Chapter 28

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Amira Pov (a week later)

Its been a week since me and Cam asked me out that day! The boys were all happy even Taylor! At home it's quite arkward, me and dad talk but not as much as before we did... I have missed Taylor and Dill so much thou... If ya wandering "What are ya talking about? Ya didn't leave them forever?" But it's that when I stayed with them I grew even closer to them! Dill now is like my brother, he's like Gilinsky to me and Taylor is like my boyfriend.... I know I sound really slutty about calling Taylor my boyfriend, when I'm dating Cam but it's like me and Taylor are like best friends who hold hands and etc. We practically do most girlfriend/boyfriend things but just as besties! Cam doesn't have a problem with that, sure he gets a bit jelly but he's grown used to it and he trusts me! Cam, sure he is an amazing boyfriend but it's that he treats me like a friend, we kiss and hold hands but he do suprise me with dates!

Right now me and all the boys + Erin + Lox are at my house, watchin The Fault In Our Stars! I have watched this film like 10000's of times but this was the first time the boys were watching this and let's just say I have the best seat! I'm sat between Carter, who is crying and his cry is like a dying pig! Sorry but it is funny as, it's like he's doin the crab face that Kian does! And I'm also sat next to my man-slag aka Taylor, who has tears in his eyes and when I ask him if he's crying he says that he's not..... When he obviously is.... XD

All of us are all squashed on the bed and we are on the part when Augustus tells Hazel he has cancer again and I put my head on Taylor (who's is 100% crying) shoulder....

"Beep" I get a notification that I have got a new e-mail... I go on my phone and open it up.....

Dear Amira Hopkins,

Hello I'm the manager of Hollister and we have had a survay given out to all of our customers about who they want as a new Hollister model, our results were collected in and you were one of our most requested people to be a model for us! We sent one of our employee's to the Magcon tour to see you because we found out you were dating the famous Cameron Dallas and they were impressed my your looks and agreed for you to be a model for us. I know your only 16 years old and still have to complete your studies, so we will pay for a private tutor for you, so her/she can recap all the work you missed out in class. We will also pay for anything else you need and we would want you to become a clothes model for us. If you join us our company will boast the number of customers and we will pay you for each photo shoot you do with us. This honestly is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you can become a bigger model if you start your modelling career with us. Please call the following number and book an oppointment with me ASAP!
From: The Hollister Manager

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I shout, causing everyone to jump or scream and fall off the bed! All except Taylor, he managed not to fall off the bed!

"WHAT HAPPENED!?! IS THERE A SPIDER!?" Matt shouts from the floor and he starts to panick!

"No Matt there isn't a spider..." Carter says arkwardly getting up from the floor.... I start to jump up and down on my bed, whilst everyone is getting up from the floor! Taylor grabs my phone and reads the e-mail. He looks at me and starts to jump on the bed with me, holding my hand!

"What's happened?" Shawn asks and me and Taylor still jumping together!
"HOLLISTER JUST E-MAILED ME TELLING ME THEY WANT ME TO BE A MODEL FOR THEM!" I scream and everyone's jaw drops! Sammy, Erin and Lox all stand on the bed with me and Taylor and jump with us!
"Dayum! I'm not suprised ya know Ami, cuz ya do have a flat stomach and ya thighs are like Beyonce. Plus ya ti-"
"NASH STOP CHECKING MY GIRLFRIEND OUT IN FRONT OF ME!" Cam shouts, interupting Nash and all of us stop jumping and sit on the bed...
"Come on I bet ya every in this room has checked Amira out once in their life! Everyone raise ya hands if ya have!" Nash says and everyone raises their hands except Lox, Erin and Shawn... Cam is starting to get angry!

"Well Shawn hasnt...." I say trying to cool Cam down, everyone looks at Shawn and shake their heads in disbelife...

"SHAWN!" All the boys shout except Cam and Shawn arkwardly looks at the boys.... He slowly raises his hand and Cam shakes his head angryly!

"I'm stretching guys....." Shawn says when he is just putting his hand up....

"Urggg for god sake!" Cam says and storms out of the room, leaving us in silence and all the boys are still looking at me....

"What?!?" I say sitting back down, I put my hand on my head and sigh.... I wanted to become a model and I got the opportunity and Cam doesn't want me to....

"Hey r you okay cutie...." Taylor says sitting next to me and he wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him....

"No.... It's just that I wanted to become a model that was like my dream and I'm practically touching this opportunity and Cam doesn't want me to do my dream..." I say looking up at Taylor and he sighs...

"Look I don't know why he's upsett for but if I was ya boyfriend I would let ya do anythin ya want! But just don't be sad and check on Cameron!" Taylor says and I roll my eyes... "Now all I want ya to do is show my that priceless smile and don't roll ya eyes they might fall out!" He puts two fingers on my check, one of one check and makes me smile! I hug Taylor and get up to find Cam....

I find him outside in his car, sat at the front with his hands on his head..... I open the door and he looks up at me emotionless.... I sit in the passanger seat and look at him....

"Cam are you okay?" I ask softly and he rolls his eyes....

"No, I know modeling is ya dream but I sound like a jerk tellin ya not to do it...." He says looking back down at his feet and I put my hand in his hair, combing it with my fingers to calm him down.... That's what I do to calm Cam and Tay down it works on them, I advise ya NOT to do it on Dill cuz once I did and he sexually moaned....

"Why don't ya want me to take this opportunity?" I ask and I keep on combing his soft hair with my fingers, he looks up at me....

"Because I don't want any other guys looking at ya, it's bad enough to know that all the boys in out group have checked ya out....." He says sadly and I weakly smile at him.... I understand what he means and honestly I get jelly when his fans touch him.... So I guess I will have to leave it and work at Costa.... FREE COFFEE for me....

"...I guess I wont do it then....." I say opening the car door but Cam stops me by grabing my arm!

"That's the thing about you Amira, you easily will give up ya dream just because of me.... I know ya get jealous when my fans get close to me but you didn't stop me from fulfiling my dream and I aint ganna be a good boyfriend by stoppin ya becoming a model..... Do it!" He says and he eyes widen up! CAM'S A MIND READER!

"Wat??!??" I say uneasily because I don't want Cam to be jokin or somein....

"I said.... Become a model!" He says smiling at me and I scream! OMG! HE'S LETTIN ME DO IT!

"OMG! CAMERON I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH!" I shout really excitingly and Cam laughs by my enthusiasm!

"I love ya too babygirl!" He says and smashes his lips onto mine!

Dreams are turing reality.....

So a bit of Cami drama up! I had to add some drama but the next Chapter is ganna be a big one! I know this one is boring but still at least I updated today! Don't forget to vote! I will see you tomorrow with another update and X

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