Mitsuki was gone. No calls. No texts. No nothing. I felt completely worried. I thought she was doing so well. Did she get hurt? Was she in an accident? Was she attacked? She does live in an area where bears are common animals to be seen. I felt someone staring at me so I finally noticed my Mom staring at me confused and worried. She stopped texting me a week ago. I felt confused. Did I do something stupid? What if something happened to her? Maybe they don't have a phone anymore. That's it. Their late on their own payments. I awkwardly laughed. Julian barely talks to me and am glad about that in a way. Though he has been trying to communicate with me. But he looks angry for the past two days. I don't understand why?

I haven't seen anybody anger him or tell him anything. Why am I getting worried about that idiot? I know we had a good time in Walgreens but that was it! I heard knocking on my door and I looked towards it. Mom went to open the door as I kept staring at my phone. Expecting it to ring. I want to at least now if she is ok. Nobody has been able to hear about her. She is an addict when it comes to Meta verse. The Old Facebook. I hear footsteps a bit heavy. Mom doesn't have heavy steps. Is it one of mom's work companions. 

In the end I may not like speaking to the idiotic soon to be man Julian. I still remember him as a good friend. The greatest friend I ever had. But at this moment I don't remember how our friendship ended. For some reason I don't remember much of our past. I looked towards the door and Mom had walked in behind her. Speak of the devil. It was Julian. Why is he here? He looks really serious and mom was looking down sadly. 

"We need to talk Gwen..." He tells me sternly

I felt confused so I sat at the edge of the bed "I'll... I'll make some snacks"

Mom says a bit nerves and walks out the room. What's going on here? If its not mom its Julian. Is something wrong? Julian moves the chair from my desk and sat on it just fidgeted his fingers while staring at me. His gets his phone out though but he was spinning it a bit and it was getting me nerves. The way his nails connects with the spinning phone was making something in me feel so anxious. The air in here felt thick as the silence envelops both of us. I could hear his gulp and everything.

Something is completely happening. It was making my legs twitch a bit but still nothing. I sighed out and I felt such anger start to rise inside me but I was doing my best to be patient. But seeing how now that he is looking down and just staring at his phone. It was annoying me a lot. 

"SPEAK! Your making me dizzy with spinning your phone and the silence" I snapped at him finally

He looks up at me and sighs out "Mitsuki moved on..."

My heart tore apart with his words but I say with a twitching smile as it was really pissing me off "No that's a lie... I haven't heard of her over a week know..."

He opens his phone and then turns it to my view. There hugging each other was Mitsuki and a tall skinny guy. Saying Happily Married. I started to cry. She got married. With someone else. She did admit she made lots of friends over there. But she never admitted she started dating. I looked away from the picture and onto my phone. 'So she blocked me...' Does this mean she doesn't want me in her life anymore. After a whole year. A whole damn year know she decides to do this. She didn't even tell me.

Arms wrapped around me and my eyes wide open. Surprised. It was Julian. He was hugging me. My phone had slipped from my hand and I so wanted to punch him. I hate hugs. With a blurry view I noticed my shaky hands balled into phists. It hurts. I hugged him tightly. I cried out. I couldn't contain the tears. My voice. My body. Everything felt so unreal. She moved on and I didn't know. I wouldn't have cared if she had told me in my face. We were still best friends.

I wouldn't care if she told me. Yes I will cry like am doing right know but I would have just moved on as well. But who would like me? Guys avoid me all the time. I made male friends but other than that they already or got a girlfriend or are gay. I sniffled and I just couldn't handle it. I can't date another girl. I don't have the heart to date another girl and then they just make fun of me or something. This year students are more ignorant than what the Principal expected.

I sighed out and Julian separates from me and starts cleaning my tears. He looks worried and in pain. His phone was on the floor as well. He is such a rich boy why did he come way over here to tell me all this? To help me or to annoy me. He did look mad a few days ago. Was it because of the picture? The way she got married and didn't tell anybody? She did block me and vanished from all placed. I couldn't even get a hold of her parents.

But Julian was able to see it all.

"How... If she blocked me... How did you find that?" I asked him with a slight hiccup

"I made a fake Facebook... She accepted and that's where I saw it... She blocked everyone who lives here..." Julian says as he pulls my hair behind my ear

"So... I wasn't the only one?" I asked confused

"No you weren't... Ashley was able to use her Facebook a lot so she told me its normal for her to received a lot of friend requests so I made the fake Facebook and she accepted me quickly until Mitsuko changed her password and closed all accounts... Ashley is furious at what Mitsuki did to everyone" Julian explained lightly

"Why would she do that? She was so attached to Ashley... I would have understood if it was me but everyone she knows" I tell him confused

"I know... I know but we are all curious but the person that knows her best is... Is you" Julian tells me with hope

"She... She may have... Have decided to change her life and forget all that were past" I tell him gently "She has mentioned it but she always says future and that was when we were in elementary school..."

"Who would have guest that a little mind already had plans for her future..." Julian joked slightly

I chuckled and say gently "Yeah... She was persistent and annoying back then"

We laugh gently at the memory of Mitsuki when she was young. She a reckless little girl and annoying. Still can't believe she became my best friend. Crazy how life turns around. I sighed out and mom walked in with a plate full of sandwiches.

"FOOD!" I basically yelled

Julian had stood up and grabbed the plate "Thanks... Am almost done here..."

"Its ok... Take your time Julian... You guys have much to talk about" mom tells him gently

"What else do we have to speak about?" I asked Julian calmly

Mom left my room closing the door behind her as Julian placed the plate on my desk. Julian scratched behind his head before he looks at me again. He sighs out and gets close to me.

"My dad is hosting a type of ball... He wanted me to invite you as my date..." Julian tells me gently

"What? But why? Why me? I don't have anything to wear?" I started to panic

"Clothing don't worry but... But the reason is that... There is a family that is trying to force my father for me to marry their daughter... The girl keeps on putting any means to marry me... But I keep denying so does my father..." He starts explaining and then looks away while blushing "I may... May have said that you and I are engaged"

My face heats up as I didn't say a word. Married? Engaged? At this age? Well there are still places that do but why me? Am not pretty. I felt my room start to spin slightly.

"Why me? Am not pretty? Am not even elegant" I tell him as I stared at him

"Like I say it was an accident... But my dad fueled the lie even more with the ball... Please say yes..." Julian pleaded as he held my hands

I stared at his pleading eyes as he holds my hands tighter in his hold. I am completely confused. What can I do? Should I say yes? Should I tell him to fuck of? Well I have nothing to do. But what if it is a joke? Will I fall for his prank? I sighed out as he got a bit closer to me. His presence close to me made me panic a little.

He relaxed his hold on my hands as he just looks hopeful. He is scared of whoever this woman is. But when his dad says something and or lies about something it means that this woman is nothing good. But why not call the police and put a restraining order maybe her dad is an officer.

"What is your answer? I will accept it no matter what..." He tells me as he looks into my eyes hope inside them

What do I do?

I Kissed a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now