Chapter 11

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Amira POV

"So Ami why is Cathy and ur dad getting Jack and her stuff?" Matt asks and all eyes go on me....

"Well I know this sounds crazy but Cathy and Jack are ganna be living here with me and dad..." I say and all the boys eyes go wide...

I look to see that there is no more seats on the couch and I sigh.... Taylor grabs my hand and puls me to sit on his lap! He grins at me and I smile back at him, messing up his hair.

"Wait... why is Jack and Cathy staying here?" Carter asks and I look at Gilinsky giving him the "Do we tell em?" look and he shrugs back.... I guess I'm ganna have to tell the boys....

"Well it's cuz Cathy and dad are dating...." I say cashually and all the boys look shocked accept from Cam, who looks happy?

"WHAT!" JJ, Aaron and Sammy shout.... At the same time...

"ZAAYYYUUUMMM!" Nash shouts after them.

"Ya lying right?" Matt asks and I shake my head...

"Well dayum..." Carter says quietly and I laugh.

"That's good right? Cuz your dads finally found love?" Shawn asks and Gilinsky rolls his eyes.

"Yh... I guess so..." I reply, I look at Taylor and he's just frozen... He hasn't said a word... Is he okay? I smile and him and he weekly smiles back at me...

"Wait! So you and Gilinsky are ganna be step siblings?" Cam ask and I nod at him. He has a massive grin on his face and Gilinsky gets up.... We all look up at him...

"I'm ganna hang out with a friend..." He says rudely and JJ looks sad...

"But Jack, we are all here!" JJ says and Jack sighs...

"Fine I will stay but this is ganna be so fucking boring!" Gilinsky says and sits back down...

"Let's go and watch a movie on the tv!" I say and all the boys cheer!

"Which one?" Nash shouts and I shrug... I go and get the movie box and I put it on the table infront of the boys...

"Find one from here and I will go get drinks!" I say and all the boys dive into the box to find a movie!

I go into the kitchen and grab some crisps, sweets, popcorn and then I go and get a massive bottle of coke! I open the cupboard door which has all the glasses in but It's right at the top! I jump and try to reach them but I can't! Suddenly someone puts there warm hands on my hips and lifts me up... Who is it?? I swear it's Taylor! I can reach the glasses and I bring them down. The person puts me down softly and I turn around to see who did it!

"Cam!" I say and he grins at me!

"Yh the boys were going crazy for food and I wanted to see what took ya long! I saw that u couldn't reach and I thought that I should help ya..." Cameron says happily and I smile back!

"Thanks!" I say and he gives me a hug.

"Can I ask ya somein... Does ya dad like me..." He asks nervously, scratching his neck arkwardly... AWWW!

"Yh I think he does! But why are you asking?" I ask and he sighs in relief!

"Cuz him and Taylor... they seemed to know each other and your dad seems to like him more than me...

"No! It's not like tht! It's that my dad knows Taylor, so don't worry!" I say and I pour the coke in the glasses! I pick up the glasses and Cam carries the food, we go inside and we put it on the table. Matt literally raids the food and I laugh..

"So where do I sit?" I ask and Taylor stands up, picks me up bridal style and puts him on the couch next to him! On my left is Taylor, on my right is Cam and all the rest of the boys have blankets and pillow on the floor...

"Which movie is this?" I ask Taylor...

"Paranormal Activity 2!" Taylor says and I stiffen up... I cannot watch horror!

"It's fine it ain't scary!" Cam whispers into my ear and I'm still fucking scared!

The movie starts and in the first 5 minutes I have screamed about 10 times and all the boys laugh at me... Half way through the movie I am practically sat on Cam and he slowly wraps his arms around me... I see Gilinsky glaring at us but when he sees me looking at him he turns away....

Jack G POV

Cameron wraped his arms around Ami, who was literally sat on him.... What a dick! Ami looks at me in confusion and all I can say is dayum! She is just so dweigdwq! I know mum and Martin and Mum might marry and Ami will be my step- SISTER but who gives a fuck! We aint blood related and that means I can date her! Living with her is a bonus and gets me ahead of Cam, Sammy is out of the picture and I know he still loves her.... But someone else is the problem! Someone actaully has a better chance with her and that person is.... Taylor! I know you must be thinking "What the hell Jack?" Or the famous line "There just best friends?" But like fucking hell you can tell so badly that Taylor likes her! How he looks at her and I know when he asks her out she will gladly say yes... But I need Amira to be mine! And she will......

Cameron POV

Thank god I cancelled my dentst appointment for this or she most likley would have done this to Taylor.... Her dad likes me I think, she's close with me and she even likes me but Taylor is beating me to it! But oh well Ami and him are just best friends and I doubt that anything is ganna happen between them two! Molly was just a prop for me to get closer to Ami and trust me it worked! I know Gilinsky likes her and Sammy does too but Ami is ganna be mine! I have planned everything for tonight and its ganna be perfect!


Looking at Ami and Cam on the couch together made me feel jealous.... Ami is literally the best person I ever know and we are just besties! I know if I asked her out I would have the most chance out off all the boys that she will say yes but I just dont wanna ruin our friendship plus I dont like her in that way! Her dad likes me, trusts me the most, shes more comfortable around me but I wouldnt risk ANYTHING to loose such a amazing bestie like Ami! But I promise I will be with her 24/7 and she will never be alone.....


Do I still love Amira? Yes! Do I want to date her again? More than anything! But do I have a chance with her? No...... Come on! Look at her with Cam right now! They are so close and it hurts that they suit each other! Her and Taylor are fucking close to, I know they say there just friends but come on! Look at them when they are together! They are practically magnets and it's IMPOSSIBLE to even try to break them up! And finally Gilinsky..... He is another fucker who likes her too! Before it looked like he had NO chance with her but now cuz they live with each other..... He's got a fucking bonus! He aint ganna keep it civial for his mum! I know Jack and he wont! But what I can say is that Jack can fuck up thou and Ami is the most stubbon person I ever met! So thats a fucking bonus! But I think I should back away from Ami now cuz she aint ganna get back with me! And I guess I'm ganna have to be that friend that she goes to when she's troubled..... I admitt I have given up hope but the 3 years that I have spent with Ami where the best moments of my life!

SOOOOO! I added the POV's of the 4 boys that she has a good chance with and you can see what they thought! I still ship her with Tay Bae but Cam has a plan.... Comment what you think it is and comment what you think Ami's ganna say! There will be more drama! Trust me! Dont forget to vote...... X

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