me.... SHES NOT A KILLER! Thats the first...

"Im Amira, call me Ami and nice to meet you Cathy...." I say politley, handing my hand for her to shake but she rejects and pulls me into a hug!

"Oh I have always wanted a daughter......" She says and I shoot my dad a "WHAT THE HELL" look and he looks down....

"Lets sit down my son.... Is just round the corner!" She says and we sit down, dad next to Cathy and Cathy opporsite me!

"So hows life Am-" Cathy says but gets interputed by someone....

"Hey mum!" That person says and my heart sinks..... Mum?? Oh no! Cathy is his mum! This cannot be happening! Out of all of the mums in the world dad had to be "friends" with his mum!

"Hey! Come over here and sit next next t-"

"Amira???" He says in suprise looking at me and dad and Cathy look at each other in suprise....

"Jack???" I reply back and he walks up to the table.... What was goin on??!!??

DUN DUN DUN! SO THIS WAS THE BIG CHAPTER BUT I THOUGHT I WOULD PUT THE REST IN CHAPER 9 CUZ IT WOULD BE TOO LONG AND I COULD LEAVE YOU AT A CLIFFHANGER! Boy dont I like cliffhangers! Lol! So comment down what you think is ganna happen and see if its ganna be true.... OR NAH! Dont forget to vote!

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