Ive Seen More Beautiful Things

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It was March now and Katie and Jake still hadn't gotten back together, Jake was planning something for his birthday.

"Hey harry can I borrow your invisibility cloak tomorrow night?" Jake asked his brother.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"I want to take Katie somewhere tomorrow night" Jake said smiling. Harry chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, okay, you can but if something happens to it..." Harry started to say but Jake cuts him off.

"Harry, you know nothing will happen to it" Jake said assuringly. Harry nodded and handed over his cloak of invisibility. Jake thanked his brother and tucked it into his robes. He went to his dormitory and wrote a letter to Katie.

meet me in the common room at midnight tomorrow night

He then folded into a plane and pointed his wand at it. "Wingardium Leviosa" he muttered and made it fly out of the 3rd year dorms to the common room. Jake followed it and made it fly towards Katie.


The next night Jake waited in the empty common room with the invisibility cloak on. Katie came walking down. Jake got an idea and smirked. Katie stood there waiting, little did she know Jake was right behind her. Jake then opened the invisibility cloak and pulled Katie under it, before she made a sound Jake kissed her. Katie pushed him slightly.

"You ass Jake, you scared me" she said then she saw they were under a cloak. "What's this around us?" She asked.

"My brothers invisibility cloak, he let me borrow it" Jake said casually.

"A real invisibility cloak?" Katie asked. Jake nodded smiling.

"I want to take you somewhere" Jake said.

"First I need to ask you a question" Katie said. Jake didn't answer so she went on. "Why haven't I seen you all day, it's your birthday" Katie said pouting. Jake chuckled and put his arm around her.

"That's because I was preparing" Jake said. He then grabbed her hand and walked out the portrait door with her.

"Where are we going?" Katie whispered. Jake chuckled quietly.

"You'll just have to wait and find out" he whispered as they moved along the corridor. Luckily they hadn't passed any teachers. Jake stopped at a door. "We're here" Jake said with a smile. He opened the door and there was a set of stairs. They walked up the stairs quietly. Once they got to the top Katie realised it was the astronomy tower.

"Jake we shouldn't be here, what if the astronomy professors up here?" Katie said worried. Jake chuckled and took the invisibility cloak off them both.

"I made sure of that before... Harry gave me his invisibility cloak yesterday to borrow and I went around looking for places to go today and I listened in to conversations, The astronomy teachers sister is sick and she is going to see her for the weekend" Jake said walking over to the part where you look out at the sky. Katie went up next to him and smiled.

"It's beautiful" Katie said.

"Oh but I've seen more beautiful things" Jake said smiling at her.

"Like what?"

"Well you" Jake said blushing slightly.

"But you said things" Katie said cheekily. Jake chuckled.

"Your eyes, your smile, you lips, your face, your hair..." Jake muttered but Katie cut him off by kissing him. Jake kissed back and pulled away. He raised an eyebrow.

"That was to shut you up" Katie said with a giggle.

"Of course it was" Jake said winking at her. Katie hit him playfully.

"What's the reason you bought me up here" Katie asked. Jake leant against the wall.

"Look Katie it's been almost 3 months since we broke up, will you be my girlfriend again?" Jake asked. Katie looked away from him.

"Why would you want to be with someone who made you hurt so much" Katie asked not looking at him.

"Because that's the thing Kat... Not having you hurts me, I can't live without you" Jake said making her look at him.

"Say those words and I'll say yes" Katie said hoping that he knew what she meant.

"I love you" Jake said. Katie smiled and looked up at him.

"I love you too, that's a yes by the way" Katie said hugging him. He hugged back and whispered in her ear.

"It's not my birthday anymore love, in fact it hasn't been my birthday for half an hour" Jake said. Katie pulled away.

"I'm not getting back with you because it's your birthday" Katie said. Jake chuckled slightly.

"Well then you still owe me a birthday present then" Jake said chuckling.

"Well I would have given it to you if I had seen you today" Katie said. Jake chuckled.

"Okay, we better leave before a teacher comes up here" Jake said pulling the cloak out of his robes and putting it around him. As they walked down the hall they heard voices from the portraits.

"Did you hear about Hermione Granger?" One of the voices said. This was unmistakably a women's voice.

"What that smart 2nd year girl in Gryffindor?" Asked another women in the portrait.

"Yes that one" said the first woman.

"Well... What about her?" Asked the second women.

"She's been attacked by the monster of Salzar Slytherin" said the first women.

"S-She's not dead is she?" The second women asked. Jake gasped, Katie covered his mouth and continued to listen.

"No you idiot...she was petrified" the first woman snapped. Footsteps were heard from behind them. Jake freaked out and started running but then he tripped over the cloak and fell over because Katie hadn't started running. All Jake could do now was hide the cloak in his robes and hope not to get caught.

"Lumus" said the emotionless voice. Jake knew instantly who it was. I bright light shined in their eyes. Jake squinted and tried to shade his eyes. "Why am I not surprised to see you two?" Severus asked with a snarl.

"Honestly father I don't know why you're asking yourself that" Jake said. Katie hit him in the arm.

"You're an idiot" Katie said. Jake chuckled.

"You two stand up and come with me" Severus said walking them to Proffessor Mcgonagolls office.

"Severus what brings you here so late?" Minerva asked.

"Well... I wouldn't be here so late if you knew how to keep your students in bed" Severus said pushing the two children into the office.

"Severus, you may leave... I'll deal with these two" Minerva said. Severus gave Jake a disappointed look before leaving. "Why... May I ask, are you two out of bed so late?" Minerva asked.

"Well Professor, you see..." Jake began to say. Minerva was scanning Jakes face.

"Don't lie" Minerva said.

"What, how could you tell? I can do Occlumency" Jake said looking surprised.

"Oh no I didn't use leglimency on you, it was your facial expression that gave you away Mr. Snape... Now I'll ask Ms. Bell and hopefully she will tell the truth" professor Mcgonagoll said turning to Katie. Katie closed her mind as best she could and began to lie straight to her head of houses face.

"well professor, me and Jake were outside before curfew and we fell asleep near the lake, we woke up and hoped we could somehow get back in and we did" Katie said with a straight face. Jake looked at her eyes and could tell she was lying but the transfiguration teacher thought differently.

"Very well, I won't take any points but, I will give you both a detention with me tomorrow, hopefully this will teach you not to fall asleep"

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