It was late at night and we had the best fun at the river. She was so tired. She fell asleep in the passengers side. I had placed a cover in her seat as I didn't want her feeling uncomfortable because the leather got into her wet sticky skin. We had so much fun we forgot about the long drive back and the time. The gang had gone ahead to get ready. They wanted to go partying at college type of party. Gwen agreed for the both of us but seems like we aren't going as she is basically asleep in the passenger side. I sighed out. I should have stopped her from agreeing but I can't deny everything for her. She needs to experience certain things. I can't keep her away from things. She will kill if I ever tried though. 

I heard her hum a bit and I just smiled a bit. I glanced to the side and saw her moving a little. The little cover she had on slips a little. I looked forward and saw nothing so I glanced again and adjusted the little bit of cover I placed on her so she doesn't feel too much heat. Though I need to aim it to the side and upwards. I looked forward again and saw nothing and I am still straight. I removed my seat belt gently and I leaned a bit towards her and outstretched my arm to the small vent and just moved it to the side then upwards. She hums a bit and I looked at her. I felt the car move and I quickly stood straight on my area and I quickly placed it straight again. 

I hear her groan and I glanced to her. I think the sudden movement had woken her up so I just felt completely idiotic. I had looked forward and just laughed awkwardly.

"Did we arrive home?" her tired voice is very slow 

I tensed up a bit and say "Almost... I apologize if I have woken you up..." 

"No it's ok... Are you ok?" she asked me so innocently 

"Yeah am alright... Are you hungry?" I asked gently as I enter her home street 

"No I am alright... You still want to go to the bar?" she asked me while yawning

"I'll go with you... And just have fun between the two of us... if you still want to go" I tell her as I take a corner 

She stretches and I see her stomach in the corner of my eye. I want to pass my hands through her skin but I had to focus. I am driving right now. I should be attentive I don't wat her getting hurt because of my horniness. I swallowed a growing lump and I decided to just wing it for the time being. I am so madly in love with this woman and she is driving me crazy. She had a big smile and blushed deeply. I parked in front of her house and her mother was there looking worried. I think someone forgot to tell her mom where she was going for the day and night. She noticed her mother pacing back and forth and she got out of the car to go talk to her mom. 

Both these woman can be very worried about each other and it is kind of cute. I looked at the passenger side and seeing her half naked because of the bikini was giving me a painful boner. I looked at them quickly for in case and I quickly fixed the growing member of mine. I turned off the car and headed towards them also. Gwen was giggling as her mom was scolding her for not telling her anything. She looks my way and she starts scolding me also for not reminding Gwen to call her mother. She still lives with her mother as we just barely graduated. Gwen is now confused with what to do with her life. 

All she wanted to do was work but now that we are getting married and basically get my fathers business. She doesn't know if to work or study. I told her to take her time to think as this is a lot to take in. Her mom doesn't know what to do also as this has been their home for so long. But I feel like something happening so I have Lev investigating it for the moment. 

"So Julian where are you taking my daughter next?" my mind went blank with that question 

Gwen spoke freely "We are going to go dancing... I'll be back by tomorrow..." 

My heart skip a beat as her mom spoke "I didn't expect you to already going to start to give me grandchildren..."

My face felt as hot as a skillet iron. Gwen full panic saying it being just dancing but her mom started laughing like crazy. This woman. I swallowed the lump as I couldn't answer anything. They walked inside and I waited outside. I was standing guard just for in case. I haven't if Savannah was caught or not. I know Raven is also helping with the search. But she comes hang out with us like today. Just to make sure Gwen is safe. But today we will be having fun. I felt something wet on the back of the head and I looked back in shock. I looked down and noticed a a small handkerchief. 

It was drenched and I looked upwards to the laughing woman I love. She had a little bag in hands and I assume it's her clothing for today and tomorrow. I just looked at her with a raised eye brow and she just smiles widely at me. She wants to act like a child alright then. I went inside to chase her a bit. She runs away while laughing and all I could feel were eyes on me. Must be Gwen's mom watching us. I chased her a bit but we got scolded. We almost broke one of the vases her mom has and we didn't even noticed. I just smiled at accepted the scolding like the adult I am. 

Gwen on the other hand wanted to keep laughing but she was holding it in. We are going to have the best fun today. We walked out of the house waving good bye. Gwen's mom waves good bye also as she picks up the poor handkerchief from the floor. 

"Use protection!" she yells out 

"MOM!" Gwen responds embarrassed

I opened the passenger door as she went inside my car with her face bright red. Mine feel hot also. This is so embarrassing. But I still couldn't help but smile and wave a second time. Once Gwen is fully seated and with her seatbelt on I closed the passenger door. I then walked to mine and got in calmly. I hear the door shut meaning Gwen's mom went to bed. I looked at Gwen with a smile. 

"You ready?" I asked her gently 

"Of course..." she says while smiling 

We will have so much fun. 

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