Dobby's back

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After the two professor left the room Jake looked over at Harry who was in the bed next to him. "Harry... You awake?" Jake asked. Harry opened his eyes slowly and reached for his glasses.

"Yeah, did you hear that Jake? A boy has been petrified" Harry said. He then looked over at the bed. Harry's eyes widened. "That's Colin Creevy, he always wants to take photos of me" Harry muttered looking down.

"So it's not you?" Jake asked. Harry looked at him straight away with a glare. "I mean I knew it wasn't but I had my suspicions" Jake muttered.

"Well now people should know it wasn't, I have no bones in my arm" Harry said holding up his partly floppy arm. He winced and put his arm back down. "The bones are slowly growing back" Harry said.

"What happened to me? Do you know?" Jake asked. Harry nodded.

"Yeah you feel off your broom, Fred and George were trying to get the bludger away from me after I broke my arm and it happened to go towards you, it hit you broom and as you were falling it hit you again but in the leg" Harry said.

"Oh I don't remember getting hit In the leg, did my leg break?" Jake asked. Harry nodded and pointed to Jake cast on his leg. Jake only noticed it then. "I thought madam pomfrey could fix broken bones" Jake said.

"She can... But not huge breaks like yours, should could have fixed my arm if all the bones weren't removed" Harry muttered. Jake gave him a questionable look. "Lockhart knows nothing, he tried to fix my arm himself but he clearly failed"

SNAP! Dobby appeared out of thin air, Jake took his attention from harry and looked at the house elf. "Dobby what are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"I told you about trouble at Hogwarts" Dobby said looking at both of them "I told both of you"

"Dobby, you knew about the chamber of secrets?" Jake asked. Dobby nodded.

"I tried to keep Harry Potter from going to school by locking the gate to platform 9 and 3/4 but you decided at the last moment to flo to the platform" Dobby said looking at harry with his tennis ball eyes.

"why would you do that?" Harry asked. "I'm perfectly fine at Hogwarts" harry muttered. Dobby shook his head a pointed at Harry's arm.

"Dobby, that has nothing to do with the chamber of secrets" Jake said looking at the house elf.

"But it does" the house elf said. He then started banging his head on the pole of the bed. "I can't speak of it, I can't speak of it" Dobby muttered while he hit his head in the bed. Harry stopped him with his good arm.

"Dobby stop! It's okay, we get you cant say much" harry said. Dobby nodded his big head.

"Dobby must go now, my master is calling me" Dobby said, he clicked his fingers and he was gone. Jake looked over at harry.

"I think he was trying to tell us that his master was the one who jinxed the bludger" harry said laying back down in his bed.

"You're right... And if we find out who jinxed the bludger then we will know who his master is" Jake said moving in his bed comfortably.

"Wouldn't it be an adult?" Harry asked thoughtfully.

"It could be but it also could be a student to, house elves call kids masters as well harry" Jake said. He knew more about this stuff because he had grown up in the wizarding world. Harry nodded.

"Let's get some sleep" Harry said, Jake nodded agreeing with him. Jake closed his eyes 'open your mind' James' voice came into his head. Jake slowly started to fall asleep.

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