Part 30: Ashton

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Playlist: Something You Need by Against The Current, Paralyzed by Against the Current, Gravity by Against the Current, Closer, Faster by Against The Current, I Wanna Get Better by Bleachers, Hotel Ceiling by Rixton, Is There Somewhere by Halsey (SO HEY EVERYONE!! Quick little message: I created a spotify playlist (here is the link:  filled with all the songs that remind me of MASH (yes they officially have a ship name, thanks to my friend Oma!) and that I use to write! It is a collaborative playlist so you guys can follow it and add songs that you think go perfect with the fanfic! Hope you guys like this! <3 Now onto the update!!!!!)

 “I was falling in love with you Ashton…” she murmured, the words surprising them as she said them. 

He knew he had to speak, he had to say something but he had no clue what to say… Should he tell her, should he confess his feelings as well? Should he say what he had figured out months ago as soon as he had let her walk out of his room, believing such a lie?

The more he battled out his inner thoughts and what would be the best thing to say to her, the silence continued to drag on before he felt her leave the bed all together. He watched as she hurriedly moved, his body sitting down on reflex.

Say something! He mentally kicked himself but all that came out of his lips was a sigh. What could he say? He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration but just as he was about to say something, she beat him to it.

 “I need to shower… I have to find Heather and talk to her…” she said too quickly, not looking at him before she stormed out of the room all together. She left him sitting there, staring at the empty room around him.

“Dammit…” he grumbled softly, angrily running his hand through his hair once again before he stepped out of bed and quickly got dressed.

What was he supposed to do now? Did he really have to keep messing up?

He searched through his pockets for his phone, seeing countless of missed calls from the boys and angry/worried messages from Calum. He knew he had to let them know soon that he was okay but not yet. Not while they could still stop him. He first needed to fix things with Mia.

He figured while she showered, he could get them both some coffee and breakfast. A sort of peace offering? He had no clue what he was doing…

He finished slipping on his shoes before he headed out the door. Now that he was sober and it was day time the place looked so much more different than it did when he had gotten there the night before. Although, getting there in general was a haze to him.

“Ashton?” A voice called out a few steps in front of him.

“You know the guy who just came out of my dorm room?” Another female asked.

Ashton stopped talking and looked between the two girls, instantly he recognized the girl who had worked in the bar the night before and that he had coincidentally taken back to his hotel room.

“Hey.” He said, his hand slipping into his pocket. “I didn’t expect to see you here… umm…” He trailed off. What was her name again?

“Bee.” She reminded him as if she had been able to read his thoughts. “I can’t say the same thing, I sort of figured you would have come here after asking me last night. So I told Lilly here to crash at my place.” She said as if she had done him this huge favor. Which she probably sort of did…

“You really hadn’t had to do that… thank you, I guess.” He said.

“Don’t mention it.” She replied quickly, smiling easily at him much like she had done time and time again while he had sat at the hotel bar. “But since you’re off so early in the morning I take it things didn’t work out?”

Nosy one wasn’t she?

“I wouldn’t say they didn’t. I’m just going to get some coffee so if you excuse me.” He said before picking up his steps as he began to make his way out again. She stopped him though, her hand on his shoulder.

“If you ever need a friend, you know where to find me.” She said, smiling before she let her hand slide down his arm and disappeared with her friend into the dorm room. He furrowed his brows as he stared at them, long after the door had closed.

An uneasy feeling had settled onto him as he hurried down the building steps and in search for a coffee shop. He wondered if she would say something to Mia, stir some trouble on her own. He had no clue what kind of girl she was, he didn’t really know her.

It worried him that he would not beat the clock and be there by the time Mia left the shower. That much was confirmed as he opened the door to the coffee spot and saw the line in front of the register.

A Simple Mistake || Ashton Irwin (completed)Where stories live. Discover now