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Lauren's POV

"You should post the video, Laur. It's so cute and everyone will love it. Look I even edited it up a bit so it looks better." Dani says as she slides her laptop to me. I watch the video with a smile on my face before emailing it to myself. "So you're going to post it?" She asks excitedly. "No." I shrug as she groans in annoyance.

"This is content gold, Lauren. Why not? Besides that photo with you two at the airport is circulating right now. This could easily go viral." Dani whines as she leans across Y/N's desk. "My relationship is not content." I roll my eyes as Y/N enters. "Is Dani getting on your nerves? I can kick her off the property if you want." Y/N smiles as Dani gasps at her. "You wouldn't. I thought we were becoming friends?"

I move from her chair to let Y/N sit down as she wipes her sweat on her t-shirt. "Looks like that one was quite the work-out," I smirk. "We're you watching me?" She says, pointing to the window in her office that overlooks the main hall below. "I can't help it. I like watching you teach." I reach into her mini-fridge and hand her a water bottle. "One more lesson and then you're done for the night, right?" I ask, sitting in her lap.

"I'm all sweaty, baby." She whines before I kiss her anyway. "Yeah, one more then I'm all yours." She whispers as we pull away. "I'm not used to seeing Lauren all...that." Dani laughs as she waves at the two of us. "Shut up, Dan." I laugh, tossing a stress ball off Y/N's desk at her. "Can I join the next class, Y/N? I'm tired of being bullied by this wench." Dani asks.

"I don't care. It's open for beginners so it will be easy to keep up. Do you want to join too?" Y/N asks as she looks at me hopefully. "I'd rather enjoy the view I get up here. Besides, I like our private lessons." I smirk as she grins.

We hang out for a little while longer till her next class is about to start. She kisses me softly before heading for the door. "If you change your mind, feel free to sneak in. Preferably right up to the front so I can watch you better" She winks over her shoulder as she and Dani leave.

I watch on through the window as the music starts to play as they warm up. I smile as Y/N sends me a small wave before she starts talking with her class. Laughing as I watch Dani doing all the moves with ease compared to the other beginners in the class. Everyone seems to be having a good time as one of her usual students moves upfront to lead as Y/N walks around the large group.

"Oh hell no!" Y/N suddenly yells angrily at someone in the crowd. Everyone falls silent and stands still, unsure of what's going on. "You need to get the fuck out of my studio." She shouts at a man, but I can't see him as his back is turned towards me and he is wearing a baseball hat. I can see him trying to talk to Y/N but I can't hear what he is saying. Dani rushes over to Y/N and stands beside her as she pulls Y/N back while she tries to move closer. I want to rush down there myself but I stand frozen in my spot.

I see Megan and a few others from her team run inside to see what's going on. Y/N slips from Dani's grip and shoves the man harshly. He tosses his hands up as he says something else to Y/N before she swings, hitting him in the jaw. I hear one of the workers yelling at Y/N as they push her away from the man before he turns on his heel and walks out the door. Everyone in the room stayed quiet as they tried to figure out what just happened. I saw Y/N say something to one of the other teachers before glancing up at me and walking out of the room angrily.

I'm surprised by what I just witnessed until I finally remember I am capable of moving and race to the stairs to meet her. "What the heck just happened?" I ask as I see her reach the top, Dani right behind her. Dani looks startled as she looks me up and down. "Are you ok?" I ask, pulling Y/N into my arms. She just hugs me back tightly before she pulls away. "Let Dani pull the car around to the back and take you home."

"Why? Who was that?" I ask both scared and confused as I start to piece together a reason she would act that way downstairs. She motions for Dani to go and wraps her arms around me again. "Don't worry, baby. He can't come back here again without being arrested for trespassing."

"But who was it?" My voice cracks as a tear falls down my cheek. I had it figured out, I just needed to know for sure. "I won't let him near you ever again." She whispers, pulling me tightly in to cry on her shoulder. "Why did he come here again?" I ask quietly. She rubs my back softly as she tries to comfort me. "I don't know, baby. I don't think he knew you were here this time."

"Are you sure?" I continue to cry, scared about all of this going on. "No, but I'll review our cameras and see what he did while he was here." My phone chimes and she pulls it out of my back pocket. "That's Dani. Let me walk you downstairs and she'll take you back to our place."

She leads me to the back entrance of the studio where Dani's car is waiting. "Are you going to be right behind me?" I ask with a sniffle as I wipe my eyes. "Let me check the tapes first, then I'll be home." She kisses me softly. "I promise."

Y/N opens the door and guides me to sit. She looks around the small lot before nodding to Dani. Placing one more kiss on my forehead and closing the door behind me. Stepping back so Dani can move the car. I keep my eyes on her until I can't see her anymore.


I watch as Lauren rides off with Dani before running full speed upstairs to the room with all of our security equipment. I can't believe he came back after he saw Lauren here last time. I didn't realize who he was at the time, but it's impossible for me to forget his face now. Was it just his style, wearing the baseball hat? Or was he trying to be elusive?

I slide the chair back from the desk and sit with a huff, rubbing my temples to calm myself before I started looking through the footage. I watch it a dozen times, trying to see if he had any clue Lauren was here tonight. The way he spoke to me during it all sent chills down my spine. He was so calm and collected like he wasn't a fucking predator. He seemed genuinely confused as to why I was so angry. Not only was Lauren in danger tonight, so was every woman in the class. He could have been here scooping out his next victim.

I groan as I realize the footage shows me nothing of interest. He never looks up towards the office windows. A far as I can tell, he's only focused on who he talked to and the lesson. I check my phone and realize it's almost midnight and quickly grab my stuff. Locking up the studio again as I head home to Lauren.

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