I walked back with three bags from Burger King. I was an idiot and didn't know what she wanted. So I ordered a lot of food. I groaned out. I used a regular grocery bag to put the bags of Burger King inside while I carried the drinks with my other hand. I am an idiot. But I hope she is very hungry. I made sure the food is freshly made. I heard yelling and beeping. I felt confused so I got closer. The sounds were coming from Gwen's room. My heart plummets and I rushed forward. I didn't drop anything because I know Gwen. She would kill me.

I entered the room and I noticed the doctor flashing a light in her eyes while a nurse administered something. Her eyes wouldn't stop moving side to side. Panic attack? It couldn't be. Was someone in here? I don't see the secretary anywhere.

"She is stable... Seems like a panic attack... Let's readjust her so her muscles can relax" the doctor says

Never seen Gwen have a panic attack like that so I asked worriedly "Is she alright now?"

"Yes... Though tomorrow I'll take her to the MRI to do a check up on her brain" the Doctor answers calmly "For now... When she calms down and is ready you can give her something to eat... It may also be the problem here..."

"I'll notify the secretary to schedule a few appointments to get certain areas checked..." I say out loud

"That's should be good... But tomorrow MRI... I'll notify her about that..." Doctor tells me as he walks out of the room

The nurse moves Gwen's hair as she was fixed correctly. She was breathing calmly now. But she was staring at the roof. Something happened while I was gone. I'll talk to her when she is completely calmed and has completely eaten. I moved the table and placed the food by her. The Nurse closes the door behind her but I felt her stare. Maybe I am just paranoid. After the whole Savannah incident yesterday I have been paranoid. I hear the grumbling of her tummy and her face started turning red. The food got to her. It made a gentle laugh erupt from inside of me. I hope this can be kept forever.

I know things will happen on the way. It is unavoidable. But one learns from the craziness of the world. And if she accepts to stay by my side for all eternity then I will show her the world. Even the hidden world that humans don't know about. She could see dragons. Sirens. Mermaids. Lamia's. Fairies. Werewolves. Unicorns. Hellhounds. Demon's. Centaurs. Everything.

Raven would be excited if she sees our world. We are a close group but because we can talk about our world when we're alone. When in public we say it through code. We don't want humans thinking we are crazy. Or worse. Hunters. There are still those who hunt us and sell our parts in the black market. Some species went into hiding because of them. Only the elders of elders can find them. Or call out to them. Rumor has it that only pure of hearts can see them but that's just a rumor. Hunters would have used the most innocent child as bait. If Gwen knew about this she would have used her ways to rescue everyone. She has a kind heart. I sighed out and just looked at her as she fidgets with her fingers.

"I have never had a panic attack like that before..." She commented as she looks the other way

I sighed out and say "Things happen... You'll learn from it... If it's too hard then I will be here"

I could see a smile appear "So... What did you being me!?"

She slowly does her best to sit up and so I explained "I didn't know what you wanted exactly so I got you almost everything... Though two large fries and two large onion rings... To share"

She giggles and opens the bag "I'll start it off with a whopper..."

I smiled and so I decided to turn the TV on. It was already in Nickelodeon. They had SpongeBob SquarePants on and so she looked upwards excited. She is such a little kid sometimes. In a way I know what she loves to eat in Burger King but that always depends on her mood. Next time I should ask. Something is waved near my peripheral vision and I returned to earth basically. She tried waving the large fries at me. It made me chuckle. I rolled my eyes and accepted the fries. I expected her to eat the fries and me eating the Onion Rings. Seems like she is dividing it. My phone vibrates but I ignored it. I am with Gwen right now. Watching a child's show and eating Burger King.

I wouldn't change this for anything in the world. The circumstances yes. But Burger King and Nickelodeon? Nop. It's rare to watch TV together. After the whole accident I had. But when we were kids. We would watch Cartoon Network for hours as well as Nickelodeon Disney and other kid channels. My dad never minded Gwen coming over and eat Pop Corn with us while watching TV. Back then mom was alive. So Gwen's mom and my mom would stay up all night doing something they called Girls Night. While Dad went on business trips. So Gwen and I would watch TV until we fall asleep. I think only once Gwen and I got too curious and we tried one of their fruity drinks.

Our moms panicked as we looked sick to the core. Back then I wasn't boyish. I would watch My Little Pony with Gwen. Barbie movies. Girly shows to say the least. Dad always thought I would turn gay. He even panicked when Gwen used me as a practice doll with her mom's make up. That day was hilarious. Back then I thought if I put makeup on was scary but in the end it was because he didn't want me to get bullied by other people for being someone different. Three years ago he thought I was gay when Jacob came by to visit. It only made us laugh out loud.

I looked to the side and saw the giggling mess of my fiancee. She had crumpled up the whopper wrapper and she grabs her soda. What kind of wedding would she like? Where would she like it? When? In what way? Would it be a big wedding? Or a small wedding?

My mouth had the mind if it's own with this question "When would you like to get married?"

She spit out the soda and it made me burst into laughter "What?"

"We are getting married... Do you have a date in mind?" I asked slowly my laughter basically

I coughed a bit calming myself "Well... How about in two years?"

I didn't expect it so I asked "Why so long?"

"I want to now you better... Plus I want to go to college... I want to study two things..." She admits while blushing

"I thought you weren't going to college..." I joked a little

Her blushing got worse "Well... I want to learn more... So I thought it wouldn't hurt to study International Bakery and International Cooking"

I smiled gently while saying "So you want to learn new recipes as well as substitute ingredients that you wish to use if something is not complete or allergies"

"Yeah... Plus I love making things with my hands... So being a creative baker would be really fun!" She says excited

It just made me smile at this crazy girl. I signed out and just watched TV with this girl while eating. I am excited for our own future. I want to be by her side and make sure she has everything. But two years. I'll do my best to learn all about the business. Expand it even. Hire a manager to be in my place as CEO to watch over the company while I have my own time with my future wife. I glanced at her as she was laughing. I felt my heart warm up. This is real. I want this to last forever. Never ending laughs. Never ending giggles. Never ending smiles. 

Never ending love. 

I Kissed a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now