Chapter 29

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Rene's POV

I didn't know that I have a fever when I started to get tired for some reason. I was laying down on big brother's bed as Mochi, his cat, walked into the room and hopped onto the bed. She knew that I was sad and that I can't eat sukiyaki with everyone downstairs as Mochi quietly meowed and snuggled up to me. I let out a small laugh as I petted her head before I heard the door opened. I looked up to see big brother walking up to the bed and went to touched my forehead which he sighed and asked me if I still want to eat sukiyaki which I slowly nodded. He smiled lightly as he went to the bathroom to get something which it was a face mask. I went to grab the mask, put it on my face so it covers my nose and mouth as he carried me and started walking out of his bedroom with Mochi behind us. He closed the door behind him as he started walking down the stairs and walked into the living where everyone including my twin sister Rin were eating sukiyaki. She looked up and tells big brother to set me down between her and Ai nee-san so we can eat together.

Ai: Rene, are you feeling okay? *touched his forehead*

Rene: *nods as he was about to stand up, but was pulled down by his twin sister*

Rin: Let big brother bring some for you, Rene

Rene: But...

(y/n): It's okay Rene. Come on, what do you want?

Rene: *sighs* tofu and some meat

(y/n): Okay, give me your bowl

Rene: *picked up the bowl and handed it to (y/n)* Thanks

Otoya: Nee, after we finish eating, wanna play board games with us, Rene?

Rene: Sure😀

Rin: I also wanted to play

Natsuki: Sure Rin-chan😄

Masato: *looks at (y/n)* you like taking care of the twins?

(y/n): Hm? Ah yes. As the eldest son of the family, I have to take care of my younger siblings. *hands Rene his bowl of tofu and meat*

Cecil: That's very caring of you, (y/n)

(y/n): Thanks 😄

Rin: Oh yeah! Mom and Dad told us that you guys are living together. Is that true, big brother?!

(y/n): *nods*

Rene: Then, can we come every weekend if possible?

(y/n): Yeah 😄

Rin, Rene: Yay!

STARISH, Quartet Night except Camus and Ranmaru: 'So cute!'

After Dinner

Rin, Otoya-nii, Natsuki-nii, Syo-nii, Reiji-oji, Mr. Flirt and I were playing one of the board games that big brother has as he and the others were relaxing. Big brother comes over to the table and sets down some ranmune for us to drink. I picked out the blueberry flavored drink while Rin gets the melon flavored one. Then, big brother patted my head, asking if I'm better which of course I was as he smiled, walked back to the others and chat with them. I continued playing with the others as we're having fun with laughing and all other things. After 10 minutes of playing, we cleaned up the table as Reiji-oji told me and Rin to go to bed first. We both nodded as we ran up to big brother and hugged his legs. He let out a chuckle and picked the two of us up as he tells Ai nee-san to come with us. She nods as me and Rin said our good nights to everyone else before going to big brother's bedroom.

Your POV

Rin: Rene, let's go and get ready for bed

Rene: Okay

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