Chapter 30

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Amira POV (pic of Luke above)

We enter the party and there's lights everywhere! It's full of people I don't know and it looks like LA as a party! Luke goes off to see his sister and he leaves me alone.... Someone taps my shoulder, I turn around to see a blue Nash.... No seriously he has painted himself the same blue as his eyes!

"Nice outfit Mario!" Nash says and I can tell he is drunk cuz he smells of alcohol.... Already in one hour! Wow!

"Thanks Nash, nice outfit as erm... a smu-"

"I'm the ocean! Haha it's funny right but I'm ganna go and get Erin another drink!" He says and runs off to the bar.... Okayyy....

I look to see a boy in a matchin Luigi outfit as me! I'm suprised cuz I didn't think Luigi was a popular character but it looked so much like the one I brought Cam... I walk upto the boy and tap his back, he turns around with a grin on his face, it's..... Taylor! He's wearing Cam's outfit I got him!

"Taylor!" I say hugging him, "Or shall I say Luigi!" He laughs and he looks at me up and down....

"Mario! Your okay that I wore Cam's outfit right...." He says arkwardly and I nod!

"Yh, I'm fine with that! I bet ya Cam wouldn't look as nice as you if he wore this outfit!" I say and he grins at me!

"TAYLOR!" Cam and Dill both run up to us and they see me with Taylor!

"HEY AMIRA!" Dill shouts and he's dressed up as a fireman!

"Hey.... Amira...." Cam arkwardly says and he's dressed in Molly's outfit... I frown!

"Dude there giving out free drinks!" Dill says and him and Taylor run off leaving me and Cam... Thanks Taylor and Dill! We look at each other arkwardly and I sigh....

"So how was ya hanging out with Luke...." Cam asks breaking the silence and I look up at him, his eyes glued to me...

"It was really fun actually!" say and I look at him.

"Ya look nice...." Cam says and I shake my head! WELL WE COULD HAVE MATCHED CAMERON!

"Thanks you look.... okay.... Doesn't Taylor look sick in YOUR Luigi outfit?" I say and Cam looks at me like he's trying to reply.... "Yh... I'm ganna go and get some fresh air!" I walk off leaving Cam alone!
I walk outside cuz the smell of smoke us getting to me! I see that the club has a allyway behind it and I'm in this allyway but.... I wasn't alone! I look to my left and see a boy sat on the pavement, his hands covering his face and he was crying! Whoa... I sit down next to him and he doesn't notice.

"Hey are yo-" I say but stop because the boy looks up at me and both of our eyes go wide "Sammy?"

"Amira..." He says with tears falling down his face, I wrap my arm around him and hug him!

"Sammy wat's wrong?" I ask because Sammy hardly cries, it's got to be something horrible that he's crying about!

"Erin..." He says wiping his tears from his check but that doesn't work because he continues to cry.

"What did she d-"

"I was ganna ask her out like 30 mins ago but she was all over Nash, kissing him and ev-"

"WHAT!" I shout stopping Sammy! ERIN KISSING NASH! BITCH NO!

"She's drunk Amira... And Nash is giving her drinks and he doesn't know when to stop because he is clearly drunk too!" Sammy says and we both look at each other, I know he clearly likes Erin and Erin goes kissing Nash!

"Sammy please sto-"

"When it used to be just me and the Jacks, Gilinsky always used to get the girls I liked and now it's Cam and Nash..." He says sadly and I give him a confused look. Cam? Has he been flirting with Erin or something?

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