Thirty One Pt. I

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XXXI: Final Act Pt.I

THE CAB CAME TO A STOP. After handing the driver a fist full of bills I stepped out and wiped away the last remains of my tears.

I had called the office and Cole's secretary had informed me that he went on an errand. But his schedule said he had an appointment in Club Carbon at three. It was currently a quarter till, and I figured I'd wait for him there.

I'm not sure what it was, but something was telling me to go to him. There was a driving force pushing me to see him, maybe to validate that he was mine. To erase the feeling Olivia's words had left in the pit of my stomach. I don't know, all I knew was that I needed to see him, hear him, touch him. Just to know its real.

I walked through the doors of Club Carbon and found the club empty save for a few of the staff at the bar washing and drying glasses.

"We're not open," said a girl with a blond ponytail and a no-funny-business expression.

"I'm here to see my husband," I said politely. I walked forward but she blocked my way.

"Hey Jake?" She called out without looking away. "You married?"

The man behind the bar concealed his smile, "Nope. Single, if you're interested." I raised my eyebrows at his tone but I didn't comment.

The blond sarcastically crossed her arms over her chest. "How about you, Mark? She your wife?"

The man named Mark glared at the blond. "Stop being such a bitch, KJ."

KJ ignored him and raised an eyebrow at me. "Huh. Well if you're not Jake's wife, or Marks, and I know you're not my wife, then why are you really here?"

I shook my head, "This is all a misunderstanding. Cole should be here soon, this issue can be cleared up just as soon as he--"

KJ laughed, interrupting me. "Cole Richmond? That's who you're claiming is your husband?"

I frowned a little, "I'm not claiming anything..."

"Look, I'm not impressed here. My boss isn't married. I don't even think he has a girlfriend. He doesn't date." The way she said it, in such a bitter tone, made me think he was once involved with KJ.

Raising my left hand, I wiggled my fingers to show off my ring and smiled. The look on her face was one of pure disbelief. If I wasn't so preoccupied with the fact that the girl in front of me has a crush on my husband, surely I would have laughed.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go see my husband." KJ blushed and ducked her head down to hide her embarrassment. In a blink of an eye the girl was gone, as were the rest of the staff.

Walking up the stairs to the VIP area, I looked around until I found the hallway that lead to Cole's office.

The door was partially open. Just as I was about to knock, there was the unmistakable sound of a woman sobbing. My hand froze in midair as I listened to the faint crying continue.

Looking inside through the crack in the door, I watched stunned as Gemma Hamilton lay on the floor sobbing, her makeup ruined, her face blotchy and red. My husband sat beside her, holding her, comforting her.

I didn't know what to do. Do I walk in, or do I leave? I was frozen in place, not knowing what to do or what to think.

"Please don't leave," she sobbed.

"I'm here," Cole said.

"Don't. Please, don't leave me.

"I won't."

I won't.

I backed away slowly, suddenly feeling tired to the bone. I clutched the railing behind me and closed my eyes painfully tight. My rings clinked against the iron railing, reminding me of the vows we exchanged.

I took a deep breath and straightened, biting back tears. I readjusted my rings and shook my head as if to clear it.

I wore his ring, his name. It's I that he comes to every night. It's I that he eats dinner with, who lays beside him in bed, who he wakes with.

I'm his wife. And she? She's just another KJ--a phase. In the past, unimportant, meaningless. Not like me. I bear his ring, and one day his children.

That's all that mattered.

IT WAS SIX WHEN I HEARD THE DOOR OPEN. I was in the parlor, snuggled up in a blanket with a book in hands, listening to the Swan Lake Suite in the record player.

Cole walked in and made a beeline for me. He swung my legs off the couch to sit beside me and leaned in to kiss my forehead with my feet wrapped like a burrito on his lap. "Hello."

He kissed me sweetly on the lips, but I felt nothing. Nothing.

I was numb.

"Why so quiet?" Cole asked when he pulled away.

I shrugged, "I'm just tired."

"I got worried when you didn't text me back today. I thought for sure my mother had left you dead at the end of some alley."

I managed a small smile. "No it went fine."

He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You've got to be joking. She can't possibly be happy after only an hour for lunch."

"She's not. Not exactly. She said what she needed to say, that's all."

Cole sent me a skeptical look. "Fine, I won't press the issue. Anyway, I'm starved. What's Ingrid making for dinner?"

"Salmon, I think. I don't know, I'm not very hungry."

He looked at me worriedly, touching my face with the back of his palm, checking for a fever. "You feeling okay?"

I nodded. "Go ahead and eat without me."

"Would you rather have some soup? I don't mind--"

"No, it's alright. I'm alright."

"Okay. But I'll have Ingrid make some soup anyway. Just in case you get hungry later."

I watched Cole get up and walk toward to the doors. "Hey?"

"Yeah?" He said standing by the door.

"Anything interesting happen at work today?" Cole looked at me questioningly. I shrugged, "I feel like I never really ask you about work."

Cole smiled and jokingly rolled his eyes. "Nope, nothing out of the ordinary."

I forced a smile and nodded. After that, Cole walked out, leaving me alone in the parlor. Shutting the book, I threw it in the coffee table and cuddled up with the blankets up to my shoulders.

With the warm sounds of violins in my ears, I drifted to sleep to dream of an enchanted lake and beautiful swans. I dreamt of a brave, young prince and of a gentle white swan. I dreamt of their love, and their happiness.

I dreamt of another beautiful swam, this one dark and alluring. Sensual. She was seductive and an irresistible temptation for the prince.

I dreamt of the sorcerer's witchery.

I dreamt of the prince's betrayal. And finally, of the white swan's demise.

A/N: Hey guys! So here's the next part of SWK. I typed it really fast on my phone while I took a break from homework so as always please excuse any mistakes.

We're getting really close to the end now, I can't wait to finish it. STG was the first book I've ever completely finished and I'm proud to say SWK will be the second.

Anyway if you liked this, please vote and drop me a comment. I love talking to you guys!

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