Chapter 19: Grieving

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Russetfur's POV

Snowkit and Ratkit were nestled at my belly. After Frostykit's death Fernshade sleeps with me in the nursery to keep my kits warm.

I wonder how your doing Blackfoot I asked to myself.

Suddenly, Hollyflower walked into camp, "Russetfur could you get Tallpoppy to watch your kits for a bit?"

I frowned, "Why?"

"After you do go get Rowanberry, Cinderfur, Fernshade and Flintfang please" she walked away.

I walked over to Tallpoppy, "Could you watch my kits for a bit please?" She nodded "Of course."

After that was set up I got Rowanberry, Cinderfur, Fernshade and Flintfang, we headed to where Hollyflower was.

She was with Nightstar.

"What is the meaning of this Hollyflower?" He asked.

"Follow me" she turned into the forest.

I looked puzzled at Fernshade but we followed the old she-cat anyways. She brought us to the edge of our border where there was a grave.

It looked newly dug, there were rocks and a flower placed on it.

"Who was buried here?" Rowanberry asked.

"Blackfoot, Tangleburr, Stumpytail and Boulder were here" she said.

My heart skipped, "Blackfoot was here?"

She nodded, Fernshade, Flintfang and Rowanberry looked joyful too.

Cinderfur looked at the grave then at Hollyflower, "You didn't say my father's name... is this his grave?"

We all froze I saw grief in Hollyflower's eyes, I knew the answer already.

"I'm so sorry" Hollyflower whispered, "Brokenstar ordered them to attack ThunderClan, Blackfoot said he was killed by two warriors, Fireheart and Graystripe."

Rowanberry buried her face in my shoulder and cried, "Shh shh It's okay" Fernshade soothed.

"Nightstar? Are you alright?" Flintfang asked.

I looked at our leader, "Nightstar?" He was hunched over Clawface's grave, "What happened to Brokenstar?" He said hoarsly.

Hollyflower walked over to him, "Blackfoot said ThunderClan killed him, then left him behind to die, so Blackfoot as taken on leadership of their group."

I remembered Clawface was Nightstar's brother. While he was sick Clawface helped look after his little brother.

"I'm sorry Nightstar, I know what it's to lose a brother" Flintfang said.

The black tom turned to look at him, "let's go back to camp."

We headed back to camp, my kits were awake and playing with Dawncloud, "Russetfur!" They squealed when they saw me.

"Where did you go?" Snowkit wailed.

"I'm sorry I left" I soothed them.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the High Rock for a Clan meeting!" Nightstar called.

"Can we go momma can we please?" Ratkit gave me wide eyes.

I laughed, "Alright, but be quiet and listen to Nightstar."

He waited for all of to be quiet before speaking, "Brokenstar was drove out by ThunderClan, as we all know but we also helped drive out some of ShadowClan's most loyal warriors."

"My brother Clawface, who was exile has past to StarClan, he was buried by a tree at the edge of our border, I am now telling all of you if you see Tangleburr, Stumpytail, Boulder or Blackfoot…"

He paused, "Tell them by my orders as clan leader they are allowed back into ShadowClan."

The crowd roared with excitment and anger, "They were exiled for a reason!" Blizzardwing snarled.

"Shut up!" I roared at him.

Everyone became quiet, "Nightstar is leader, the warrior code says that the leaders words are law!" I explained.

"She's right" Runningnose said.

"They were exiled without a fair trial!"

"We'll bring them back!"

Snowkit nudged me, "I though you said Blackfoot was living away from camp."

"But everyone says he's an Exile warrior!" Ratkit hissed.

I sighed, "It's time I tell you what really happened..."


Yay their allowed back! Finally they can be warriors! What will russetfur tell her kits? Stay tune to find out!

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