What do I do? What is happening? This woman is completely crazy. Why did she get us here? How did she send me a message through Julian's number? Who was that man who picked me up? I am so confused and terrified at the same time. I looked at the woman who looks really happy and turned on at the same time. She licks her hands as she stares at Julian and then glances at me. She lets her hand fall and looks at me fully as her head tilts to the side. Her smile looking like a serial killers.

"I will show you the true Julian... Messing around with mates is the best feeling I have ever had!" she yells out in joy

Mates? What does she mean by that? My whole body started shaking as I felt so much fear. Maybe I should have stayed home and let Julian call me. I should have never come here. I heard a groan and I looked back at the fighting and she had punched him in his gut and then kicked him. He falls on his side as he clutches his stomach in pain. He coughs a little and I felt so much fear and worriedness deep inside me.

"RAVEN GET HER OUT OF HERE... NOOW!!!!" Julian screams out

My heart felt a sudden pain and I looked down and noticed a blade. It was in my chest. Stuck. How? Where did this come from? I looked forward to the woman who had a big smile. I noticed the box of razor blades in her hand. She had taken two more out and threw them this way. Raven pulls me down and to the side to dodge the blades. This woman is insane. Did she plan all this? Was this Savannah's doing? Was this all planned? I hear my name being called out and I opened my eyes to see Julian trying to stand up. But he got kicked in his face.

The woman looks at me now and at Raven. Her smile is so psychotic. She walks towards us as she drops the bunch of blades on the floor. They weren't even wrapped. Did she unwrap them? Raven releases me and ran towards the door and I stood up to follow her. Raven opens the door and I noticed the weird string above the door. So this was a trap. This is an assassination and the woman is enjoying it completely. I tried running forward as Raven was able to walk out Julian's room. But my hair got grabbed. The remaining bit of hair I mean. I shrieked out in pain.

Tears streaming down my eyes. That stings. Bellatrix's free hand grabs a hold of the small blade and with as much strength she has she pulls it upwards cutting me in the process. I screamed in pain and when the blade released from my skin in the chest area I tried moving to the side and the blade had cut a bit my neck with shoulder. That burns like hell. I hear Julian scream my name. It hurts so much. But I need to defend myself.

"Fucking bitch!" I snapped and I elbowed her stomach

She drops the blade from the sudden pain and I smack the back of my head with her face. She covers her face as she shrieks in pain. Her nose is now even more broken. I turn around and kicked her with all my strength in her abdomen. She falls back coughing. But she wasn't in pain. She started laughing. I was about to go run to Julian but I heard Raven call out to me. But I want to help Julian. I looked down as I needed to kick the woman's face. A low blow from my side but this is dangerous. But when I looked down she wasn't there.

I felt a tap and when I turn around I felt something collide with my face and it send me flying towards the bed. Something cracked. What the hell? Did is something similar to what happened with Savannah? Are they on steroids or something. I feel my body collide with something breaking it in the process. I hear Julian scream in anger. My body lands on the floor and I start coughing. The sudden pain now appearing. I felt so much saliva also bile up and I had coughed it out basically.

"Aw what's wrong?" the woman taunts

I glanced weakly at the woman as my body laid there in pain she was turned on by all this she is a disgusting woman "I told you to leave her out of it!"

"But... That is not my job... It would have been boring... Same way with Esmeralda... Keith told me to leave her alone and look what happened... Now her arm will never grow back or I don't even now if she is alive" the woman says with a giant grin

I felt my blood go cold at the word alive. What happened to Esmeralda? Why wasn't I told? This woman is a monster. Playing with other's emotions. Julian stands up and is very angry. The woman was laughing and I looked towards Raven as an unknown man had her in a choke hold. Raven had her hands near her neck so she was ok. But the man was holding her tightly. Raven looks so pissed of right now. So the man is her henchmen. Damn. Savannah sent someone to kill her for revenge. Damn it.

"Make me pretty boy or I will kill her..." the woman taunts Julian as she pulls out a dagger

I felt completely confused but the woman sighs out. I looked at Julian who was barely glaring at her to death. She wouldn't try to kill me right? She shrugs her arms and then she slings the dagger my way. Full force. I felt confused. Did Savannah hate me so much that she sent some men to kill me and Julian. There are so many young men in this life richer than Julian and she really hated that she couldn't have his money? The dagger stops an inch from my face as blood splatters in front of my eyes. I exhale the breath I didn't know I was even holding. I glanced up and saw Julian. I looked back to the dagger and he had used his hand to stop it.

He got to me so fast. I tried to raise myself but my arm felt broken so I landed back. I hear a stay down from Julian as he stood right in front of me. The woman had the biggest smile in her face. She looks completely nasty. I hate her to death. But I was still able to sit and hold my wounded arm. I saw Julian remove the dagger so easily from his hand. No wincing. No hissing. No nothing. Something black emerges from around her and I gasped in fear. What is that? I looked at Julian as I saw his eyes turn red.

I crawl back with my legs in fear. He glances my way and shuts his eyes. Groaning out in frustration. He kicks the dagger towards me and I grabbed it aiming it at them. No hesitation. The woman hugs herself and had the biggest smile in her face. But then I noticed something slowly appearing in her forehead. It was some type of symbol. Her eyes turned black. But her cornea was white. No pupil. Just white and her eye ball was black. I started shaking hysterically. I looked back at Julian as I saw his wound heal in seconds.

All that remained was stain of blood. Something bursts from his back it was black. The moment they outstretched I knew what it was. Those were wings. He has wings. My head felt light headed with so much fear. My blood feels cold from all this. I saw how his wings stretched a bit more and I saw his face. He has fangs. A scar on his right eye. His hair from that dark brown I now so well it black. No light can penetrate that black hair he has. It's like a black hole. But for some reason the fight ended in a blink of an eye.

I saw Julian's hand through the woman's chest. I saw large claws for what was Julian's hands. My heart was beating strongly as there was so much blood. My chest is burning. So does my neck and shoulder from the cuts. My back hurts like hell. I can't move my arm. Am I going to die here? Julian removes his hand from her chest and I see her body disintegrate into nothing. He looks at his hand and growls in anger. I blinked and Julian was right in my face. Making me scream in fear. His eye balls were turning black now. I could see each black line going to his cornea. His cornea is so red.

He went to touch me but I flinched in fear. What I am going to do? He looks surprised and then he looks down at my wounds. He gets close to me but I pointed the knife close to him. But he smacks it away and it hurt my arm more. But the sudden force made me almost fall to the side. He holds me against him as he covered me with his wings. We looks at each other and I just couldn't hold on anymore. This is too much.

I saw his mouth open as he gets near me. I started shaking. My vision looks shaky. Everything started being a blur. 'Julian... Julian...' What is he? Darkness envelops me as I feel my whole body go numb at the same time. I can't believe this.

Is Julian a Monster?

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