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That weekend Jake and Fay became boyfriend and girlfriend. He turned out that Fay had, had a crush on Jake for a while. By now it was February and Fay and Jake had been dating for two weeks.

"Tomorrow's Katie's birthday you know" Hermione said sadly to Jake once he was alone. Jake shook his head and told her off for mentioning the name.

On Katie's birthday Katie watched as Fay and Jake walked down the hall holding hands. She felt so much anger, she stormed to her dormitory and pulled out a box from under her bed. It had letters in them, from her mother.

I demand you break up with that Jake boy! If his father is Severus Snape then I'm afraid he's no good.

A tear fell from Katie's eye as she read it. She pulled out another letter. This one was from Jake. Katie usually kept all her letters. She looked at Jakes letter and smiled. She missed him.

'Dear Katie
I miss you so much, I didn't get to see you at Diagon Alley like everyone else. How's your summer been so far?
Mines been really average like I've done all my homework in the first week of holidays because I'm slightly bored.
I hope you're having more fun than me.
Jake Snape.
P.S I'm sorry I haven't written, I haven't had an owl up until recently'

Katie smiled but more tears fell from her eyes. At that moment she became afraid that she'd lose him and now she didn't care what he mother thought. She loved Jake and now she knew it. She wasn't afraid anymore, she wasn't afraid to fall in love with him. Katie got a piece of parchment an started to write to her mother.

I know I said I broke up with Jake and yes we aren't together but he's broken, he's not like his father. Are you forgetting that his mother was Lily Evans? And have you stopped and realised how I feel? By the way mum, I'm not having a very good birthday because I don't have him.
"Guess what day it is today?" Fay asked Jake with a smile on her face. Jake looked at her questionably.

"Katie's birthday?" Jake asked. Fay's smile fell.

"Yes but it's also our two week anniversary" Fay said happily. Jake didn't look very happy, in fact all he could think about was Katie. He wanted to be there for her birthday.

"Oh that's great Fay" Jake said kissing her on the cheek softly. She giggled slightly and blushed. Jake still didn't have a happy look on his face. He was emotionless, like what his father does when he wants to hide his emotions. Fay kissed Jake on the lips softly. Jake pulled away and saw Katie walking away from the Gryffindor table fast. Jake watched her and then found himself going after her. He ignored Fay yelling out for him and he followed her. Katie hadn't noticed she was being followed but Jake could hear sniffles. They ended up in the girls bathroom on 2nd floor that no one uses.

"Katie" Jake said softly. Katie turned around with her puffy red eyes that were full of tears.

"You happy Jake?" Katie asked as she removed some of the tears with her sleeve.

"Why would I be happy to see you in tears?" Jake asked quietly but he looked into her tearful chocolate brown eyes. His heart broke a little. He put his hand on her cheek a looked at her lovingly.

"Because... You moved on" Katie whispered. Jake took his hand off her cheek and looked away from her.

"I never moved on... I'm trying but it's not working" Jake said. He looked at her in the eyes again. "Katie... Kat, do you love me?" Jake asked. Katie looked Jake in the eyes. She knew whatever the answer was determined their future.

"Of course I do Jake, I was too scared before, I'm not anymore" Katie said looking down. Jake made her look at him by putting his index finger under her chin.

"You don't need to be afraid" Jake mumbled moving his face closer to hers. He removed her tears by using his thumb. "I don't like Fay, she's sweet but she's not you" Jake said looking her in the eye. Katie smiled a bit but then it disappeared.

"Why do you do that?" Katie said moving away from him.

"Do what?" Jake asked confused.

"Why do you forgive so easily?" Katie asked. Jake smiled.

"I am my mothers son" Jake said. Katie smiled. He was Lily's son and he was kind hearted and forgiving. "Are you alright now Katie?" Jake asked. Katie nodded. "Let's get out of here" Jake said. Katie nodded again. They hadn't gotten back together but Jake had seemed to cheer her up. "By the way Kat, Happy 14th Birthday" Jake said with a smile.
The news had gotten around that Jake had broken up with Fay, it actually went really well for a break up.

"Fay I'm sorry but I have to do this before anything gets serious, I'm breaking up with you" Jake said looking at the ground nervously.

"It's Katie, isn't it?" Fay asked. Jake didn't want to say anything about Katie to her.

"No... I'm just not ready for another relationship after Katie" Jake said. Fay nodded and kissed him on the cheek softly and walked away.

Katie and Jake went back to being best friends. They did act like a couple in private but in public they just acted like best friends. Jake hadn't asked her out again yet but he realised he better soon.

Severus Snape's Son: Book 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now