I held her waist as we danced so close to each other. The sensual music was making this very steamy. I could hear our friends cheering us on and Raven being a dummy with taking pictures. I saw Lev a few times but all he did was give me the thumbs up. We were having fun. The moment we arrived the Bouncer recognized me and Gwen gave me a suspicious glance. I just smiled and took her straight to the dance floor to have so much fun. I did my very best for her to have fun. But when we went to get a drink Raven had taken Gwen to the bathroom. Girls go together to the bathroom. It is kind of weird but I can understand to some extent. 

I looked at giggling with Raven all the way to the bathroom. Keith had brought me a beer he looks very happy about something. Why was the reason we came here also? Did something happen in the Dragon Kingdom? He was very happy and drinking a lot. Very quickly. He looks at me and just smiled. The music was blasting and I wanted to ask what was he celebrating about but he didn't answer me. He screams towards the incoming woman. My whole body convulsed at the sight of her. 

Who is she? Her presence. Her power. It made me stop drinking in seconds. She had evil in her eyes but she had smiled widely at Keith. Something in me felt some type of betrayal but if this a witch. A black witch. She must have used her powers to enchant Keith. She glances at me and I see how she recognized me. I acted dump as I smacked Keith in the back and used my powers. Very little of it. I don't want her knowing how much power I have. But I could sense it inside of Keith. She has enchanted him. I thought Keith wanted to be with Esmeralda but that could never happen. Lamia's and Dragon can never pair up for some reason. It's like a bad omen. 

That's why they do what they do. I sighed out and just smiled at Keith. He presented the woman to me and I greeted myself to her. She had smiled in return but I can still see the evil in her eyes but I had to stay dumb. I drank from my beer as I felt something weird in my tongue. I spat it out quickly. I started coughing as that was the most disgusting sensation I have ever felt. I heard Keith snap at me and I looked to why he was yelling I had spat all my drink on her basically. I was in shock. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked to the worried Gwen "I am ok... I felt something in my tongue is all" 

"Oh is that it... Alright..." 

I felt shocked when I heard Keith yell at me "No it's not alright he spat all over my girlfriend!"

"Girlfriend!" I hear Esmeralda say behind me 

We were all in shock and I could see the pain in Esmeralda's eyes she was really hurt but Keith made it worse "Yeah... We started dating two days ago... She is amazing" 

I felt annoyed and I wrap my arm around Gwen and I say "Let's go guys... Seems like the Keith we knew is quickly turning into a jerk..."

The woman is now shocked at my response so she spoke finally "He is no jerk... He is amazing... He has the sweetest heart and he is so smart..." 

It disgusted me so much and I say "Glad you chose the woman for you man... But seeing how you are becoming I won't stand for it... Good Luck" 

Raven is frozen in her spot in shock and Gwen grabs her hand and leads her away. I led Esmeralda away also and I felt Keith's eyes on us. But we didn't care. We just kept on our way. Our night won't be ruined because someone decided to become a jerk and then act all innocent about it. We don't roll that way. Jerks are not welcomed. I knew something was up but when I glanced back he was making out with her. She looks my way a smirk in between the kiss I noticed. It's that woman's fault. I groaned out and I felt eyes from below me. I looked at the worried Gwen and I just smiled at her. Giving her a kiss. 

She giggles a bit and I let her hang out with Raven and Esmeralda to help Esmeralda get her mind off of Keith. I just watched over them like a body guard. I did offer to get the VIP area for ourselves but all three girls didn't mind. I sighed out and just looked around being their body guard if needed. 

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