Chapter 7 : Your Desires

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Austin's Free fall Center.
One hour later...

George arrives at the address that Spencer gave him and he is surprised to find his boyfriend there, wearing a special suit as he hands him another suit, now for him. "What is going on?" George asks him as he tries to make some sense of whatever is going on. The young latino smiles and reminds his boyfriend something, "In case you forgot, as of today I'm twenty eight and I thought what better way to spend my birthday than freefalling with my boyfriend!"

George's eyes instantly go wide and the boy almost passes out since he is afraid of heights more than anything in his life. "I love you and I would do everything you want but no!" The scared boy almost passes himself even in the thought of jumping out of an airplane with a parachute and nothing else. Spencer raises his eyebrow and decides to play along with his boyfriend's tricky, hot headed mind. "Yeah, I think you are right. After all we are two adults in a serious relationship in our mid to late twenties-" Spencer is interrupted by George who corrects him about his age...

"You are in your late twenties, I'm barely twenty five!"

Spencer sighs and continues his speech, "Right as I was saying, maybe we should sit at a sofa, open the cable TV and maybe order a kid along the way just to shake things up..." and when George starts processing what his boyfriend just narrated, he thinks of his marriage to Sean and all the things they never did because traditional families don't do that. The young boy grabs the suit and points out to his boyfriend, "You go and become Sean 2.0. while I'm falling from a plane to my death because I'm living my life mister!" And heads to the licker room to change while Spencer barely holds his laugh over the fact that he knows him too well by now.

In the meantime...

Anastasia is walking through the halls and finds herself in front of Cameron's and Hayley's room. She constantly thinks about what Nate told her. He told her to live, to stop holding grudges and she then she knocks the door. "Hey..." Hayley answers to her and invites her in. From the look on the cheerleader's face, her friend knows she has to be excused from the room.

"I will go and see how Roy is doing, okay?" She points out leaves while Cameron comes out of the bathroom.

The two of them look at each other deeply and stand still until the girl takes the lead. "Nate told me you came..." Anastasia says.

"Yeah, it was nothing..." Cameron responds.

"Was it? Nothing?" Anastasia softly asks him back.

Cameron turns to her and nods negatively. It wasn't nothing, it was feelings that they have been developing for more than a year, slowly and passionately. "I tried to give you space, I screwed up with us..." Cameron adds.

Anastasia walks closer to him and holds his hand. "I've spent most of this teenage life being left or disappointed by people that I have let inside my heart but none of them broke me like when you left...I gave my heart to others but no one broke me like you, because you are my heart and I love you!" Anastasia says to him and she starts tearing up. They kiss and the boy grabs her and the fall on the bed as the passionately undress each other.

Meanwhile, outside the room, Hayley, Roy and Nate are trying to hear what is going on inside until the girl tells them that it's time for them to leave since she overheard them getting ready to really give it all. "Come on baby...don't be a prude!" Roy says jokingly to her and Hayley raises her eyebrow to make sure he is put in his place.

Freefall's airplane
One hour later...

On the plane, George's time to jump outside has come and he just can't make himself jump. "Wait, give me one more second..." the young boy takes a few more breaths and then he yells, "Okay ready!" And he jumps off, unfortunately without the expert and the parachute. Spencer looks at them and says, "Did he just...?" And the young man immediately grabs a parachute and jumps after his boyfriend.

As he eventually catches George, he makes sure that they are on the right level to open the parachute and he screams to him, "I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUMPED OUT OF A PLANE WITHOUT THE INSTRUCTOR!" But the young man is too scared that he can't even answer to his boyfriend.

The next day...

Anastasia wakes up and turns to Cameron. He also wakes up and they smile to each other. "Good morning beautiful..." he whispers and wraps her around his arms. The cheerleader kisses his nose and lays her head on top of his chest. Outside it's sunny and there is nothing that can destroy this moment that both of them have been waiting for so long.

Meanwhile, a few rooms away, Noah and Kia are getting ready to leave the city with the kids and return to their town. The two of them look at each other and turn away since they haven't said a word after their kiss.

"How did you sleep?" Kia awkwardly asks him.

"Uh," Noah asks her back without looking.

Kia wraps her body with her arms for a second before she puts on a brave face and leaves the room without looking at him since he made her feel bad about herself by the way he is nit even looking at her.

"Kia..." Noah tries to talk to her but he is not fast enough. He throws himself back into the bed and calls himself stupid for how he acted.

Back at Cameron's room, the two of them have changed back into their regular clothes and have packed their stuff for the bus. Anastasia hugs him and he asks her something that has been bothering his brain since last night. "So, what are we now?"

Anastasia smiles and whispers in his ear, "The doctor and the hot nurse?" And they both start laughing. Then she turns to him in a more serious tone and they both say it at the same time, "Boyfriend and girlfriend..." and then they share one more passionate kiss.

Wilson's residence.

George wakes up a few hours after their free fall incident and finds Spencer sleeping on the small couch next to him. The boy tries to quietly get up and make some coffee without waking his boyfriend but he forgot that Spencer is having an elite military training and instantly wakes up when he hears his partner's feet. "Oh, you are up..." the Mexican says and falls on the couch again.

The young boy gives his morning cookies to his boyfriend and tries to apologize for accidentally jumping without the instructor. "Spencer, I'm sorry for last night, thing is I lost track of what was going on at the moment and just wanted to get over with..." George tries to explain until Spencer stops him.

"Your life?" Spencer points out sarcastically and George feels like he owes him an explanation about his personality lately.

"Diana thinks that I'm in love with Julian and he and Olivia are apparently getting a divorce and I didn't know how to handle the fact that maybe for the first time in my life I have everything that I want. A good business, a good home and well a great relationship..." George starts talking about what is going on lately and his boyfriend holds his hand. They look deeply at each other and Spencer kisses him...

"I don't expect you to throw away everything about your life while I was away. I knew for quite a while how you felt about Julian and it socks that you have leftover feelings for your best friend but I'm committed to this, to us and I know that you are too and for now at least...That's alright!" Spencer shares his thoughts and they hug.

George smiles at Spencer although during the hug it's clear that everything in his head is extremely complicated but he knows that every time his boyfriend wraps him around his arms, he definitely feels whole.

Orleston High.
In the meantime...

The kids finally arrive back home and maybe for the first time in a while, Hayley, Roy, Cameron and Anastasia are not giving each other weird looks nor they are having a grudge against each other but they are happy and united. "We should go for a burger!" Hayley adds and everyone agrees.

As they get ready to leave Anastasia notices Nate, heading towards his home, completely alone. The girl excuses herself and runs towards her friend, "Hey Nate, wait..." she yells at him and the boy turns around.

"What's up?" He asks her.

"We are going for a burger, do you want to come?" She asks back and the boy smiles.

"Sure...lead the way, cheerleader!" He accepts the invitation and they head towards the rest of the group while Cameron seems a little bit annoyed.

To be continued...

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