Death Eater?

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Katie's face turned red, she smiled. "The funny thing is, I've been wanting to tell you the same thing for a long time" She said, Jake smiled at her and found himself leaning in. She leaned in as well and there lips met. Jake placed his hand on her cheek while kissing her and he pulled away once he felt the train move. He chuckled and looked at her.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Jake asked.

"Yes" Katie said smiling. They kissed again but not for as long. The sound of the carriage door opening was heard and Jake pulled away suddenly to see Harry looking at them.

"Yeah best friend Jake" harry said chuckling. He looked over at Katie who had turned read and then back at Jake who was also red.

"Well she is still my best friend but she's my girlfriend aswell" Jake said, harry raised his eyebrow.

"When were you planning on telling me this?" Harry asked.

"Well I only just asked her then so maybe I would have told you when I saw you next" Jake said. Harry had a smirk on his face.

"Well I bet you to it brother" harry said chuckling. Jake glared at him.

"Would you piss off" Jake said, Harry laughed and shook his head.

"I can't find Ron and Hermione" Harry said, sitting infront of them "go on with the kissing, I promise I won't look" Harry said laughing.

"PISS OFF HARRY" Jake said angrily, Harry laughed and walked out of the carriage. Jake closed the door and closed the curtains.

"Don't close that! I need something from the trolley" Katie said. Jake chuckled and opened it again. Jake say down and Katie put her legs over jakes lap. "So when are we starting animangi?" Katie asked, Jake looked at her surprised.

"I actually forgot about that" Jake said looking at her nervously. "I forgot to research"

"Don't worry about that, I know how to do it" Katie said with a smile on her face. Jake smiled back at her.

"Go on, explain" Jake said with a small smirk on his lips.

"Well your Animagus form is determined by your patronus" Katie said. Jake looked at her questionably, he had no idea what a patronus was. "A Patronus is made up from happiness, it will make dementors go away if they come to close to you, although this is a very difficult spell to learn Jake" Katie Jake shook his head.

"Hey we can do it" Jake said looking at Katie's uncertain look on her face. "You know we can"

"But do you really think we need to become one?" Katie asked. Jake nodded.

"I don't know about you but I need to become one because I have a feeling that if I do I'll be in less danger in the future" Jake said looking towards the ground. Katie gasped and made him look at her.

"What do you mean Jake?" She asked looking worried.

"Voldemort will be back" Jake said not caring about the name. Katie flinched. "Sorry..." Jake muttered. "When he does come back me and harry need to be ready because I won't leave his side" Katie smiled warmly at him.

"You really care for your brother, you'll fight with him even if you don't have to?" Katie asked, Jake nodded and looked out the window at the passing trees. Jake was unaware of the prophecy, he was unaware that he didn't have a choice.

"Anything from the trolley?" The lady asked walking down the isle with the trolley.

"Yes, can I have some candy wands and chocolate frogs" Katie said removing her legs from jakes lap and standing up. She gave the lady the money and she received what she asked for.

"And you dear?" The lady asked, Jake shook his head and looked at Katie.

"I need to go and talk to harry, I'll be back" Jake said. He walked out the door after the trolley lady had left. He saw a kid with jet black hair laughing with his two best friends. Jake slid open the door and looked at harry. "Can I talk to you please?" Jake asked, Harry nodded and walked out of the compartment.

"What is it Jake?" Harry asked. He stood against the wall and looked at Jake questionably.

"Did Dobby come to see you?" Jake asked. Harry's eyes widened and he swore.

"IT WAS YOU, YOU SENT THE BLOODY ELF!" Harry yelled at him, people started to poke their heads out of the compartments.

"Harry lets go somewhere no one will ears drop, okay" Jake said. Harry nodded, he still looked very pissed off. Jake took Harry to an empty teachers compartment that was meant for professor Snape.

"I sent the elf because he came to me in the middle of the night and woke me up, he told me you were in danger" Jake said worriedly.

"Why the heck would you send him" Harry asked, Jake shrugged casually.

"I... He woke me up as I said and told me you weren't safe at Hogwarts so me being so tired I told him to go tell you." Jake said nervously. "I also had a terrible dream that night harry, I think you ought to know"

"What was it about?" Harry asked. He had calmed down by now. He looked at his brothers pale face and began to worry.

"I had a dream the mum was back, Voldemort was there laughing, he wanted me to join him or die. He said the my father was one of his best death eaters" Jake said looking towards the ground.

"What's a death eater?" Harry asked curiously.

"They are Voldemort's followers... Anyway I yelled at him saying that dad would never follow him and he killed mum, then I yelled at him some more and he offered me to follow him or die. I said I'd rather die." Jake said.

"Jake... You don't think your dad is actually a death eater do you?" Harry asked. Jake shrugged.

"Have you ever heard about a dark mark?" Jake asked, Harry shook his head. "Well it's a mark a death eater has on his arm to show his a death eater" Jake paused for a moment then continued. "You know I've never seen his arms before, he always wears long sleeve shirts"

Harry looked shocked. "what would you do if he was a death eater?" Harry asked.

"I don't know harry, but one thing I know for sure is that I wouldn't want to talk to him ever again"

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