Chapter 19 (Edited)

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Chapter 19

The wind picked up ruffling my hair and howling in my ears but it didn’t bother me a bit. I looked at the trees and saw they were swaying with the force of the wind but oddly enough the lake waters were undisturbed. I was just about to lie down on the lush blanket of grass to wait for the reason I was here but just then I saw two figures a while away staring at the starry sky.

With a sudden urgency I ran towards them, feeling a need to hear what they were saying. As I drew closer to them I recognized one of them, it was Alexandria. She looked different though, it was like this was another version of her, perhaps a twin? Her long hair had been cut short and reached just below her ears, it also happened to be lightly curled. She had a few streaks of purple in her hair as well; the shade of purple matched her eyes.

“What do you want?” Alexandria’s duplicate asked. The other girl sighed as she twisted her light blond hair, she felt uncomfortable about what she was going to say.

“I’m here to warn you not to do anything stupid. Not all of us back home hate you; we see it as a mercy you weren’t killed for your actions, Alexandria.” Huh, so this was actually Alexandria. “You were given a second chance to live, don’t ruin it by going after him.” Alexandria narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms clearly mad with what the other girl had said. I stared at them very confused with what was revealed here.

“You can’t tell me what to do anymore, I don’t follow your rules these days seeing as I’m not one of you ever since that day.” Alexandria’s voice was full of emotion but that was the only thing she didn’t have control of, the rest of her unemotional and uncaring. “It doesn’t matter what the rest of you think or feel. What I do is my business.”

“Revenge is never the answer,” the blond girl pleaded, trying to make Alexandria realize her point. “Why waste your second chance trying to get him? They’ve given him protection, there are people watching him all the time, getting close enough to hurt him will be hard. Alexandria smirked, overly confident.

“I’m patient, sooner or later they will mess up.” The blonde girl’s eyes widened as she stared at Alexandria. She frowned as she searched Alexandria’s face for something before looking away towards the lake.

“Give it up Alexandria, and make something of your new life. I know this wasn’t what you wanted but that’s unchangeable. Are you really that suicidal?” the other girl cried. Alexandria glared at her.

“What I do is my business, got that?” she threatened as she came closer and closer to the other girl. It was only when the other girl was had her back pressed into a tree with no more room to back up that Alexandria spoke again. “Just. Leave. Me. Alone.” She hissed baring her fangs. For a moment I thought Alexandria would hurt her but the other girl just vanished, no longer cornered between the tree and Alexandria. Alexandria nodded to herself before walking off into the forest. “That’s what I thought.”

I stared after her for a moment but something else caught my eye, it was the blond girl that had vanished. She had reappeared when Alexandria had taken off and there was a guy with her.

“I changed my mind. That is definitely not the Alexandria we knew; I don’t even think there is any part of her in that monster. You were right, she has changed,” she whispered sadly. The wind was moving her hair out of place but she did nothing to try and fix it. Her attention was mostly on the conversation about Alexandria.

“I always knew. I just feel bad that everything you thought about her has been proven wrong. So now do you agree we have to take action?” he asked just as quietly so I had to strain to hear. She nodded and took his hands, both of them vanishing this time. I stared puzzled at the spot where they had vanished; everything was so unusual and confusing.

Well what now? I asked myself. Alexandria was long gone and I wouldn’t have wanted to follow those other people even if I could have. I guess I would just have to walk around aimlessly until I figured out what to do or where to go.

My choice was made for me though as the wind picked up. It caused leaves to fly in a whirlwind around me obscuring any view of the scenery. The sky darkened with clouds hiding all the stars and fog covered up the ground. Once I could see nothing of the old scenery, something spoke to me.

“Do not simply discard the information you have obtained here, a lot of it is of the greatest importance. I urge you to figure out this information and understand the clues before it’s too late. Beware.”


I sat up quickly in my bed, breathing hard from the dream I just had. The dream couldn’t have meant anything, but it had seemed so real as if it had happened long ago. I rubbed my sleep crusted eyes and untangled myself from my blanket to discover I was still wearing the clothes I had worn yesterday. Alexandria must have brought me up here and just put me in bed last night. I yawned still not quite rested up and stumbled out of my room heading towards the bathroom but the sight something stopped me in my tracks, or should I say someone.

On the couch in the living room was Alexandria. She was lying on the couch and one hand was almost touching the floor. She must have just fallen asleep after she had brought me into my room. I sighed as I gazed at her sleeping form then brought out a light blanket and made sure it was covering her. As I was about to enter my room I stepped on a creaky floorboard and Alexandria stirred waking up. She ran her fingers over her hair as she looked at me sheepishly. I gave her a small smile.

“I must have fallen asleep,” she explained looking around. She sat up and stretched. The blanket was still covering her legs.

“Why did you stay here?”

“Well I was thinking since you were so dead to the world that it might be good for me to stay here in case anything decided to attack you. However I misinterpreted how tired I was,” she yawned pushing off her blanket.

“When did you get clothes to change into?” I asked just now realizing that she was in a black skirt and white fitted strapless top. She shrugged.

“I always have a change of clothes with me or somewhere close, with everything that has happened to me I have come to expect certain circumstances that require a change of clothes,” she replied.

“I see,” I replied hesitating from speaking what was really on my mind. What I wanted to ask her was about the things I had glimpsed in my dream, to see if there was any chance that it could be true. I felt like I had found out a bit of Alexandria’s past but it seemed too personal to lightly bring up to a vampire I barely knew, even if she was helping me in my search for my friends.

“Something you want to say?” she inquired. Her eyes felt like they were penetrating me and seeing every personal thought I had, including the ones about my dream.

“Nope” I lied. “Is there something you want to say?” Alexandria rolled her eyes but didn’t further pursue the topic. I nodded feeling pleased.

“Well since you have nothing to say and it doesn’t seem like you want to go back to bed how about we find out more about Derek Bellamont,” Alexandria suggested.

“Do you know anything about him?”

“He’s French and I’ve heard of him but never actually met him. Although apparently we went to the same massive party, but it was huge so it’s no wonder I didn’t bump into him,” she reminisced.

“A party,” I asked curiously.

“Yeah, an important well known vampire had a huge party and invited all the vampires he knew. It was a pretty good party, lasted really long,” Alexandria answered smiling as she thought back on the occasion.

“Alright, do you know where Derek Bellamont might be?” I asked changing the subject back to finding Tristan.

“I have a general idea, since he’s French he mostly spends his time in Quebec. He’s been spotted many times in Ottawa. Whereabouts in Ottawa is what I don’t know.

“We’ll find him, we have to,” I vowed.

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