Chapter 15 (Edited)

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Chapter 15

I fumbled my stake as I panicked and it clattered to the ground. The red-haired vampire that was attacking me swung her foot at me. All of a sudden I wasn’t in the same spot and the kick hit empty air. The vampire hissed at me then glared at Alexandria. Alexandria smirked back as she let go of my arm. The vampire ran at Alexandria but Alexandria stepped away at the last second unbalancing the vampire.

The vampire started to fall to the floor but Alexandria caught her arm and then threw the female vampire out the window she had come in through. I looked around for a stake to help Erik but in the end it wasn’t necessary. Alexandria pushed Erik out of the way and pinned the remaining vampire against the wall. Erik backed up from the vampires and shot me a look. I just shrugged; I had no clue what was going on here.

“Who sent you?” she asked him venomously. The vampire just stayed silent. He made a choking noise as Alexandria tightened her hand on his throat. He clawed at her hand but she didn’t let up. He nodded and Alexandria loosened her grip.

“Alright, I’ll tell you,” he muttered. “It’s some guy with a lot of money.”

“Not good enough,” I cut in. “We need a name or a description.” The vampire laughed humorously and shook his head; his jet black hair fell into his eyes.

“He’s not going to tell us anything,” Alexandria told me after regarding the situation thoughtfully. “Whoever sent him gave him some kind of payment he’d die for. He’s desperate, that’s why he took this job.”

“How do you know?” Alexandria shrugged.

“I just do.”

“So what do we do with him?”

“I don’t know but questioning him further will just be a waste of time,” said Alexandria before forcefully knocking the vampire unconscious. She stepped back and gestured to the vampire. “Well, don’t just stand there, your hunters and that’s a vampire. Do your job.”

“I’ll take care of this,” replied Erik as he stood up and grabbed a stake. “If he’s willing to die for this task then I’m happy to oblige.” He staked the vampire not bothering to remove the stake afterwards. Alexandria moved quickly and I located her after she stopped moving. Alexandria was now on the other side of the room having moved as soon as Erik came close with the stake.

“A hunter comes towards me with a stake and I instinctively move out of the way,” she explained in response to both our looks. I chuckled and shook my head at her.

“So what now?” asked Erik. He didn’t even glance back at the body of the vampire.

“We finish packing up Tristan’s stuff and then we go and sort through it.” I made my way to bags and stuffed a few more papers into one of them.

“Alright, but what are we doing about the vamp?” Erik asked. Alexandria rolled her eyes.

“Why is it so hard for hunters to say vampire? Vampires don’t call hunters: hunts. Its really weird,” Alexandria cut in. Erik glared at her for interrupting then went back to ignoring her.

“Vampires call werewolves: weres,” I replied.

“Yeah, but that’s different, no one cares about those mangy mutts,” she argued.

“People could argue no one cares about vampires,” I laughed.

“Yeah, that’s the reason there are so many books on vampires,” Alexandria retorted. I rolled my eyes at the point she chose to defend her argument.

“Funny, I never pictured vampires reading,” Erik commented. Alexandria rolled her eyes and it was clear that was all she was going to say on that subject.

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