Chapter 18 : The Gang Says Goodbye (Part 1)

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Orleston High.
A few years later...

"...And they all came back for a big goodbye!" Emma finishes her story in front of the whole literature club. She looks at her peers and waits for their questions and review. A girl raises her hand and begins the discussion...

"I'm a little bit see I literally felt like the story was changing it's main character every few chapters, who was the main one?"

Before Emma can give a definite answer, a boy from the background gives his own answer, "Clearly the story had four lead characters, for the most we had the OG trinity of Ramon, Diana and George and when the first two departed, Anastasia took the main female lead role amd George become the male lead. I mean if you think about it, everything is about the life of these four."

Emma is slightly amazed by the analysis of the boy about her story. Then everyone turns to her...

"Why the fucking hell are you all looking at me?" She asks.

"The ending didn't feel complete Emma. Yeah everyone returned for one final goodbye to the town but, I mean come on we all know your talking about real life. We know your mother, she literally gave me a lift yesterday. So how what happened when they all returned?"

Emma sighs and looks as everyone awaits for an ending. The young girl grins and begins to narrate to everyone, how it ended all those years ago. "Well, my uncle was about to leave and the gang along with my mother wanted to give him a proper send off...

Six years ago.

Hayley and Roy walk inside an empty Bluelife since George called her for help. "I thought you said it was an emergency!" Roy points out to his wife and she nods, agreeing that something seems off.

"George?" Hayley yells and looks left and right until the boy enters a few moments later. "Sorry guys, I was handling glad that you're both here!" George tells them and smiles.

"Is everything alright? You sounded really worried over the phone!" Hayley adds.

"Oh Hayley no it's see the bank needs your signature on these papers so I can make you the owner of Bluelife..." George announces to the girl and her heart almost explodes from the shock.

"I'm going to be leaving like tomorrow and I need to know that I've settled everything, so think of this like a wedding gift. You're really the only one that I trust with Bluelife!" George adds and Hayley hugs him.

"I can't believe you're doing this...for me!" The girl, clearly getting sentimental looks at Roy as the two of them hold hands and they turn to George as they say, "Thank you..."

Roy's mother is really not trying to help them stand on their feet. "I'm going to be at UCLA starting next year but when I'm done from my studies, I really want to come back here and live with this is an amazing opportunity. Thank you George!" Roy expresses and he and George shake hands.

Kia's apartment.
In the meantime...

Kia alongside Olivia and Noah are handling the farewell party preparations for tonight. "COME ON PEOPLE WE HAVE A JOB TO DO!" Olivia screams at the other two since she's a control freak and doesn't want to miss a single minute of work. Kia turns to her boyfriend and whispers, "I've heard that Olivia is a perfectionist but she's really making want to struggle a person!" As she is cooking ever since she woke up. Meanwhile Noah is carrying stuff from downstairs and helps Olivia give the place an atmospheric look.

"Kia is amazing...You're so lucky Noah!" Olivia points out to her friend.

"I heard that you're not doing that bad yourself back at Pittsburgh!" Noah responds.

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