Chapter 3: What Happened In Florida

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Miami, Florida.
Two months ago...

George, Anastasia, Spencer, Noah, Alex and Diana arrive at the huge suite that Julian and Olivia arranged for them. Not only you can see the whole city from there but also it has two floors and a bar. "Liv, it's amazing but I don't understand why you suddenly invited all of us here..." George points out wondering why the sudden vacations are happening. Diana and Alex however don't care so much about the why since it's the first time in a while that they have some alone, children free time for themselves...

"Don't you have other things to worry about brother? Like, do you think my nails should be longer?" Diana adds to start a more casual conversation and Alex rolls his eyes as he sits on the couch, behind her. "GUYS SHUT IT!" Alex yells at them and mentions that their two friends, who are actually paying for this whole trip seem like they want to share something. Julian and Olivia turn to each other and then they look with huge smiles on their faces towards their friends as they announce something big. "So me and Julian haven't been together for a lot of time but since we really want to live for the moment..." Olivia starts before her boyfriend continues the announcement.

"...Me and Olivia decided to get married tomorrow at the hotel's church and we wanted our closest people with us!" They conclude and they all look at them speechless. They all turn to each other, hoping that one of them will actually have processed the entire thing to be able to say something. Thankfully Anastasia takes the lead and hugs them both. "I knew it anyways but you guys, I'm so happy for Liv...I knew you were going to find a rich playboy to settle in eventually!" Anastasia congratulates them and everyone puts a big smile on their faces.

Hotel's bar.
One hour later...

George and Spencer are sitting together at the bar since the others are out shopping for the wedding while the two of them are talking about the recent events. "I mean, I don't want to be mean or anything but why everyone is getting married so young?" George wonders considering to how many weddings he has been in the last four years and Spencer takes a sarcastic tone, "Didn't you get married at like nineteen?"

"Twenty and that's off topic...Hey does this bar remind you that time in Joe's?" George responds and they have an unexpected trip down to memory lane.

"Oh yeah, Ugh...I can still remember that horrible place..." Spencer says disgusted and then they start laughing until the other boy stops and stares at something that clearly shocks him. Spencer turns to look there too and sees the one person he never wanted to see again in front of him. "Isn't that Sean but who's the other guy?" The young mexican asks the other boy.

"Let's go say hi to them, okay?" George says without thinking and grabs Spencer with him despite the other's efforts to stop them before the collusion. Eventually they catch up with Sean and make sure that he will notice his not yet divorced husband is there. "George?" Sean says completely blindsided and instantly let's go of his boyfriend's hand while George holds Spencer's. "Hey I just wanted to see how are you...I mean you haven't talked to me or to anyone other than Noah for the past five months so yeah...." George points out and Sean simply replies that he is fine and that he has to go so he awkwardly departs.

Spencer turns to his friend and holds his hand even tighter. "I'm so stupid...I destroyed the wedding and now I want to catch up with him? Imagine what he would think of me if he knew about us during College..." George says to himself and goes back to his room while the young mexican sighs, knowing that what just happened was not good.

Miami Shopping District.
In the meantime...

"No offense but most of the stores here don't offer clothes, they offer hints of underwears labeled as clothes!" Anastasia points out to Diana and Olivia as they are out shopping for a last minute wedding dress. The two older girls manage to grab the last two wedding appropriate dresses and the teen girl raises her eyebrow, secretly judging them for managing to cover their chest. "So you are cool with your little sister showing more cleavage than you? Motherhood made you soft Diana!" Anastasia teases her older sister, who doesn't instantly realize that she is a mother...

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