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Lauren's POV

The car ride back is mostly silent but I'm determined to let Y/N know she didn't ruin the night because I got a little scared. I can tell she is feeling guilty about everything. "Baby?" I say quietly in her ear as I lean into her. She glances at me to show she is listening. "You were amazing today. I'm so proud of you. You and Jenna deserved your win." I smile as she faces me fully. "I'm glad you liked it." She smiles back before placing a gentle kiss on my lips. "Why did you pick that song?" I ask out of curiosity when we pull away. "Because, even if you can't always see it, I want you to know how I feel about you. How strong I know you are. How much I see your worth. You know, sometimes I'm still surprised you choose to be with me." She laughs. Leave it to Y/N to reduce her serious tone with a joke. "Thank you. And I will always choose you. Didn't you not see how possessive I got over that guy touching you?" I go along with the lighter mood. "Or the way you were practically having an orgasm from just the sight of me in that dress." Y/N smirks. "Y/N Y/L/N! I wasn't..." I gasp at her words, blushing feverishly as I recall just how much I loved seeing her in that outfit. "Oh, don't even try and deny it, Lauren Christine. You were." She teases back, poking me in my side.  I cover my cheeks as she pulls at my wrists, trying to see how red I am getting. We both end up in a fit of giggles as I sigh in defeat, just as we arrive at the hotel.

We make our way into the room, Y/N no longer hesitant to tease me relentlessly. "I don't want to get body glitter everywhere. Want to order room service while I take a shower?" She asks as we walk into the bedroom. "Can we shower together?" I surprised even myself for asking but I want to get the sweat from the club off my body. "I would have no complaints." She gives me an adorable look of amusement before heading into the bathroom. I hop in the shower after her, laughing as I watch her furiously scrubbing at her face. "I hate glitter." She groans under the hot water. "I don't," I say, laughing again as she glares at me. "Just wait till you try scrubbing off all that I've transferred to you." She says. I shrug, secretly loving the way she's been able to mark me by just her touch all evening.

My mood changes to a serious one as we keep showering, wanting to get this conversation over with so we can enjoy our night. "I didn't mean to freak out when we went into the bathroom. I was good at first, then it just kind of hit me." I sigh. "I know, baby. I'm sorry for not realizing that could trigger you beforehand." Y/N says softly. I take the rag she is using and help her get the glitter off her shoulders and back. "He locked the door after he pushed me inside. I had no way of running past him. I was trapped." I say, surprisingly calm as I focus on cleaning her off. Y/N stays quiet, giving me time to continue. "I was so scared. As soon as he looked at me I could tell what he wanted. And when he hit me, all I felt was helplessness. I tried to scream, call for help, but it was no use over the music. No one knew what was happening behind that door." I continue, proud of myself for opening up. "I tried to fight him off but I couldn't do anything. He was just stronger." Tears start to fall slowly as she turns to face me under the steady water flow. "I wish I could have been there to protect you." Y/N wipes my eyes. "I know. But you've done so much for me after it all. You remind me that life goes on. And I can still be happy. You make me feel safe now. Hell, you let me stay with you, holding me every night so I wouldn't be alone." I smile through my tears. "You're not alone. I will be whatever you need to keep that amazing smile on your face." Y/N grins as she pulls me in for a hug.

I've never felt this comfortable, being completely vulnerable and standing in the shower with YN. Crying but I still hold a small smile as I feel like a huge weight gets lifted off my chest. "I love you," I say, moving her wet hair as it drips water in my face.  She laughs, turning off the shower. "I love you too. Thank you for sharing that with me. I know it wasn't easy." She whispers before kissing my hand softly. We step out to dry off, ending our intimate moment with small grins as I steal adoring glances at her. While I'm getting dressed, Y/N grabs the phone to order food to be brought to our room. "Yeah, that will be it." I hear her say to the staff on the other side. I grab the phone and ask them a quick question as Y/N looks at me surprised but clearly excited. "Really?" She laughs as I hang up. "What? We have your win to celebrate." I look at her innocently, knowing our night is still young.

They wouldn't deliver my request to the room, so we slip on jackets and shoes and walk down to the bar inside the hotel restaurant. Not caring that we still had wet hair. The bartender I.D.s us before taking my card as I pay for some booze. Neither of us had a drop at the club, but that was about to change. As we head back upstairs, I catch the way Y/N is smiling at me. "What?" I ask, playing ignorant as she laughs. "Just never expected you to talk the staff into selling you a whole bottle of tequila. You know that's not on their menu, baby." She says. I just wink at her. "Well we have to celebrate and I know you don't like wine," I say as the elevator opens. "You never cease to impress me." Y/N let's go of my hand as she opens the door.

Our food is brought up a few minutes later and we eat quickly, both of us starving after the busy day we have had. When that's settled, I pour some of the bottle's contents into the smallest glasses I could find in the room as Y/N raises an interested eyebrow. "Shots?" She laughs. "I don't know anything about mixed drinks," I shrug, handing her one of them. I clink my glass against hers before we down them. The alcohol was surprisingly smooth compared to what I've tried before but still burns slightly as it makes its way down my throat. We both knock back a few more over time as we chill on the couch. The tv on but we are spending more time paying attention to each other than watching it. "I've never seen you drunk before." I giggle as I notice how Y/N is moving dramatically as she tells me stories from the past week's rehearsals. "I'm a naturally hyper person, don't judge me." She laughs back.

Judgment is far from what's on my mind, my heart races just staring at the woman I love. Enjoying the way she can't sit still as she bounces her knee and makes wild hand gestures as she speaks. I slide myself into her lap, leaning against the arm of the couch as my legs stretch over the cushions. That shuts her up as she immediately wraps her arms around me, tilting her head close to my neck as she takes a deep breath. "Thank you," I say softly, running my hands over her shoulders. "For what, babe?" Y/N sighs against my skin. "For always being here for me," I say, my face flushing, both from the alcohol and her breath sending shivers down my spine. "You're stuck with me." She laughs as she sits up, facing me. "I love you too much."

I smile as I pull her in for a kiss. We're both intoxicated so it quickly becomes heated as we pull needily at each other's clothes until we come up for air. "Is this what you've been dying to do all day?" She asks as I move to trail down her neck, leaving red marks where ever I can reach. "Not entirely," I mumble between kisses, only pulling away as she slides us down on the couch where I am sitting on top of her. No more words are spoken but a small gasp escapes my lips as her hands grab my thighs pulling me into her, creating friction. I lean over her, Y/N reconnected our lips before I'm pulled all the way down. Finally getting to the best part of our amazing day. A feeling of excitement for how much we've grown even closer during this trip.         

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