How It Happened

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You were standing on the sidewalk, drinking some good coffee when you met them. The sky was clear and birds were chirping, nothing could possibly go wrong, right? WRONG. 

"Mm...damn this is is some good coffee....OOF!" You had been sipping you drink when something ran into you, knocking you flat on your butt and causing coffee to spill everywhere.

"WHAT THE HELL!! Watch where you're going you clumsy fool!" Y/N looked up to see two men in their twenties standing over you. They were both in all black despite the heat and had little to no skin showing. The one that had screamed at you had red eyes and a hot coffee stain on his leather jacket. While the other was wearing sunglasses, you could see still see the sad, blue eyes that looked at you from behind them.

"DON'T JUST SIT THERE YOU IDIOT!! APOLOGIZE!!!"You stood up, ignoring the coffee staining your clothes as well, and looked the red eyed man right in the eyes. 

"Um, not to point fingers or anything, but YOU were the one that ran into ME!" Both men looked shocked. Then the first man exploded.

"RAN INTO YOU?!! YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN IN THE FUCKING WAY!!!" This guy was really starting to piss you off. Suddenly, you lowered your head and began to cry. Again, both men were taken off guard. They looked at each other, then the second man spoke in a raspy voice.

"Are you really crying because he yelled at you?" He sounded genuinely curious, but also a little amused at the same time. You sniffled then lifted your head back up.

"No, it's just that....MY COFFEE IS ALL GONE!!!!!" 

You continued to fake cry as you burned through their last brain cells. You'd expected them to just leave since they'd been in such a hurry when they so rudely bumped into you. But they didn't, they just stood there whispering to each other.

Finally the one with the raspy voice spoke up. "I'm sorry for my "friend's" rude behavior. Please let us make it up to you." 

You instantly stopped crying and your face of mourning was replaced with a cheery smile. "Well, if you insist. I'd love it if you bought me another coffee."

"See, I knew she was faking it!" "Shiggy, stop. You're drawing too much attention to us."

"Shiggy huh? That's a nice name.........for a bratty, man-child." Their reactions were so priceless, it's as if no one had ever roasted them or anyone around them before. Shiggy pouted and the other man chuckled as you all walked to your favorite coffee shop.

*Ding* The doors swung open and you rushed in to see a surprised Bruno. "Back so soon, didn't you just leave?" He looked down at your stained skirt. "Ah, never mind."

"Hey, it wasn't my fault this time." Bruno's smug face fell as he looked up at the two men behind you. They were shooting eye daggers at him. "D-do you need anything, sirs?"

"Just whatever she's getting. We're buying." And they did. They bought you another cup of your favorite drink, then sat down with you at a table to drink theirs too. You didn't talk much, only roasted Shiggy a few more times before you checked your watch and told them you had to go.

You grabbed your coffee and headed towards the door. "See you later, Y/N" You waved goodbye as you rushed out of the coffee shop and headed home for dinner.

It wasn't until you were nearly asleep that you realized never told them your name. And for the first time that day, you were the one feeling uncomfortable.

Yandere Shigaraki x reader x Yandere DabiWhere stories live. Discover now