Part 1 of 2

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Warning curse word

Third Person

The four sides open the door slowly and are blinded by the light. They haven't been outside in a long time so it's kind of nice to have light instead of being trapped in the darkness. Virgil rubs his eyes and almost smiles. They continue to walk forward and don't see Remus or Deceit anywhere. They have just disappeared. They all look at each other thinking the same thing," Where did they go?"

Virgil pulls Patton's cardigan around him even tighter while Patton hugs his arm.Logan shifts his duffle back slightly and pushes up his glasses. 'Where could they have gone?' He thinks to himself. Logan looks up suddenly and notices Remus jumping down from the roof trying to attack Roman with his mace in hand. "Roman, look out!" Logan shouts as a warning. The others turn quickly and Roman stops his attack with his sword.

They battle for a moment with no avail. The weapons clashing together and then they both bounce back ready for a counterattack.They are equal in strength and with their fighting technique.They seem to almost be mimicking each other. Like they were fighting a mirror, except one was wearing red and white and the other green and black.

Logan drops his duffle bag and tries to help Roman with his small blade. While Remus is turned Logan tries to strike, but is stopped by a long gold staff. His knife hits it hard not even making a dent. Deceit pushes Logan away from the twins slightly. " Now Logan, two against one is hardly fair. Let's try to make this a little more even," Deceit says with a vile grin.

Logan rolls his eyes and they begin their fight. Logan's blade may be longer than most, but is small in comparison to Deceit's sold gold staff. Deceit is obviously stronger than Logan and seems to have trained with the staff for many years, but Logan can predict the probability of his next move. Deceit lunges forward fast almost smacking Logan's head, but he moves seconds before barely missing Deceit's attack.

Roman and Remus seemed like they were dancing with each other. Everything seemed graceful and on point, like they were performing a routine. Roman would leap over his mace missing it by inches as Remus would dive underneath his sword. You could tell they were waiting for the other to make a mistake.

Their weapons clashed again and they pushed towards each other," Come on Roman is that the best you can do!" Remus says with a laugh. Roman pushes him away and Remus falls back slightly, but regains balance quickly. Roman smiles," Is that the best you can do?" Remus scowls and their fight continues.

Logan and Deceit are a different story. Sure there is no clear winner at the moment, but Logan is falling fast. He barely misses Deceit's charge and they skim him slightly. He strikes back with his knife hard trying to find his most vulnerable spot. Logan dodges to the left and is surprised when Deceit advances to right hitting him hard in the side.

Virgil and Patton watch from a safe distance away and see Logan holding his side as Deceit looks amused. Virgil steps forward while Patton grabs his arm holding him back. " What are you doing?" Virgil asked. " They don't want you involved, you've been through enough," Patton says worriedly. " But they need our help!" Virgil says tugging harder. Patton holds on tighter ," No, I can't lose you again!"

Logan falls to ground out of breath. Deceit hovers over him like he just caught his prey. Virgil pulls again, " Please, you will lose much more than me if you don't let me go!" Virgil says with panic in his voice. Patton looks over Virgil's shoulder and sees the horrible scene, he shudders at the sight. Virgil faces toward him again making eye contact," Dad, please!" Patton hesitates for a moment before releasing his dark strange son with a look of grief.

Deceit looks down at Logan with disgust. He pulls his staff down and places it underneath his chin raising it a little." I expected a lot more from you Logic," Deceit says while slowly pushing his staff down with more pressure. Logan doesn't react and glares into his eyes. " Oh, are we done now? Have we given up after coming so far? I thought you were here to protect Thomas. Are we out of logical thinking?" Deceit says with a grin.

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