Full Patronus

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For about a week after that, All Katie and Jake did was practice the Patronus charm and the furthest they got was a mist. They thought of a heap of moments in their life where they were really happy but none of them gave them a patronus. Jake thought long and hard on what his happiest moment was. Then he realised something and he went to Katie.

"Meet me in the same classroom in our free period after lunch, I think I've got it" Jake told her. Katie smiled widely and nodded she kissed him on the cheek and they left to do different electives. When lunch came Jake was excited he looked over at harry with a smile.

"What are you smiling about?" Harry asked smirking.

"Oh it's just a great day to be alive" Jake said smiling. He took a bite out of his sandwich. "Where's Ron?" Jake asked curiously.

"He got held back in potions Snape told him to clean up the huge mess he made, blew up a caldron" harry said with a chuckle. "Neville had to stay back to because his caldron caused Ron's caldron to explode" Harry said. Jake laughed. "Where's Katie?" Harry asked. Jake shrugged, she was probably already at the classroom, he did get to lunch quite late.

"I'm not sure, sometimes she doesn't eat lunch" Jake said shrugging. "I wish I could skip it sometimes but dad makes me eat it everyday"

"I eat lunch everyday, mostly because I know I won't get full meals at my aunties and uncle" Harry said. Jake nodded.

"Do you think they'll let you back there?" Jake asked. Harry shrugged. "You know... If they don't let you, I'm sure dad would let you stay at our place for a week or two" Jake said. Harry shook his head.

"No I couldn't and anyway Professor Snape doesn't like me very much, he's alway picking on me" Harry muttered frowning.

"It's because you look like your father" Jake said. Harry looked at him surprised.

"Did he uh.. Tell you this?" Harry asked. Jake nodded.

"Yeah last year he said it, maybe if you talked to him about wanting help in potions he might consider you a good student and like you, not that he doesn't" Jake said, harry nodded. "I've gotta go but I'll see you at dinner" jake said, he hurried out of the great hall and into the classroom.

Harry thought about what Jake said and decided while he was on his lunch break he'd go to Snape's classroom and talk to him. He knew he'd still be there because Neville and Ron weren't finished yet. Harry knocked on the classroom door softly and it opened about a minute after he knocked. "Weasley! Don't do that!" Snape growled at the red head who was red faced. He turned to harry and had a surprised expression on his face. "Yes Potter, what do you want?"

"Um.. I was wondering Professor if uh you could help me with understanding the pepper up potion, I didn't get it quite right in class" Harry said nervously.

"How about you come by my office tomorrow afternoon potter and I'll see if I can teach you something" Snape said. Harry nodded calmly.

"Yes sir"

Katie sat in a seat in the class room. She was trying to turn a tooth pick into a pin. "You've never been really good at that, have you?" Jake asked casually as he walked into the room.

"No I haven't" Katie said agreeing. She stood up and moved towards him and pecked him on the lips. Jake smiled and got out his wand

"I think I've got it, the happiest thought" Jake said looking at her and smiling happily.

"We'll go ahead and do it" Katie said smiling. Jake nodded and concentrated on the memories.

"Expecto Patronum" Jake said waving his wand. A string of silver came out of his wand then the sliver made a mist and among that mist was something that looked like a dog.

"That's a wolf!" Katie said happily. "Your Patronus is a wolf" she said smiling, Jake lowered his wand and the Patronus disappeared.

"I knew it" Jake mumbled. "Not that wolf thing, I don't care about that but the thought that it took to make it I knew" Jake said smiling at Katie.

"What was the thought?" Katie asked. Jake smiled like an idiot.

"Well, you katie" Jake said smiling. She smiled as well.

"I think I should try now" Katie said smiling. She took out her wand and thought hard. Jakes face popped up in her mind. His smile, his lips, he nose, his eyes and his hair was perfect. She thought about what it was like to kiss him. She thought about all the wonderful moments they spent together. "EXPECTO PATRONUM" Katie said with an effortless wave of the wand. A Rabbit came out of her wand instantly, more quicker then Jakes. Jake chuckled.

"Wolves chase Rabbits" Jake said, the Patronus disappeared and Katie looked at Jake.

"Don't you remember what the teacher said in Care for Magical Creatures?" Katie asked raising an eyebrow.

"No, what?" Jake asked raising an eyebrow.

"A wizard with a partronus that is a wolf can connect with spirits" Katie said, Jake's eyes widened

"That means I can connect with spirits?" Jake asked. Katie nodded with a giggle. "Oh my gosh"
The next day was a Saturday and Jake headed down to his fathers office to talk to him. "Jake, what brings you here?" Severus asked.

"I wanted to see you and show you a new spell I learnt, it's taken me two months but I finally did it" Jake said smiling.

"What spell?" Severus asked raising his eyebrow. Jake got out his wand and pointed it away from Severus.

"Expecto Patronum" Jake said smiling. The wolf jumped out of his wand and looked at Severus bravely then disappeared when Jake put his wand back into his pocket.

"You learned the Patronus charm? But you said Lockharts a bad teacher?" Severus asked. Jake looked at his father who still sat at his desk.

"He is, I learnt this with the help of my girlfriend, she can do it too" Jake said proudly. Severus was impressed.

"What animal was that?" Severus asked. He didn't look at it properly.

"A wolf" Jake said smiling. Severus' eyes widened.

"A wolf?" He asked, Jake nodded.

"You can connect with spirits?" Severus asked.

"Well I'm not entirely sure"

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