Unicorns and Holidays

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Katie sat at lunch, she ate quickly because she really wanted to know what was bothering Jake so much. "Wow Katie, what's the rush?" Angelina Johnson asked.

"Oh um, I just really want to go outside" katie lied. Angelina raised an eyebrow. Katie stood up quickly. She didn't know where Jake was at the moment. He said after class that he needed to go talk to someone, so Katie made her way down to the tree by the lake. She sat up against the tree. Jake wasn't there yet.

Jake saw her sitting against the tree and he sighed deeply and hopped over using his crutches, to the tree and sat next to her, he laid his crutches down next to him and put his broken leg out. Katie faced him and smiled. Jake smiled and kissed her softly. Katie pulled away. "Come on Jake I know you're trying to put off telling me it" Katie muttered. Jake sighed.

"It's not that I don't trust you, I mean you're the only person I would tell this.. I'm just a bit nervous" Jake said.

"Don't be Jake... You're with me" Katie said. This made Jake smile. He put his hands in his pockets because the snow was making them cold then he looked at her.

"It's kind of hard to explain... Before Harry was even born there was a prophecy made about me and him... This prophecy caused Voldemort to go after Harry. The reason he only went after harry is because he only heard half of the prophecy..." Jake said, he bit his lip nervously.

"It's what the prophecy said that is bothering you, isn't it?.. Jake what did it say?" Katie asked.

"It said that the brother of the boy born at the end of July, was born at the start of March. The brothers must help each other to defeat the dark lord... Only one brother will survive" Jake said, the last words rolled of his tongue and were like venom to Katie. She flinched when he said those last words.

"Oh Jake..." She said hugging him. Jake hugged back. "I totally understand how upset you are right now" Katie mumbled.

"No, I'm not upset much anymore" Jake said. "I feel better now that I told you" Jake mumbled. He put out his hand for her to hold it. She held it and he kissed her on the cheek.

"Jake... You know I'm always here for you" Katie said. Jake nodded.

"I know Kat" Jake said smiling. He kissed her on the lips softly. She kissed back but they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Jake pulled away and saw his father.

"Jake the bell is about to ring so I suggest you make you way back up to the castle" Severus said sternly. Jake sighed and got up with the help of Katie.

"I'm fine with getting to classes without you telling me" Jake spat. Severus flinched slightly and watched Jake walk off with Katie.

"You know you shouldn't talk to your father that way, he's only trying to help" Katie said. Jake looked at her brown eyes and nodded.

"Yeah I know but it annoys me" Jake mumbled. Katie always brought out the best in him and that's one thing that he loves about her. The bell rang just as they go to the door that goes into the school. "We have Defence Against the Dark Arts" Jake said rolling his eyes.

"Oh come on J, he's a better teacher the Quirell was... You just haven't been to his classes lately" Katie said. Jake nodded and continued hopping on. They got to class surprisingly early.

"Oh Jake, it's nice to see you've decided to return to my class" Lockhart said with the fakest smile. Jake nodded.

"Thought I may as well" Jake said with a smirk. Katie hit him in the arm. "Sorry" Jake muttered. When the class came in Lockhart stood up from his desk.

"Today we are going to learn about patronus', you don't learn how to do them until 5th year but..." Lockhart began saying. Jake raised his hand. "Yes Jake"

"I can do a Patronus" Jake said with the same smirk. Lockhart raised an eyebrow, he searched Jakes face to see if he was joking.

"Okay... Why don't you show us then" Lockhart muttered. Jake stood up with a smirk on his face. He got his crutches and went to the front of the class. He put his crutches down and took out his wand. He thought about Katie's face, her smile, her laugh, her hair, everything about her.

"Expecto patronum" Jake said, a wolf came jumping out of his wand, jake let it run around before making it disappear. He then looked at Lockhart and asked. "Is that a patronus"

"uh... Yeah" Lockhart stuttered. Professor Lockhart then turned to towards the class. "As you see Jakes Patronus took form as a wolf... Can anyone else do a Patronus?" The professor asked, everyone looked around and Katie rose he hand. Jake smiled and went back to his seat. "Yes, ms bell come up and show us" Lockhart muttered. Katie nodded and stood up and walked to the front of the room. She thought of all the good times she's had with Jake.

"EXPECTO Patronum " katie said and a rabbit came jumping out of her wand. Lockhart looked very surprised. Jake knew why and he smirked.

"Sir why don't you show us yours?" Jake asked. Professor Lockhart turned red.

"V-very well" Lockhart said getting out his wand. "Expecto Patronum" he said and a unicorn shot out of his wand. Jake was surprised he thought the professor didn't know how to do a patronus. The class roared into laughter. Professor Lockharts patronus was a unicorn! This was something to remember.
It was a Thursday afternoon and Severus was sitting in his office grading 7th year potion essays. There was a knock on his office door. "Come in" Severus muttered with his attention staying on the essays he was marking.

"Sir?" The boy's voice asked. Severus looked up to see Harry Potter.

"yes harry?" Severus asked. Harry sat at the seat in front of Severus' desk.

"I know you said that I don't need to do the extra potions lessons anymore but I really did enjoy them" harry said. Severus looked surprised. Severus then chuckled.

"I'm sure you didn't enjoy me bossing you around" Severus said looking back down at the papers he was grading.

"It only made me better.." Harry said. Severus looked up at the boy that looked so much like his school bully, he was so much different then James though, he was more like Lily now, even some of his facial features looked like Lily's.

"Why don't you spend Christmas holidays with me and jake at our house?" Severus asked. Harry smiled brightly.

"If you wouldn't mind" harry said with a smile spread across his face. Severus' lip curled into a small smile.

"I don't mind and I know Jake wants you there" Severus said.

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