I was sitting at a table with a man who claims to be Savannah's father. He looks so overweight and so mean. I can feel like some kind of negative presence from him. Same negative energy Savannah has. I felt so much anger. But I acted calm. He ordered something for the both of us and a drink. I am of age so I am allowed to drink some alcohol in this fancy restaurant. But they being fancy the only alcohol they offer is wine. I accepted it anyways. I need to learn to be more fancy if Julian and I get married. 

Thinking of our future is making me feel a bit embarrassed as I am here all alone with some rich man. Savannah's father. So this is the man who created that monster. Is she on drugs or something? Usually rich people use drugs. Well mostly the spoiled ones. I remember how Savannah basically pushed me so hard that I went flying and my body is basically above the ledge. That woman was on something for that small body to be able to push me so hard that my feet elevated above the ledge. I rested against that ledge. It reached my ribs basically. I sighed out and I stared at this man seriously as he had a gentle smile on his face. 

For some reason something in me is telling me to run away but I wasn't going to run away. I didn't run away back then I won't run away now. This man coughs gently and leans a bit forward as I stayed straight. Legs closed just in case. I had an elegant pose. I made sure to practice when Julian dropped me off last night. I felt eyes on me and I glanced to the side. Nobody. I glanced to the other side and saw nothing. I looked at the man again as he drinks from his glass of water clearing his throat. I sighed out again. I am not speaking. I don't know what he wants or what he needs. 

"I want to formally apologize for what my daughter has done to you..." he started speaking 

I looked at him surprised and I say with a gentle smile "I already have forgiven her but the only thing is she needs to learn about life... She might get killed one day and everyone deserves to live in this earth"

He looks at me shocked and the smiles at me while saying "Oh don't worry about that... She will learn her lesson..."

I crossed my arms and I say "What would have happened if she killed me or someone? Do you think your money will hide that forever" 

He is shocked again and says "Money is the pinnacle in this life time"

I rolled my eyes and say "Yeah and so what? The moment the money is gone your power is also gone... Who will be there to help you get back up... Savannah? Seeing how she reacts with just being insulted by someone poor I feel like she will sell you out for money"

He looks side to side in thought. I think I made him think about his own daughter. That's what he gets for spoiling a woman who doesn't now about anything in life. I sighed out and the food arrived. I push it away from me for a moment. I placed my elbow against the table and laid my chin on the back of my hand. Head slightly tilted. My lips slightly gracing my lips and he looks amazed for some reason. I didn't care. I inhaled and exhaled gently and I just felt completely annoyed with this man. He acts all high and mighty but I think I made him land back to earth. 

I am not cool. I am level headed. Even if when I am with Julian that doesn't happen but I still need to be myself and treat people the way they deserve to be treated. He drinks from his water again as the wine he wanted had not arrived yet. I sighed out as I looked at the food. It is so fancy here. Does Julian eat here sometimes? Does his father eat here for reunions? I looked around as I felt completely confused. Why invite me to a place like this? He owns an oil company right? Wouldn't this place be something disgusting for him? I know Julian took me once to a five star hotel and the served such little food but the price for that meal. 

I could go to McDonald's and order myself like fifty cheeseburgers if I could. I could never be able to eat in a place like this. I want to earn money but how would that work. I will be moving in with Julian one day. We are fully dating. Our wedding is next year but we want to fill out the marriage certificate in two months. The way we want to plan the wedding and locations. It will take a while. Money I feel like Julian's father would not allow us to spend of our own money as he wants us to grow and learn. 

But lets see what happens. I hear the man clear his throat as he thanked someone. I returned my vision to the man and noticed the waiter serving the wine. He must have brought the cups with him because these weren't here before.  The waiter filled my glass and I thanked him. 

"So on to business... I came to hand you a check for all the damages and injuries my daughter has inflicted on you" he tells me as he pulls out a piece of paper from inside his vest 

I sighed out and I said "No thank you... I don't want your money... Just help your daughter learn her lesson"

He looks shocked and tried handing it to me again "I insist... Its for all the damages..." 

"No thank you sir..." I felt my phone vibrate and I grabbed it while saying "Hello?"

"Where are you? Didn't you want to go visit Raven's home?" it was Julian talking 

I muted Julian and I speak to the man "Seems like I have business to do... I must take my leave... We never met today"

He looks shocked and I stood up thanked him even if I didn't eat anything and then I started to walk away. I unmuted Julian and I just smiled as I heard his laughing in the background. I could hear Keith joking about going to the fair that was coming up in two days. If I remember correctly Keith enjoys fairs. He would play their games or ride the rollercoaster and any other weird contraption of the fair. I told him where I was and I could hear his confusion. 

"Why are you there?" he asked curiously 

"I was curious as I have heard this place but I just came to see... Come pick me up love" I lied smoothly 

I don't want him knowing I met this man. This annoying man. I just smiled and walked towards the exit. I thanked the server. Luckily I had some cash on me and I gave him his tip a head of time. He looks confused at me and I walked away. People like him survive of that. So even if this place is expensive people need to pay their bills.

I sighed out and just waited in the shade for Julian.

I Kissed a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now