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"Sit" Severus spat at Jake once they got to his office. Jake sat down slowly.

"Wow, what's wrong?" Jake asked. Severus glared at him for a moment then he sat at his desk.

"Why don't you tell me Jake why you have been so rude to me for the past two weeks?" Severus asked. Now he had a disappointed look on his face.

"Im not sure what you mean" Jake lied. Severus got up from his chair and walked right up to him.

"Don't lie to me boy! You know I don't appreciate rudeness from ANYONE" Severus growled. Jake gulped.

"Okay, I'm sorry, can I go now" Jake asked.

"No, we haven't finished talking" Severus said. "I think I regret letting you know about the prophecy, it seems to have... Changed you"

"No it hasn't" Jake mumbled.

"Then it's that girl then?" Severus asked. Jakes eyes widened.

"Nooo dad... It's you kind of, it's just you're really over protective and it ticks me off sometimes, I'm sorry okay, I know you're just trying to help" Jake said softly trying to not make him anymore angry. Severus sighed and pinched the skin above his nose, he then removed his hand and looked at Jake.

"I'm sorry..." Severus said unexpectedly. Jake looked at him confused. "I'm just over protective because your mother isn't here and I'm trying to do the job of both parents" Severus said with a deep sigh. He then sat in his desk chair. Jake stood up and leant against the desk.

"You don't need to, it's not like it's your fault mum died" Jake said softly. Severus looked at him and then looked away. 'If only he knew' Severus thought to him self.

"you're right" Severus said. Jake nodded and smiled.

"You know i love you dad, no matter what" Jake said with a soft smile.

"Is that a promise?" Severus asked. Jake nodded.


"Good... I love you too Jake, you're my son, I have too" Severus said with a small chuckle. Jake chuckled abit and grabbed his crutches and put them under his arms.

"Can I got to my common room now?" Jake asked. Severus nodded his head.

"But before you go... Why do you want to play Quidditch with a bad leg?" Severus asked curiously. Jake looked at him and smiled.

"Well... I don't want to let down the team, Quidditch is everything to me and if our team loses then I'll automatically think it's my fault" Jake said sighing. Severus nodded.

"You may go... And don't think I'll let you play, I'm still protective you know" Severus said. Jake sighed and nodded.

Jake got to the portrait, it took him 20 minutes to get back to the common room. He was tired of his crutches, they hurt his arm pits. "Griggs pupe" Jake muttered. The portrait swung open and he saw that the common room was almost empty.

"Jake... I heard that your dad was angry at you" katie said worried. Jake nodded.

"Yeah he was but he's not anymore" Jake muttered as he sat down on the couch. Katie sat next to him.

"Okay, I don't even think I need to ask what it was about" katie said.

"Oh... Yeah you already know" Jake muttered. "I'm going to go to bed" Jake said. Katie nodded and kissed him, he kissed back then pulled away. He got up and kissed her softly on the forehead and went to the boys dormitory stairs. He groaned when he realised he had to go up them.

When Jake had finally gotten up to his dorm he got changed and went to bed, he fell asleep almost instantly. Then a voice was in his head 'open your mind'

Jake was standing in that crowded place again, there was so many people walking around. Jake knew where he was kind of, this place was the place for spirits that had anything to do with wizards. He noticed that he could walk so that's what he did, he walked over to a bearded man and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and smiled at Jake. "Hello Jake, I'm Morfin Gaunt..." The man said.

"H-how does everyone know my name?" Jake asked.

"Our spirits still live Jake and we all have heard that you can speak to spirits... All these people here want to speak to you" Morfin said calmly. Jake was surprised.

"Really?" Jake asked. Morfin nodded. "What do you want to talk to me about?" Jake asked.

"I wanted to talk to you about my sister son... Tom Riddle... Also known as Voldemort" Morfin said with a strong hatred in his eyes. Jake nodded for him to go on. "When voldemort was sixteen, he came to look for my father... His grandfather Mavolo. I told him that he had past away and that he looked a lot like the man that lived up the street. He asked me where so I told him... I don't remember anything after that except for waking up on the ground and..." Morfin looked away.

"And what?" Jake asked curiously. Morfin looked at Jake.

"And my fathers ring had left my finger, I looked everywhere for it... Then the ministry aurors came to arrest me. They said that I'm a suspect of the murder of the riddle family... The funny thing is that I actually thought I did it, I had this memory that was so out of place, like it had been shoved into my head" Morfin said looking at the floor.

"Voldemort killed the riddle family and you went to Azkaban for it?" Jake asked. Morfin nodded.

"He stunned me, removed my ring and then went to the riddle house to murder them... When he came back he took the memory from his head and put it in mine" Morfin said clenching his fists.

"Why did the ministry suspect you?" Jake asked. He looked around and saw people staring at the two. Morfin saw aswell and he looked back at Jake.

"Me and that muggle boy didn't get along, I didn't like him when I was younger, I was stupid..." Morfin muttered. "You better go talk to someone else, or they'll complain like last time" Morfin said. Jake nodded and walked away, he walked to a lady.

"You're Tom Riddles mother aren't you?" Jake asked. The women nodded and sat on the wooden chair that appeared out of no where and Jake sat down on the one next to it.

"I was an idiot at the age of 18 when i went off after his father, it wasn't right... I know that now but I just loved him from the moment I saw him" she said. Jake felt himself shake.. Someone was trying to wake him. "I think you better go Jake"

Jake sat up and saw harry. "Jake the game got cancelled, Justin Finch-Fetchley has gotten petrified and everyone thinks it was me"

Severus Snape's Son: Book 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now