We watched an action movie being that I don't have the heart to see a horror. Nor anything romantic. Though she isn't much of a romantic type. I outstretched my arm as I placed it behind her. We had left all the bags in my car as I brought her here. She is a giggling bunch as this action movie has a bit of comedy. She is such an adorable monster. I sighed out as I just rested back. Relaxing to this moment. She rests on my chest as drinks her coke and I felt surprised. She has never laid on my chest before? Maybe I should tell her to get off. I don't want her getting the wrong idea.

I looked down to tell her off in the way we usually get our sarcasm out. But the way her eyes looked at me I froze. Forgetting about everyone around me. She had removed the straw from her lips and just tilt her head slightly. She had the cutest confusion ever but I just didn't speak. I didn't dare say anything. I just got closer to her. The whole place darkening or is it my vision? But who cares. This is the perfect moment to finally kiss her.

She just stayed there as I leaned in towards her. The sounds around us gone and so I just wanted to feel her lips. Those soft lips of hers. I laid my hand on top of hers and held it gently. Her eyes slowly closing as she also leans in. My whole body inching closer. I don't want to hurry. I don't want her to think of me as a pervert. But in a way I just can't help thinking of the way her body is against my own. No clothes. Just us making out in pure darkness and making love.

An explosion was what interrupted our moment and people almost screaming. She had looked forward and I clenched my jaw. Almost. I should have chosen something boring. I sighed out and just looked forward at the movie. Her hand never left my own and so I am in an awkward position right know. But I don't care. I rested my cheek on the top of her head and the scent of strawberry coco hits my senses. Its so sweet. Its not even that strong.

I don't want this ever end.

But in the end it did. Yesterday we had a blast as we went back into reality and ate so much nachos and popcorn. Then we went to Apple Bee's and drank like crazy as we ate something simple. We had lots of fun. But I am an idiot because I fucking forgot to give her the ring. 'I am an idiot!' I scratched my head hard but am at the dinner table and I look very much weird. Dad is with me and he is staring at me as if I am crazy. I am not going crazy I am just stressed. I stared at the food in my plate and I just wasn't feeling much hunger.

The cup full of thick warm blood wasn't appetizing and so I pushed it gently forward. I just can't help but think of Gwen. Think of all the fun we had yesterday and the idiot inside me that forgot to remind of the damn ring. I want to hand it to her so she can be protected. So everyone thinks its official. I just breathed out and just looked at Dad. Who is still staring at me as if I have gone crazy. But you could still see the hint of worriedness from his eyes.

He sighs out and spoke "Tell me son... What seems to be the matter?"

"I don't know Father... I know this is all a facade and even Gwen knows this is a facade but... I just can't help but want to keep seeing her smile" I tell him as I looked at my hands

"Explain further..." Father comments gently

I sighed out and pulled out the ring as I say "I was going to give this to her so everyone can still keep thinking we are still engaged but we had so much fun that I even forgot that we aren't actually engaged"

He made a hum sound and a gentle smile spreads on his face as he spoke "Maybe the good ol times is creeping up your heart..."

"What?" I asked curiously

"Back then you would never leave Gwen's side... Not for one bit... But this Mitsuki girl came along and you would get so jealous that you even tried getting her suspended so many times" Dad jokes a bit

My whole face heats up and I say "I don't remember that..."

"Well of course not... You had an accident the following month... We were so worried because you hadn't woken up..." Dad says as he looks at me he continues speaking though "Gwen came to visit you so many times she was so worried about you... But when you woke up she was revealing her feelings for you... Out of the blue you snapped at her and shunned her away... I think that is what broke your friendship with her"

I felt confused and I say "No... That day I remember... It was Mitsuki who came to visit me when I woke up"

"Well son... Your hatred for her was so deep that even your brain acted on its own to a different person..." Dad tells me as he stands from his chair slowly

"Fuck..." I commented angry at myself

"Though in the end... Last year maybe... You came to me saying you had felt a certain emotion towards Mitsuki and I felt shocked... But you still wouldn't stop talking about Gwen... You barely knew Mitsuki but without even noticing you knew everything about Gwen..." Dad explains one last time before he is gone

My whole world snapping back into reality as my mind started to hurt a lot. How come I don't remember that time? How come I imagined Mitsuki when awakening from a coma? But rage deep in me started to flourish and all I want to do is make Mitsuki mad. I had a bad idea and in a way Gwen can't do anything about it. She doesn't have Facebook. She thought of it as unhelpful and boring. Not even Mitsuki convinced her. Well Gwen does get bullied in school back then she wouldn't be happy being sent videos or photos of our prank wars.

Even at the dance school. She would come over just to prank me so hard that even the school warned us. Dad enrolled her in the school for just these week. He wanted her to experience new things and learn a little ball room dancing. That's the type of music it will be played mostly at the fancy party. I just sighed out and tried to remember everything. I want to remember as much as I can but what dad says is true. I barely know anything about Mitsuki. Well to be honest the only thing I know about her is she likes Latin Foods and shopping. Is all I know.

Gwen I basically know everything about her. Her favorite colors are dark blue dark red and black at times when she is very happy a dark purple. The food she loves to eat even though she eats a lot of chicken is Japanese food. She likes the way they make breakfast and lunch with these cute designs with food.  Her favorite sport is Volleyball and Dodge Ball. To hurt others with the ball is what makes her really smile and laugh. Her favorite spot to feel relaxed or calm down is a warm drink while staring out the window at a rainy day. She loves the moist forest smell after every rainy day.

She loves nature walks and animals. Her favorite animal is bats wolves snakes obviously cats and dogs. She has always dreamed of having a home with little neighbors and have pets. See wild animals. She always dreamed of a water themed wedding if she has the budget in the future but she is undecided with river or ocean. Her favorite genre in books is usually Fantasy and Romance. Usually Werewolf or Vampire Romance. Ironic. Every morning when she wakes up she would usually do her hygienics first and clean if she remembers then breakfast. She loves Waffles for breakfast. Her favorite flowers are Roses Sun Flowers and Marigold's.

She has always wanted to see a black rose but those are rare to find so she always settles with the fake one. Her favorite holiday is Halloween and Valentine's Day. Her signature in many of her arts is a heart shaped G. She has such kind soul so even when she hates someone to death she would never wish death upon them. Even if the person she hates when she sees them wounded she helps. Whenever you need her she will help no matter the cost.

I have fallen for Gwen and I have denied it for so long. Am an idiot. I can't believe myself. All this time. Laughing at annoying her. Laughing at her jokes. Wanting to see her everyday. Wanting to hold her hand. Wanting to see every emotion. Leaving random gifts Just to see her reactions. Staring at her eyes for so long. Her voice. I don't understand myself. I should have noticed how I felt for Gwen than with Mitsuki. 

Am I in love with Gwen?

I Kissed a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now