Chapter 1 (Edited)

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Chapter 1

It was quiet, at least it was up until a loud crack tore through the air and a piercing scream followed it. I reacted quickly pulling out a stake as I whipped around towards the source of the sound. I realized with a sinking feeling that it wasn’t a branch that had broken. It was Jeremy’s leg that had made that sound. Jeremy was looking at me with pleading eyes, as the attacker had his hand clamped over Jeremy’s mouth. I fixated on the guy, evaluating him to try and determine his weaknesses.

There was nothing distinguishable about this man. He wore loose fitting black hoodie with the hood pulled over his head. The hood cast shadows on his face not letting me see his features. He stood with his back to a dim light so all I could really see was his silhouette. Jeremy was another matter; I could see him quite clearly from his ordinary features to the pain in his eyes.

My mind was racing, how could I free Jeremy without harming him anymore? I heard laughter from farther away in the alley and saw the attacker was also distracted by it. I seized the chance and threw the stake but my target ducked my only stake easily. I’m not my usual self; this unexpected attack has affected me to Jeremy’s and my disadvantage. If I can’t fight to my normal standard how can I possibly save us?

I stifled a groan as I realized that the stake I had thrown had been my last. The guy smirks at me as if he knows my dilemma and it’s given him confidence. He takes a step forward toward me, I took a step back trying to stall him in hopes that somehow a miracle with come to my aid. I spotted movement over the guy’s shoulder and glanced in that direction nonchalantly to not catch the attacker’s attention. With a feeling of relief I noticed that it was my friend Liz and her partner Jordan. They were armed to the max with stakes and weapons unlike me.

They looked tense and ready to spring into action at any moment, but for some reason hadn’t moved. What were they waiting for? The guy took another step forward prompting me to take another step back but in the end it wasn’t necessary. Liz and Jordan reacted. Jordan threw a vial of liquid into the attacker face as he turned towards them. It was sort of liquid poison that is commonly used by us. It reacts immediately with certain people, certain people meaning vampires.

It caused the guy to bare his fangs in anger and howl in pain as he clawed at his eyes. While the vamp was distracted Liz darted forward and plunged a stake through the vampire’s heart. The vamp crumpled staring in disbelief at the stake protruding through his chest for a moment before dying. Liz and Jordan sighed looking at me with similar disapproving looks

“How do you manage to get yourself into these kinds of messes?” asked Liz as she shook her head at me.

“It’s a talent,” I replied as I rushed over to Jeremy. Liz and Jordan came to Jeremy’s side and stood guard as I evaluated Jeremy’s injuries. The only major injury Jeremy had sustained during this ordeal was to his leg which was sticking out at an unnatural angle. He also had a few cuts and scrapes but I doubted Jeremy was thinking much of them. The pain from his leg must be excruciating because his face was contorted in an expression of pain and he was pale.

“We need to get out of here,” said Liz, “there might be more vampires coming out from the vamp bar and they might smell the blood.

“It’s not safe here,” agreed Jordan, his expression unusually unreadable.

“Alright, Jordan and I will pick Jeremy up and get him back to the van,” I delegated. I sighed as I thought about my plan; the van was at least three blocks away but it was all we could do. “Okay, Jeremy, just hold on, we have to get you to the van. I picked up Jeremy by his arms and Jordan picked up his legs. A groan came from Jeremy. I glanced at him to see that he was biting his lip to keep from screaming in pain. “Let’s move quickly; Liz cover us,” I commanded.

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