Chapter 34

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Chizu's POV

Rin: How's work, Big sister?

Chizu: It's tiring but okay

Rene: Oh

(y/n): Guys! Dinner's ready

Everyone: *walks to the dining table*

Chizu: Oh onigiri and sushi!

Cecil: What fillings did you put in the onigiri?

(y/n): A couple of them have bonito flakes, salmon, and pickled plum while some are plain. I even put them in order so you guys can know which is which. Aijima, I know you don't like fish, so I made some onigiri with Hijikirikawa's help

Masato: *nods*

Cecil: Wow thanks you two😄

Ranmaru: What are we waiting for? Let's eat

Everyone else: *nods and took a seat on the chair* itadakimasu!

Ai: Oh yeah, Chizu

Chizu: Hm?

Ai: *whispered to her ear* Have you or Tokiya made a move on each other?

Chizu: No, I haven't even had a first kiss *blushes*

Ai: 😳 R-really?!

Guys except for the twins, Tokiya, Ranmaru and Cecil: Huh?

I have to put my head down since I feel like I was ashamed of myself as Ai looked over at Tokiya and looked back at me. She assured me that it will come soon as I slowly nodded and continued to eat. While eating, I felt tears falling onto my hand as I just realized I was crying. Why? I have no idea. Ai just noticed me with tears as she quietly asked if I was okay, which I shook my head and got out of my seat. I know it's useless to cry over not having a first kiss with someone, but to me it hurts. I have been dating Tokiya for 2 years and we haven't had our first kiss nor a first date with each other. I started to cry after I walked out of the room and sat down on the stairs of the mansion. Ai and (y/n) walked over to where I am and comforted me as I continued to sob everything out. (y/n) might ask Tokiya about me as Ai held my hand and rubbing my back with her other hand. I told (y/n) that it's okay and that I was just crying over a useless kiss. Then I heard footsteps, looked up to see Tokiya and wiped out the remaining tears off my face. When I went to look at him, I noticed that he was... frowning and worried about me? Wait huh?

Tokiya: Mikaze-senpai, Hirawa-san

(y/n): Yeah, let's go Ai

Ai: *nods* We'll see you back at the table

Tokiya: *nods as he looked at his girlfriend* Chizu, what's the matter?

Chizu: It's nothing. Really, it's nothing *stands up and walked down*

Tokiya: *grabs Chizu's wrist and turned her around so she can face him* Chizu, I know you're hiding something. Be honest with me and tell me what's wrong

Chizu: *starts to tear up* Oh god......not again *sniffling*

Tokiya: *finally realized what she was crying about* Chizu...

Chizu: What?! I told you, it's really nothi-

Tokiya: *pressed his lips onto Chizu's*

Chizu: 😳 *slowly closed her eyes and kissed back*

Tokiya: *breaks the kiss* Is this...... what you're crying about *covered his mouth with his hand while blushing*

Chizu: *silent before nodding* Yeah...

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