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Nothing happened... Again nothing fucking happened.

I released Takemichi's hand slowly, my eyes are blank.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could help Miss y/n" Takemichi said with a defeated voice.

I managed to put a small smile on my face "don't be! It's not your fault".

But it is mine.

I Shaked my head trying to push the negative thoughts away "I'll be going now, Takemichi" I stood up getting ready to leave but Takemichi spoke once again.

"I'll do my best to find a way to save everyone! I won't stop trying!" His teary eyes filled with determination.

I admired the guy even though I didn't know him too well but I could tell that he was a good person.

I'm glad that Kaku and Mikey had someone like him in their lives, I wish I could reunite them, even if that's impossible now I'm still hoping.

"Thank you Takemichi, I truly appreciate your determination" I smiled at him once more before leaving.

I decided to visit Kaku once again today after meeting Takemichi, it kinda became a habit of mine to go to him after doing anything different from my normal routine.

I sat down in front of the grave after placing some flowers just staring at the tomb stone.

"Hey Kaku, I missed you.. a lot" I said touching the stone.

I miss your voice the most, it's hard to believe only one week passed it felt like years.

"I met your childhood friend today, hoping that he might help me bring you back, crazy isn't it?" I felt my eyes stinging as a tear fell from them "what can I say I'm desperate I guess" I smiled.

I stayed in silence for a while, they say if you go to graveyards you can sense the dead, but right now I felt nothing.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you how much you mean to me before you're gone" I broke down as I finished that last sentence, silently sobbing in my hands.

Then I felt someone sitting next to my and a hand wrapping around my shoulders "it's okay, let it all out".

I lifted my head and turned to see Ran, he had a soft smile on his face but I could still see the sadness in his tired eyes.

I got closer to him and cried on his shoulder as he caressed my back, he didn't speak he just let me cry which I really appreciated.

After a while I let go of his embrace a hard look on my face.

"That's enough" I mumbled "I don't want to stay helpless like this anymore".

"What's on your mind?" He asked.
"I'll fucking kill Hanma, I don't know how or when but I will" anger and hatred fueling my body.

Ran nodded a murderous glint in his eyes "let's do this together then!"


We got back to Ran's office and started digging for clues, anything that can lead us to Hanma.

"I called everyone I could think of, no track of Hanma anywhere" Ran said.

The guy is like a fucking ghost, no traces of his existence, it's like he isn't even in Japan.

I grabbed my phone and decided to use my last hope, I dialed the number and after a few rings she picked up.

"Hello Miss y/n, how can I help you?"
"Yuko, I need you to ask the girls about a man"
"Of course!, what's his name or can you describe him?"

I gave her a description of Hanma and his name but I feel like he uses a fake name now.

"Okay, I'll ask around and let you know if I find anything" she said.
"Great, thank you Yuko"

I hung up and saw Ran looking at me.
"Now what?" He asked.

I shrugged "now we wait".


A few days passed and life started getting back to normal, not that anyone of us stopped grieving but when you are a part of a criminal organization you can't just quit everything cause you are sad.

Once you put your guard down you get eaten alive that's the reality of the ugly world we live in.

So everyone just swallowed their feelings and got back to what they do the best, being criminals.

And besides, we still need to deal with a certain fucker after all.

I made my way to Mikey's office after finishing a deal to give him a full report about it, and after knocking and entering I was greeted by a heartbreaking sight.

Mikey who was finally starting to show a bit of humane expressions other than the expressionless face is gone.

And the Mikey I'm seeing now is way worse than even before, he was staring aimlessly at the ceiling, the bags under his eyes are even darker than before, he lost even more weight and I could tell that he was under the effect of some kind of drug.

"Mikey..." I sighed, feeling sorry for the state the man is in.
He looked at my direction "oh, I didn't realize you were here y/n".
"I came to tell you that I finished the deal like you wanted"
"Oh, great" he got back to staring at the ceiling.

I kept looking at him wanting to do something, anything to bring back that faint glimmer that was starting to appear in his eyes.

Then he suddenly spoke without looking at me "why do I bring death to every place I go?"

I stayed silent unable to answer his question, but I think he didn't want an answer anyway.

He then looked at me his face void from any emotions "And why this death is leaving me behind?"

"Mikey..." I started but then he spoke again.
"I should have died ... I'm a curse... You should stay away from me y/n, everyone should stay away from me"

Once I heard those words my body moved on it's own and I made my way to where Mikey was sitting pulling him into a hug, his head rested on my chest I was standing in front of him on his chair.

"Don't say something like that again, please" he didn't push me away he just stayed still.

"It's the truth" he mumbled.
"No! It's not, this isn't your fault, none of this is ever your fault".

His arms wrapped around my waist

"Then why? Why everyone I get close to ends up dying?"


A/n: so I decided something and I want to apologize in advance that I won't be replying to comments for a while till I reach a certain event in this story cause I feel like I might spoil it if I replied 😅
But I'll read all your comments and I totally appreciate every comment you guys leave ❤️❤️

And I hope you guys liked this chapter and have a great day/night, love you all ❤️❤️

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