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Lauren's POV

I look over at Y/N as she sleeps soundly next to me. The feeling of worthlessness and regret rises in my chest. Tears fill my eyes as I slide out from under her slowly, trying not to wake her. What the hell was I thinking? She deserves someone so much better than me. I can't be the one she wants, I'm damaged.

I quickly get dressed, grabbing my phone and my keys as I sneak out the door. "Miss Lauren! You're up early. I hope you have a great day." Jerry smiles but I ignore him as I race out to the parking lot. I sit in the driver's seat and I start slamming my fists into the steering wheel aggressively. No! No! No! I can't do this! I can't be the one for Y/N.

My tires skid against the asphalt as I speed out onto the street. I can't go home, that will be the first place she checks when she realizes I'm gone. I don't know how I'm going to explain this to my sisters but I take the entrance ramp to the interstate to get as far away as possible.


My alarm goes off so I reach for my phone on the nightstand. Hitting the button to shut it off, I quickly realize how I am alone in the bed. Huh, where's Lauren? She wouldn't usually be up yet. I toss the sheet back as I look down at my naked body with a grin. Last night was amazing. I've never felt this way about someone before.

I toss on some clothes as I wander down the hallway with a yawn. As I step into the living room, I look around in confusion as I see all the lights are still off. I search every room in my apartment, panicking as I discover that Lauren is nowhere in sight.

I rush to my room to get my phone and I call her. "Hi, you've reached Laure-" I groan as I hang up before leaving a voicemail. I try and call her again, hoping for a different outcome but I'm disappointed as she still doesn't pick up.

I scroll through my contacts and select Amy's number, hoping she'd be up already. "Hello?" She answers the phone. "Amy! Is Lauren there?" I ask, concerned. "No? She isn't with you?" She asks back nervously. "She left a note on my door saying she couldn't sleep and went to your place."

"Yeah, she came over but when I woke up this morning she was gone. Do you know where she might have gone?" I comb my fingers through my hair as I pace around the room. "Did you try calling her?" She asks me. "Yeah, I just got voicemail though." I sigh. "Ok, let me try, and then I'll ask my sisters if I can't reach her too."

"Ok, keep me posted." I sit harshly on the bed as I hang up. Where are you, Laur? I don't want to but I shower and get ready for work. I drag myself to the studio as thoughts race through my head. Did last night scare her? Did I hurt her somehow? No. I mean, everything seemed like it was good. I just need to go to work and wait until someone calls me so I know what's going on.

"Hey, Y/N. Fun night?" Megan asks as I walk through the front doors. "What?" I ask in confusion as I realize I'm being spoken to. "I asked if you had a fun night. Nice hickey!" She laughs as she walks past me to answer the ringing phone.

I rub my neck nervously as I reach the stairs to go up to my office. I fall back in my chair carelessly as I pull my phone back out of my pocket, debating if I should try calling her again. I don't know what to do. Does she need space? Is she upset with me? I really thought last night was special. Why did she leave? I feel tears come to my eyes and I lay my head on my desk.

Lauren's POV

I sigh, looking at the notifications for all the missed calls on my phone. "Why can't they just leave me alone?!" I groan as I sit in my car while waiting for the battery to fully charge. I almost throw my phone as I see another call from Lisa coming in but I don't, I answer it.

"What?" I ask harshly, not caring enough to give the usual greetings. "Lauren? Where are you?" She asks with worry. "It doesn't matter. Can I just have some time to myself?" I cry, my emotions going haywire.

"What's going on, Laur?" She asks softly. I take a deep breath as I try to contain my tears. "Ladybug, are you ok?" Lisa hasn't called me that in years, how can I lie to that and make her believe everything is ok?

"No..." I whisper, trying to dry my eyes. "Did something happen with you and Y/N?" Lisa asks soothingly. I can hear the fear in her voice as she speaks. "Yes...she...she..." I can't seem to find my words. "I can't talk about it right now," I say quickly and I hang up the phone, tossing it in the seat beside me.


I am checking my phone again, hoping Lauren had tried to contact me during my lesson. I sigh, laying it back down on my desk when I realize she hadn't. The door to my office burst open as a very angry Christina and Lisa rush in.

"Did you hurt her?" Christina yells as she gets in my face aggressively. "What? No! I would never do anything to intentionally harm, Lauren!" I shout back, my emotions getting the best of me. "You did something! She was so upset when I spoke to her." Lisa fires back fiercely.

"You spoke to her? Is she safe? Where did she go?" My eyes go wide with concern as my voice drops back to my normal volume. "We don't know! We have no clue where she is." Lisa says as she waves her arms around frantically. "You better tell us right now what happened after she got to your house last night," Christina says through gritted teeth.

I sigh, pointing to the couch for them to take a seat. Walking around my desk to sit in my chair as I try to process what is happening. "Start talking," Christina says as she begins to get impatient. "I was asleep when she got there. I didn't even know she was coming, so she surprised me." I say quietly as I stare blankly at some papers on my desk.

"And?" Lisa pushes for me to continue. "And we had sex... consensual sex." I clarify. "I don't know what happened. Everything was great when we went to sleep but when I woke up she was just... gone."

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