Spin-off: Day 52 III

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Author's Note: I love you, Team ShiKi :) I just want to say that I finally finished all my drafts for this book, including the epilogue and even some special chapters I decided to add. Then I was like, ohmygodIhopetheydon'tkillme. Lmao.


Spin-off: Kise, Kenly, Kasamatsu (Part III)

Upon seeing her boyfriend, Ken immediately knew she would get into trouble. But at least she knew Kise is a sensible person and most importantly, he trusts her.

He told her himself.

Kise wouldn't possibly suspect anything dirty, for in the first place, nothing happened.

And so she instinctively forced a delicate smile on her lips. "Ryouta, we were just talking."

But Ken was about to be proven herself wrong. Kise hadn't shown any signs of sensibility at the moment, or signs of being calm in the least.

"Just talking?!" The blonde snapped with a menacing glare directed to the raven-haired male beside her. His grip on the flowers he was carrying trembled as obstruse jealousy ate up all logic inside his mind.

Questions after questions came rushing unto him:

Why was Kasamatsu Yukio there?

How did he know her address? He thought she never told him. Or did she?

And why were they hugging intimately for God's sakes? How could they do that to him?

Blinded by jealousy and rage, he chose to turn a blind eye on the innocence evident on the two's somehow ironically similar blue eyes. His chest was painfully tightening with each passing second, and it was too much for him.

Very painful.

Feeling the strong urge to explain and fix the misunderstanding, Kasamatsu walked towards the blonde. "It's not what you think, Kise. I'm here--" A strong punch on the jaw cut him off and he fell down to the ground, beside the bouquet and the broken shards of the pot of orchid in which Kise didn't hesitate to throw away.

"Ryouta!" Ken sharply gasped, running towards the injured man. She helped him got up to his feet, slightly swaying from the heavy blow he just received.

"How long have you been seeing each other?!" He accused, the venom lacing his voice was becoming even more disturbing to hear.

"What are you talking about?" Ken countered, disbelief plastered all over her face. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "We're not seeing each other. He came here to settle everything with my Mom and sister."

"Yeah right," Kise merely scoffed, even laughing sarcastically. But the tears in his beautiful eyes, the tensing of his jaws -- they were proof of the pain he was going through.

Her lover's hostility puzzled Ken to bits. She didn't even know where to start explaining. She didn't expect him to act so indifferently and conceited.

Kise knew her well, so he should have at least came to listen to what she had to say.

But he didn't..

Kise Ryouta began his quick long strides away from them, shoulders shaking and fists clenched. No matter how loud she called for him, he didn't listen or even spare her a glance. Getting frustrated and desperate, the ginger ran after her lover -- stopping him by succesfully taking ahold of his shirt.

"I can explain, Ryouta. Just hear me out." She pleaded, tears were already starting to stream down to her cheeks.

Kise merely shoved her hand away before whipping around to look at her with scorn, contempt, and pain. "What is there to explain?! I saw it, I saw what you two were doing!" He snarled, making her flinch because of the loudness and anger in his voice. Then after a few moments, in a low voice he added, "I thought you love me.."

"I do! You know that, Ryouta!" She shot back, matching the tone he just used on her.

At that point, a tiny sob bubbled past his throat. "Then why are you hurting me?"

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Seeing Kise like that, so hurt and vulnerable, it was also very painful for her. Especially when she knew that it was all just a big misunderstanding and that his mind was completely closed to what she said or to anything that she would say.

But then as much as she was scared to hear it from him, she just had to ask. Their relationship -- or what's left of their relationship -- was riding on the very one thing she'd say next.

"Do you trust me, Ryouta?"

He didn't utter a word for a moment, as if struggling to come up with a reply. But when his gaze landed on Kasamatsu Yukio, his facial expression hardened once again. Gritting his teeth, he looked at her straight in the eyes and finally gave her an answer.

"You already lied to me once."

Ken broke into whimpers as Kise turned his back on her again and walked away, disappearing into a corner without even looking back. Her knees wobbled and for a minute, she struggled to keep herself up as Kise's words replayed in her mind. Realization dawned on her and she pressed her hand on her mouth to muffle up her sobs.

It was all over..

"Eah," Kasamatsu's voice came from behind her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen."

Of course, she knew that.

But instead of answering, she ran away and rushed inside the house. Her family saw and called for her but she didn't stop and only continued her fast attempt to lock herself up in her room. Successfully making it inside, she locked the door then threw herself on her bed -- burying her weeping face against the soft mattress.

It was supposed to be their big day.

It was supposed to be their first romantic date.

It was supposed to be wonderful.

But now it's ruined..

Everything was ruined.

How would she ever fix and make it all better?

How would she ever win Kise back?

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