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Ran POV:

It all happened in less than a second y/n got shot and the next thing I knew our car was surrounded by armed fuckers from every direction, they shoot at us from everywhere starting with our tires so that we won't drive away, I pulled y/n who seemed like She can't move to crouch on the car floor, I could feel her pulse she was still alive.

As we both were crouching I grabbed my phone and dialed a number while peeking out every few seconds to shoot at our enemy.

"Pick up the phone fucker!" I shouted while firing at one of the shooters.

After a very long minute Sanzu finally picked up the phone.

"We are being attacked by more than 20 men, the fuckers shoot y/n and we are surrounded, track my fucking phone and send some god damn help!!" I was basically screaming at him on the phone, then I hung up and got back to shooting our attackers but then I heard a very weak laugh.

"Guess you are capable of being angry" I crouched back down next to y/n after hearing those words from her.
She tried to move while clutching her injured shoulder but I stopped her "don't move, the help is on the way just wait"

Her injury didn't look shallow and she seemed like she is losing too much blood, I could see that every move she did made her wince in pain.

She then reached for her gun with her uninjured arm "two hands are better than one, don't worry about me I won't die from such a lame gunshot" she gave me a weak smile.

I peeked out and shoot once more before speaking once again "no, you lost too much blood already"
"I'll do it even if you don't let me" she said getting ready to attack.
I sighed "we need to keep them away, if they got to the car we are finished!" I said.

"Got it!" She said and peeked out shooting the first man she saw then another and another, I covered her and shoot another two men.

About 10 men remained when we heard the sound of cars and in 10 seconds we were surrounded by our men, I saw Sanzu and Rindou getting out of one of the cars Sanzu shouting at his men "keep a few of them alive and bring them to my car then Kill everyone else".

It took less than 10 seconds to kill everybody, after that I got out of the car and helped y/n out.

We both were greeted by my brother and Sanzu, Rindou checked y/n's shoulder asking if she was okay.

"I'm fine, I'm fine it's just a scra-" she couldn't complete the sentence as she lost consciousness falling into Rindou's arms.


Y/n's POV:

I woke up in what seemed like a hospital room, I felt weak, drained and every move I made hurts.

I scanned the room till I found two men sleeping crammed on a sofa, and one checking his phone on a nearby chair.

"Oh, you woke up!" Ran seemingly noticed my movement to sit up looked away from his phone to my direction.

"Yea just now" I said.
He walked towards the bed and settled at tye side of it "how are you feeling?"
"Tired, basically my whole body hurts"
He nodded, "that's understandable".
"What happened? The last thing I remember is talking to Rindou"
"You fainted, you lost too much blood the doctor said that you were on the verge of death" he whispered the last word but I could hear him.

"Oh" is all I could think of saying, I mean what should I say to that anyway?

I wasn't scared of death, and dying with a gunshot wasn't a harsh way to go, given the things I did since I started working for Bonten.

I torture, harm and Kill, death was made for people like me.

My thoughts got interrupted by a pair of arms wrapped around me carful not to touch my injury and being pulled to a chest "don't ever scare me like this again!" Ran said while hugging me.

I smiled and slowly wrapped one arm around him "I won't"
"Good, cause I won't let you"

"I'll kill you Haitani, why didn't you tell us when she woke up?" I pulled away from Ran and we both looked at Sanzu who just woke up looking pissed and Rindou who seemed still half asleep and confused.

"I just woke up, no need to kill anybody Sanzu" I chuckled.
Then Sanzu made his way to my bed carefully checking my bandaged injury with a frown on his face "how are you feeling?"
I shrugged which was a bad idea, it hurts so bad to do so "exhausted, but I'll live"

"You better do" Rindou said as he also stood by my bed.
"What's up with you all being worried like that?" I said with a playful smirk.
"You almost died y/n everyone was worried not just us" said Rindou with a serious tone.
"But I didn't, I'm still alive" I said "anyway did you find who were those people who attacked us"

"Yep! They were some of Cobra's trash that wanted revenge and they actually were the ones who stole the liquor as a bait to drag us to them, they wanted to kill us all starting with you little miss" Sanzu said while looking at me "you know, for Killing their precious boss in such a humiliating way".

'I wish I did something even more humiliating that that' I thought a frown found it's way on my face.

Sanzu seem to notice it "you don't need to worry about them anymore, I sent them to hell where they belong" he ruffled my hair softly.

"Mikey and the others were furious  when they heard you got shot" Ran said "and Mikey gave an order to Hunt everyone belonged to Cobra, the others are doing that as we are speaking"

"I didn't want things to reach to this limit" I frowned "they gave us no other choice sadly"

"On a lighter note, you apperantly became pretty famous y/n" Sanzu said after a moment of silence "they call you angel of death".

I looked at him a bit surprised.

Angel of death huh.
What an aesthetic name for a murderer.

Then I smiled "pretty name, I like it"


A/n: it's kinda rushed, I might re-write  some parts of it but let me know how it was ❤️

Have a great day/night loves, love you all❤️❤️

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