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Lauren's POV

"We can go buy you some make-up and you can do it in the car on the way there." Y/N tries to calm me as I frantically pace around the room. "They're still going to notice. We don't film today so it will be odd that I'm wearing make-up. I can't do this!"

"The cut can be covered by your hair, just be careful not to run your fingers through it. Or you can take one of my hats. Your lip already looks better and the bruise is not that bad, all you need is some concealer." She says calmly. "I know you're nervous, but you have to do this or they will be even more concerned."

I stop pacing and stare at Y/N. "Will you stay with me?" I ask shakily. "I have to go to work too, Laur. I can be later than normal but I can't stay long." She takes my hand and kisses my knuckles softly. "They're you sisters, you have nothing to be scared of."

"What if they start interrogating me? I literally disappeared on them all weekend. I never do that." I say, squeezing her hand tightly. "Tell them we spent the weekend together and I made you dance." She smirks at me. "Just keep it simple."

"They're going to know something is up." I groan, leaning my head on her shoulder. "Then tell them the truth..." Y/N says quietly as she pulls me in for a hug. "You can't stop living your life, Lauren."

It took a little bit more convincing but eventually, she got me to her car so we can run by the drugstore. I had stolen one of her baseball hats to wear, hell, everything I'm wearing is actually hers. I never went home this weekend.

We run inside quickly and I grab the few items I needed. Opening all the packages and applying them as we drive to my sister's house. I finish my mascara right as we pull up. "You should go home with Amy after you guys are done today." Y/N looks at me softly. 

"You don't want me to come back to your place?" I ask quietly. "It's not that I don't WANT you to, but you really need to go back to your normal routine. Just add spending more time with me in there." She gives me a small smile. "Umm... ok-"

BANG! We both jump as we spot Lisa standing at the driver's side window. "Y/N! Nice to see you again. Now both of you come inside." She glares threateningly through the glass. Y/N nods at me as she unbuckles her seatbelt and steps out. "Sup, Lise?"

"Don't 'Sup, Lise' me. Come on, Chris is going to want to talk." She says, turning away quickly as she heads inside. "Lauren!" Amy screams as we enter as well. Running over to grab her sister into a hug. "I was so worried about you."

"I told you I was fine, Ames." I roll my eyes but hug her back anyway. "Lauren! Get your runaway butt in here." Christina yells from the kitchen. "It's not running away if I tell you where I am." I groan, walking over to sit in my normal seat at the table. "Oh, Y/N. Didn't expect you to come." Christina says casually.

"Lisa told me to come in too. I was just going to drop her off." Y/N says, leaning against the counter behind me. "Cool. Dual interrogation. It's hard to get Laur to talk sometimes." Christina says, giving me a knowing look. "Can we not do this? I went home with Y/N and spent the night. We just hung out and she FORCED me to dance with her. It's not that dramatic." I try and play off with a smile.

"Is that true? Nothing else?" Christina looks over me at Y/N. "We talked and watched TV but yeah," Y/N says easily. Her phone starts to ring and she rolls her eyes. "I'm sorry, that's the studio. I really have to go." She leans in behind me to give me a hug. "Call me later, ok?"

"Yeah." I try to keep a straight face and not show the internal panic I'm feeling. As she walks out, my sisters stare at me with a mix of excitement and confusion. "Are you two together?" Lisa yells excitedly as she smiles at me widely. "No," I answer plainly.

"Ummm... no ma'am. I know you like her! We've talked about it." Amy joins. "Wait? You spent the night at her house when you're interested in her? Isn't that a little fast?" Katherine asks in concern. "I am an adult." I roll my eyes at Katherine. "And it wasn't like that."

I guess they realized they aren't going to get any more information out of me so they drop it and we get to work. After about two hours they decide to take a break. I wander off into the backyard to get some fresh air. Pulling out my phone, I reply to Y/N's encouraging text before scrolling through Instagram.

A hand wraps around my shoulder and I instantly jump at the sudden touch. "What the rip, Laur? Why so jumpy?" Christina asks as she leans against the wooden half-wall of the porch beside me. "You just surprised me, that's all." I try and say calmly but my heart is racing in fear. "Are you feeling ok? You look a little off."

"Can you stop asking questions! I'm fine." I huff in anger as lean into my arms to hide the small tears forming. "Ok. I'm sorry." She sighs before walking away slowly. They know. I know they know something is wrong. I can't tell them. They didn't want me to go to the party alone anyway. What will they think if they find out?

After a few more minutes of trying to calm myself on the porch, Amy walks out.

"Hey, you ready to go home? Chris says we are done for the day." I hear Amy ask from the back door. "But we aren't finished... We haven't done that much." I wipe my eyes before facing her. "I don't know. She just said we were."

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