Strong Emotions

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Lauren's POV

With Y/N being home so much now we were able to pick the paint colors I wanted for the walls and she did most of the work herself. I helped some around work, but the band has really kept me busy these last few days. "Baby, come back downstairs. I'm too tired to help but I want to spend time with you." I whine as I walk into the penthouse. "Why don't you DJ for me and we talk for a bit. I'm almost done with this room." Y/N says, kissing me quickly as I walk up.

I sigh, plopping down on the random beanbag she had up here as I watch her continue to paint. "So, we are supposed to do a live stream tomorrow. I'm pretty nervous to see what questions they ask..." I sigh, putting a few songs in the queue so I don't have to keep starring at the phone. "Want me to dance sexily behind the camera so you stay distracted?"

I can see her smirk as she dips her roller brush in more paint. "I don't know, you might distract Lisa as well." I laugh as she shrugs innocently. "What if they ask about us? What do I say?" I feel my voice tremble slightly with nervousness. "You say you are madly in love with me and anything else you want to share." She grins.

"Will you really come?" I aks, worried that was just something to make me feel better. Y/N sees the scared look on my face and bends down to put her brush on the tray. She walks closer and leans in to hoover over me. "Do you want me there?" She asks as I stare into her Y/E/C eyes. "Please?" I sigh. She drops down lower so she is laying on my lap. "Then I will be there. There is no need to be so anxious."

I pull her up, leaning my lips in to kiss her again. It gets heated pretty quickly and I grasp the hem of her tee to pull it off. "I...want...this...but I'm...almost done." She says between our kisses. I groan as I pull away, pushing her off kind of aggressively. "Um...sorry. I'm not trying to piss you off, babe." She says as she stands up.

I roll my eyes at her and walk quickly to the elevator. After about fifteen minutes, Y/N finds me laying in our bed. "Baby... what's the matter?" She asks, sliding down to lay beside me. "Nothing," I say blankly as she gives me a look of disbelief. "I don't believe that. Talk to me, love." She says softly as she wraps her arms around me.

I climb out of her arms and walk hastily to the bathroom, slamming the door closed behind me. "Lauren?" I hear her call out in confusion from the bedroom. I ignore it as I begin pacing back and forth over the white tiles. "Baby, please? Talk to me. I don't understand what is going on." I didn't lock the door, so she opens it and stands against the doorway. "Are you mad at me for something?" She asks, looking down shyly as she wraps her arms over her chest.

"Yes!" I groan running my fingers through my hair as I continue to pace. "Ok. Well, I don't know what I did wrong so you're going to have to explain it to me." She says calmly as she keeps her eyes firmly on me now as I pace more. I let out a heavy sigh as I stop and face her. "I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself." I whisper as I walk closer to her. She grabs my hand and pulls me into her. "What are you so upset about, baby?"

I push away and continue my pacing. The feeling of anxiety and fear passed through me. "I'm so sick of being afraid! Afraid to have to think about it again. Afraid of my sisters wanting to have their usual deep conversations while I have so much I still can't talk about. Afraid of our fans asking questions because they realize I'm not ok. Afraid that you are going to get sick of my BS and want me to leave." I start out shouting but my voice gradually drops and I slide down the wall to sit.

Y/N nods as she walks over and sits beside me. I feel her hands snake around my waist and she pulls me into her lap. "I'm not going anywhere. I will be right here with you as you overcome all of these strong emotions you are feeling. It's normal, ok?" She says, looking me dead in the eyes to show how serious she is. "As for your sisters, join them. Talk as little or as much as you want. I know they aren't doing this to push you into talking, you have told me how close you all are. Listen to their stories, deep conversations are common for you all. And for the fans, share what you want. They aren't entitled to know every detail of your life."

We talk on the bathroom floor and she helps me work through all my worries. As our conversation turns playful, Y/N stands up with me still in her arms. I wrap my legs around her waist as she carries me into the bedroom. I laugh as she tosses me onto the bed. "How are you so strong?" I smile up as I lay there on top of the sheets. "I'm a dancer. I've got amazing core and upper body strength." I giggle as she flexes at me. I stare harder as she lifts her shirt over her head and shows off her toned stomach. "God, you are beautiful," I say softly as I move to sit on my knees at the edge of the bed.

She walks up to me with a smile on her face. "So, you approve?" She jokes as I trace patterns over her soft skin. "How can someone not? You are literally the sexiest woman I've ever seen in my life." I say, letting my eyes wander as I bite my lip. Y/N wraps her arms around my waist and lifts me up to kneel so we're face to face. Kissing me softly as she pulls my own shirt up over my chest. I pull back, allowing her to remove it before I lean back in for another kiss. She pushes me back before I can reach her. "What?" I ask nervously as she smirks. "It's my turn to admire." She breathes as her eyes start to scan over my body.

I immediately feel nervous but the pleased look on her face relaxes me a bit. "I should be the one calling you" She whispers before putting her knee on the bed to my right as she moves into me. I squeal as she grabs me quickly and rolls us over, her back now on the bed as I fall on top of her. She laughs at my startled expressioin before putting her hands on either side of my face to pull me closer. "I love you." Y/N kisses me softly. "And you are not going to lose me."

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