Before the Show

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Lauren's POV

I stretch my stiff back, rolling off the bed quietly to not wake the sleeping Lisa beside me or Amy on the blowup mattress on the floor. Softly closing the guestroom door behind me as I slip out of the room. My phone reads almost five a.m. as I walk noiselessly down the hall to the kitchen. The light is on, which tells me someone is already awake. "Hey, Laur. What are you doing up so early?" Christina asks, sipping coffee while reading a book at the table. I shrug, giving her a soft good morning before going straight to the coffee pot.

Sitting down across from her, I rub my tired eyes and then take a sip of my own coffee. "Everything ok?" Christina asks, her voice low to not disturb Katherine asleep on another blow-up mattress in the living room. "I just didn't get any good sleep last night," I answer equally as soft. "Are you still having nightmares?" She asks me. I nod my head, not wanting to admit it out loud. "Are they as frequent anymore?"

"No, it helps when I have Y/N beside me. I feel safe. But these last few nights they've been bad." I sigh, letting the steam from my mug run over my face. "At least when I have them around her, I can get back to sleep."

"Have you talked to anyone about that night? Like the details?" Christina asks, closing her book to give me her full attention. I feel my face flush, the thought of actually speaking about it feels so wrong. Like if I say it, I will feel the pain all over again. How do you even begin to talk to someone about a trauma like that? Christina takes my silence as a no and reaches over the table to offer her hand. I take it, holding softly to my eldest sister's hand.

The look in her eyes changes, darkening a bit as she frowns. "When I was sixteen, I went to a party. I only knew one person there and it was packed. There were people drinking and having a good time. I didn't touch the alcohol but I was still having fun, dancing with everyone." Christina sighs as she looks down at our hands. "I walked outside to get some fresh air and I leaned against my car. A guy I had never met walked over to me. Flirting way too hard and it made me uncomfortable. Long story short, he started getting... handsy, pinning me against my car."

I look at Christina in shock, I never knew she dealt with something like this. "I managed to get away, but I struggled with what had happened." She gave my hand a small squeeze. "I went down a dark path. I felt trapped in my own head like I was trapped in a constant state of fear it could happen again and be worse the next time."

"How did you handle it?" I speak quietly, feeling my heart race from this conversation. "I met Nick. He helped me work through it all. Finally, I worked up the courage to talk about how scared I was at that moment. Time and having someone that listened to every little thing, that's how I got better." Christina answers honestly. "You're on the right path to healing. It won't be easy but keep pushing through it." She says, giving my hand one last squeeze before she pulls away. "It's early. Go get your girl." She smiles, standing to steal Dani's car keys and tossing them to me.

I hop up, tossing on the first pair of shoes I see and pulling on a thin jacket before racing out of the door. I set my GPS, still unfamiliar with this city, and drive to her hotel. Creeping through the room until I can faintly see the bed Y/N was sleeping soundly in. I don't want to frighten her, so I place my knee into the mattress to steady myself and rub her back softly. "Y/N," I whisper as she stirs. "Lauren?" Her voice is low, raspy as she places her hand on my arm. "What's wrong?" She asks.

I kick off my shoes and climb under the covers beside her. She instantly wraps her arm around me and pulls me in close. "I kept having bad dreams." I sigh, nuzzling into her chest. "I just wanted to be in your arms," I say as she kisses the top of my head. "Do you want to talk about it?" She whispers comfortingly. "Yes, but not right now. We both need our sleep before your performance today." I grin up at her excitedly. "I can't wait to see it," I say, catching her tired smile grows as she hugs me. "I hope you like it." She whispers before we fall into a peaceful sleep.

I wake up around noon, feeling better for finally getting the sleep I so desperately needed, but I'm saddened when I feel the empty bed beside me. I spot a note left on her pillow and grab it.

I don't know about you but I feel so much better after sleeping with you by my side. I hope you get plenty of rest before the show tonight. It's going to be... Priceless. I love you and I can't wait to see you tonight! -Y/N

I smile, feeling the excitement rush over me for tonight's events. I take a quick shower, stealing some of Y/N's clothes before heading back to Dani's house. Walking through the door straight into my glaring younger sister. "You steal my car and couldn't at least bring me back some better coffee?" Dani shouts, pretending to be mad. I just shrug tossing her back her keys. Lisa jumps off the couch and grabs my hand. "We need to start getting you ready!" She says excitedly, pulling me into the guest room. All my sisters follow behind giggling. "I can get myself ready." I laugh but allow them to drag me around, feeling as though I was stepping back in the past, like how we used to be when we were getting ready all under one roof.

Lisa starts on my make-up as the rest of my sisters crowd around the room to do their own. "I'm so happy we all get to go now. I'm so excited to see this!" Amy squeals before groaning as Dani steals her make-up to take over. "Don't look at me like that. We could possibly be in a shot on TV. Got to look our best." She smirks as Amy rolls her eyes.

An hour later, everyone has their makeup done and we're talking about what to wear. "I have something for you Laur!" Christina shouts before disappearing out of the room, returning a few seconds later with a white top and fitted white pants. "All white? No thanks." I look at her funny for suggesting it. "Oh here, it will look perfect with this," Lisa says as she digs through her suitcase, pulling out a dark green bomber jacket I immediately recognize. "Why do you have Y/N's jacket?" I ask, realizing I'm being set up. "Doesn't matter. You're doing it. I did your makeup to match." Lisa laughs, shoving all the clothes in my hand before pushing me into the bathroom.

I smile, shaking my head as I look at Lisa's work. Sure enough, my eyeshadow perfectly matches Y/N's jacket. I change and check myself out in the mirror. Damn, I look hot. I smirk as I concentrate on Y/N's name written on the right side of the front panel. I fix my hair slightly before walking out to my now screaming sisters. A chorus of "Oh my god!" and Dani yelling "Well fuck!" make me laugh as I look down at my bare feet. "Oh, I almost forgot. She gave me these at the airport." Katherine says, pulling out Y/N's custom Nike's that I always steal from her. 

"Did Y/N plan this?" I ask as I take the shoes. "Actually no. We got the idea when she asked us about the song." Amy says as all my sisters' turn to glare at her. "Oops," She says quietly, covering her mouth with her hand. "What?" I ask as my sisters quickly shout "Nothing!". I know they won't spill more so I give up without a fight. I don't want them to completely spoil the surprise anyways. 

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