Chapter 13

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"Oh God" is the first that comes out of my mate's mouth as he stares into nothing. His body becomes rigid, totally unmoving, and he has this mortified look on his face. His eyes, however, tell everything. His eyes are wide, terrified, but there's something else there – hope. A tear pools in his eyes, and Ethan turns to look at me.

His fingers trace the broken logo on the ground. I kneel down beside him, grabbing his hand. He lets out a sigh in relief before breaking his gaze with me. Ethan purses his lips, tears already clouding his eyes as he tries to hold it back. I inch closer, offering my shoulder as he silently cries. My heart breaks at the sight of him being at his low point. I'm not even sure if he has hit his lowest, but I'd like to be there if that happens, and I'm glad that I'm here now for him.

Ethan puts his head on my shoulder as he sniffs, calming himself down. His cheeks are strained with tears, and his eyes are a bit reddish now from crying. I give him a small smile, giving his hand a light squeeze, assuring him that he's going through this with me by his side.

"Would you like to talk about it?" I ask him, almost in a whisper. He nods.

"It was overwhelming," Ethan begins, his voice a bit weak from crying. He takes a deep breath before scanning the area then exhales. "I think my parents are still alive."

"How? My dad found them dead before they found you." Ethan's eyes turn sadder, and I mentally scold myself for being such an ass. Even Apollo, my wolf, is not impressed with what I've just said. "I'm sorry. Why do you think they are still alive?"

"We don't see the shrines because we're only supposed to see them during the blue moon." He stands up, letting go of my hand and brushing the dust off of him. "And it can only be accessed by me or someone who shares the same blood as me. And I don't think I have anyone else other than... It's just me, my mom, and dad."

"You really think that they could be alive?"

"I have reasons to,"

"Then how do we do this?" I grab his hand again, giving him a half-hearted smile, squeezing his hand. If Ethan's parents are still alive, they are out there somewhere, and they could be in great danger. And although I believe Ethan, it's hard to ignore what my parents found when they rescued my mate at such a young age.

My mate seems unsure of what to do next. He has a conflicted look on his face. His eyes became hard, his brows furrowed, his forehead creased. He takes another deep breath and looks at the darkening sky. He shuts his eyes for a moment, and I can suddenly feel his strong presence.

As the sky darkens, clouds looming over us, thundering a bit, I look over at Ethan who seems to be chanting a spell. His lips are moving, but there are no words coming out of his mouth. His forehead is still in a crease, determination etched on his face as he does his thing. I scan our area, trying to sense if there are enemies waiting for the right time to attack us. With the hunters' newfound ability, the power to conceal their scent, it'd be hard to rely on our heightened senses.

"What are we doing?" I half-whisper to him.

"The blue moon only occurs once in a while," Ethan answers, his eyes still shut. He looks like he's kind of meditating. "So we're going to make the moon blue right now. I just hope it works."

"We can make the moon blue right now?" That seems impossible.

"We can," but even he doesn't sound so sure.

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