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'Dear Katie
I miss you so much, I didn't get to see you at Diagon Alley like everyone else. How's your summer been so far?
Mines been really average like I've done all my homework in the first week of holidays because I'm slightly bored.
I hope you're having more fun than me.
Jake Snape.
P.S I'm sorry I haven't written, I haven't had an owl up until recently'

Jake Stared down at his letter and read it over at least 10 times, he hadn't written to Katie all summer and he didn't want to come off bad. When Jake was finally satisfied he rolled the parchment up and tied a piece of string around it and tied it to Jerimin's leg. "Fast deliver" Jake muttered. Jerimin's glared at Jake. "I'm sorry, after this there won't be anymore fast delivers for a while" jake said, the bird nodded it's feathery head and flew off out of the window. Meanwhile with jakes father, he had just received a letter from Dumbledore.
'Dear Severus,
Sorry to interrupt your time with your son but i wish to see you at my office on Saturday at 5pm
Albus Dumbledore
P.S I really do enjoy Apple Toffee'

Severus chuckled at the last part, Albus always wrote at the end what he enjoys eating but It really wasn't that it was the password to get into Dumbledore's office.

'Dear Headmaster,
You are lucky I am free on Saturday afternoon and I can see you, I have to bring Jake with me, I'm not comfortable with leaving him home alone.
Severus Snape'

Severus put the parchment in an envelope without looking at what he wrote twice. He sent for his owl to send off the letter. He wouldn't let Jake use this owl so Severus bought Jake and owl for himself.

Albus Dumbledore opened the letter from Severus and read it carefully. Jake couldn't come, they needed to talk about the prophecy.

'Dear Severus,
I'm sorry but you can't bring Jake, we need to talk about the Prophecy. I will arrange for him to go to the Weasley's
Albus Dumbledore'

Albus gave the letter to Severus' owl. It soared off out the window to Severus. Severus read it, he didn't want to know about the prophecy. He didn't want to know about anything that said his son might die in a few short years.

' Dear Headmaster
Jake will have to know soon, but I think sending him to the Weasley's is a good idea.
Severus Snape'

In Jake's room he received a letter back from Katie. Jake ripped the letter open straight away.

'Dear Jake,
I'm having fun, I'm in Manchester right now, I'm going to watch some muggle sport called Football that my father loves (he's a muggle) it should be fun, I've been to one game before and it was okay, I still don't get the rules, I'd rather quidditch. Anyway Jake, I hope your holiday gets less boring, have you heard from harry?
Katie Bell'

Jake smile at the letter and got a quill and parchment to reply.

What do the players do in this sport? Also I have seen harry, I saw him at Diagon Alley on his birthday. Did you hear that his aunt and uncle locked him in his room and the Weasley's had to save him?
Anyway, have fun in Manchester.
Jake Snape.'

Jake sent the owl off with his letter and he walked out of the room and to his fathers study. He knocked on the door.

"Come in" said his fathers voice from the other side of the door. Jake noticed the stress in his voice. Jake opened the door slowly. "Hello Jake" Severus said, Jake smiled lightly.

"Hi dad, what wrong?" Jake asked. Severus shrugged.

"Professor Dumbledore needs me at Hogwarts today, I'm going to take you to the Weasley's" he said, Jake smiled widely. He gets to see his bestfriends Fred and George and his friend Ron. He also gets to see his brother Harry. "Good you're excited"

"Dad you know I'm thirteen and old enough to stay home alone" Jake said. "But you're lucky I actually want to go" Jake said, Severus rolled his eyes.

'You're not safe home alone with death eaters around still' Severus thought. Severus chuckled lightly. "The Weasley's are expecting you to arrive by flo powder, so go to the fire place, take so powder, drop it into the fire and say The Burrow"

Severus Snape's Son: Book 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now