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Lauren's POV

The sound of the waves crashing to shore draw my eyes off the beautiful woman in my arms to look at the ocean from the large open windows. I carefully untangle myself before climbing out of bed. Walking softly across the hardwood floor and out the patio doors. Silently, I walk down the narrow pathway leading to the secluded beach, taking note of the seagulls chirping merrily in the distance.

How is this place so incredible? The calm, peacefulness of the waters and warmth of the sand under my feet. The salty smell that's so unique. Every little detail is something captivating to me. I take a seat on the soft sand, looking out into the blue. The fragile waves break over one another as I watch the sunrise. I start to ponder how life comes and goes, just like the waves. Like today, everything feels perfect. Relaxing and beautiful. But during a storm, these same waves can be harsh. Destructive and frightening. I have to accept that my storm has passed.

Today is our first full day on the island. And it's safe to say this is one hell of a start. The breathtaking view sent waves of comfort through my body. "Good morning," A soothing voice pulls me out of my thoughts and I look over my shoulder to see Y/N joining me on the sand. "Hey, baby." I smile an appreciative grin as she hands me a cup of coffee. "I've always loved coming to sit out here with my coffee. What better way to start the day?" Y/N says as I nestle into her side.

"It's beautiful. The way the ocean is calm on the surface but never ceasing. The ripples of the waves hold so much life hidden beneath them. It's like a world of its own out there." I reflect on my previous thoughts.

I continue to take in the view but lingering eyes pull my attention away. "What?" I giggle nervously as I met her gentle eyes. "I think this is the most relaxed I've ever seen you." She grins, taking my free hand in hers, placing a loving kiss on my palm before intertwining our fingers.

"Between this gorgeous spot and you, it would be a crime to not be enjoying it." I joke as I sip my hot beverage. Y/N laughs before a silence overcome us as we both turn to watch the sea break against the pale sand. The sounds of the calm waters consistently filled my ears. "I think I've found my peace. With everything that happened, I struggled to trust and not be afraid. You changed that for me, you know?"

A small smile curls on her lips, but the usually talkative dancer stays quiet. Her eyes are still focused on the view as she pulls me in closer to kiss my forehead. Her comfortable smile fills me with confidence, something only Y/N is capable of doing, so I continue. "I was in love with you before everything. And I can't help but think we still would have found a way to be together if things were different. I just want to focus on my future, our future. I know I still may have my moments but I trust that it will be ok."

"Mmhmm." She nods in agreement as she finally looks me in the eyes, her smile growing wider. "Well, say something!" I laugh again as I smack her chest lightly.

"You're resilient." She smirks mischievously. She knows exactly when to push my buttons, I try to be deep and she just listens, taking in every word I say without adding to it. "I just poured my heart out to you and that is all you have to say?" I groan, playfully pulling out of her embrace.

Y/N shrugs but her smirk never falls. "It just seems like you got it all figured out. You don't need advice. So, what is it that you want?" She reaches out to take my now empty mug, placing it off to the side with her own.

My face flushes at the idea that crosses my mind. Nervously, I stand. Pulling off my tank top as I move away from her, using the confidence only she can provide. Her eyebrows raise as she watches me. "I want to feel free. Happy." I say as I get undressed before stepping into the warm ocean. Her eyes never leave me as I walk out farther out until my chest is covered from the depth. "Do you want that too?" I shout at her across the beach.

She doesn't hesitate to react, jumping from the sand as she runs ankle-deep in the water. "And you think you can find that by swimming naked in the ocean?" She laughs as she watches me carefully. Her face glowing with joy.

"No, but it's a start." I move closer to shore while keeping my body submerged. "I do think I can find that better with you though." Spotting her blush, I giggle at her reddening cheeks. "But that's only if you want to join me."

Y/N grins before undressing under my anticipatory gaze. She moves slowly, drawing it out to give me a show. I wish I had her confidence. She tosses her clothes father in the sand before walking out to me. "Aren't you worried about being caught like this?" She teases as she wraps her arms around my waist, pulling me close.

"That's pretty unlikely considering where we are. I'm willing to take the risk." I shrug, running my wet hand across her cheek, snaking my other arm to grasp around her neck as we start to swim together. "What's life without a little risk? I can't live in fear if I want to do epic things like this with you."

Y/N leans in, kissing my lips. The salty taste was new, thrilling as we pour our hearts into our movements. She pulls my thigh, wrapping my leg around her waist as I follow with the other till I'm locked in place. "I love you." Y/N breaths against my lips as she pulls away.

"I love you more," I smirk, happily peppering kisses across her face. "Not possible." She laughs as she shakes her head, playfully fighting off my attack.

We continue drifting, floating with the calm waves as the ocean moves us as it pleases. Enjoying the calm of being in each other's arms.

The blazing sun has fully risen behind her and I feel my cheeks starting to heat up from the lack of sunscreen. We've been out here longer than I realized. "So what now?" Y/N asks as she kicks us closer to shore. I pull away to place my feet on the ocean floor, the seashells underneath pricking my bare feet.

"Now you show me everything you love about this island. After we race inside to get towels. We didn't think this through." I pout at the now awkward situation I've put us in. We glance around the still empty beach, Y/N walking out to grab her clothes nearby as I hesitate. "Here, baby." She says, walking calf-deep to hold out her oversized shirt for me. I quickly slip it on, impressed by Y/N's confidence once again as she stands there waiting patiently.

"Hurry up." I grab her hand and race towards the doors. She laughs as she keeps up effortlessly. "You don't like the idea of someone besides yourself seeing me like this, do you?" She laughs as she senses my possessiveness. I ignore her and we both walk straight to the bathroom as soon as we enter the privacy of her house.

"You know, your silence speaks quite loudly." Y/N continues to tease me as I turn on the shower, setting it to a comfortable temperature. "I'm the one that got you naked in the first place." I counter with a smirk. "We just should have brought some towels."

"It's sexy when you're all protective of me." She winks. I feel my heart start to beat faster. An effect only she has on me. "Well, I'm glad you like it because I have no intention of letting you go," I say as I step under the stream of water to wash away the salt and sand. "I need you."

Y/N's face goes blank for a second as she takes in my words. She silently follows me into the shower. "You're stronger than you give yourself credit for. You don't need me. But you have me every step of the way."


The End

Sorry for the, eh, month wait to bring this book to a close. Life has been weird :P

Thank you for reading my story. I appreciate all the votes of approval and I'm happy you found enjoyment in my writing!

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