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Lauren's POV

"Stop! P-please... Y/N!" I shout as she sprays me with the adjustable faucet. Y/N turns off the water but grabs me quickly as I try to escape. "You're not getting away that easy." She laughs spinning me around and picking me up. My legs immediately go around her waist to help support my weight as I pout at her. "I said I was sorry."

"Sorry isn't good enough, baby. That was too much of a burn." She feigns sadness as she carries me towards the bedroom. "I was just being honest." I shrug with a smirk, knowing she'd get me back for that too. Y/N glares playfully before dropping me on the bed. "Babe! We're getting the sheets wet." I groan.

"Wouldn't be the first time." Y/N shrugs as she leans over me with a devious look in her eyes. She moves in close so I tilt my head to try and connect our lips when her fingers attack my sides. "No! Stop it!" I squeal with laughter as she tickles me furiously. She laughs maniacally at my struggling beneath her. I keep screaming until I'm out of breath and she finally stops, resting her hands on my hips as she sits on me. I struggle to steady my breathing while she smiles down at me.

"How about we take a vacation?" Y/N asks happily. "We just got back from LA a month ago!" I laugh. "I know but that was work. I didn't get as much downtime as you did." She grins as she pokes my side playfully. "Think of all the fun we could have if I take you to my house in Hawaii. It's on the beach. We can surf and snorkel... skateboard all around the town."

"Don't you have work to do here?" I ask, sitting up as she rolls off of me. "What about the studio?"

"It's fine. I trust my staff to keep things moving. Pun intended!" Her nose does the adorable little wrinkles I love as she laughs. "But for real, I haven't committed to teaching any classes right now so they can handle it. Besides, they like the pay for the extra hours."

I sigh, snuggling into her arms. "Ok," I whisper softly. "Ok?" Y/N asks excitedly. "Yeah, I'd like to see your other house." I smile widely. "Just the two of us or should we invite a few people?" Y/N asks as she starts to change out of her damp clothes.

"Depends, how many rooms are in the house?" I ask curiously. "Two, but that doesn't matter, they will stay in a hotel," Y/N smirks as she walks towards the bathroom. "I'm going to take a shower. Care to join?"


Friday roles around and my excitement kicks in as I race around the house to find everything I need. "Woah, love. Slow down. You were packed three days ago, what's the problem?" Y/N laughs as she pulls me into her embrace. "I just don't want to forget anything," I sigh as she buries her face in my neck. "If you do we can buy it. Now hurry up, Chris will be here any minute to drive us."

I nod, pulling away to reach for my open suitcase. The buzz of the door sounds a Christina arrives right on cue. Y/N smacks my ass lightly, making me yelp and her laugh as she leaves to let Christina in. I'm still blushing furiously by the time they walk into the bedroom a few minutes later.

"You excited, Laur?" Christina asks as she pulls me in for a quick hug. "Very. Thank you for rushing to shoot so much this week so I'm not missing in the next few videos." I say happily. It's been hard juggling my mental health and the band but I don't want to let our fans down. "Of course. Don't feel special, we do it when any of us want to take a vacation." Christina teases. "But we aren't so lucky to get to go to Hawaii for two weeks." She turns to glare at Y/N.

"Hey! I said you could join. You just had to find your own place to sleep." Y/N says defensively as she grabs up some of our bags. "Now let's go. We have a plane to catch!" We all grab luggage as we head downstairs, Y/N locking up behind us.

The ride to the airport goes by quickly, Christina and I singing to every song that plays as Y/N pretends to be annoyed by our yelling. No matter how much I try to coerce her, she refuses to sing along just to pester me.

Getting our luggage checked in and us getting to security was easy. We each hug Christina once more before parting to head over to our gate. "So, my love, what do you want to do first when we make it to the island?" Y/N smiles happily. "I've never been to this island before. You tell me." I shrug. "Then you're in for a nice surprise," Y/N smirks as she passes me one of her AirPods.

Two planes and twelve hours later we arrive at a small airport on one of the least touristy islands. The salty air fills my senses as we step out to the rental car Y/N prepared for us on our stay. It's breathtaking, seeing the palm trees and clear blue sky, the ocean only a short distance away. "This place is paradise." I sigh in content. Y/N laughing at my response. "We aren't even in town yet!"

It takes about twenty minutes before we make it to the small island town. The small businesses and restaurants, full of life. A surprising amount of people walk cheerfully down the walkways with their friends or dogs. "How did you find this place? It seems so... peaceful." I ask as I continue looking out the open window in awe.

"A friend I toured with years ago is from here. I came to visit once and I fell in love with the place so I bought a house here." Y/N says as she pulls into a small diner. "I lived here for a little bit before I decide to open the studio."

She parks and turns to me as she shuts off the car. "Let's get some food and then you can see the house. I know you're tired so we can get it to go." Y/N hops out of the car and races to my side before I even have the chance to open the door. "Are you ready to experience paradise?" She laughs as she takes my hand.


Sorry for the lack of posting, guys. First, it was the holidays. Then COVID and exhaustion has been hitting me hard. I'll do better, I promise! ≧◠‿◠≦

Also... I want to bitch. I went TWO freaking years without getting it and then decided to start 2022 out with a bang...oof. :(

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