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Kakucho's POV:

It's true that angels can't be criminals but y/n probably broke this rule, I'm aware of many of us calling her angel by now, each of us has his own reason, maybe her looks, maybe her bright smile but for me she was an angel for a whole other reason.

She showed me love and acceptance by just few words and light touches From her delicate hand, when people refer to angels the always mention pureness, beauty and good deeds they forget about their power, I saw y/n's true power when she turned her weakness to strength that night, when I look at her I see all that not to mention how effortlessly gorgeous she is and for all of that she is truly my angel.

I stared at her beautiful face as she slept on my bicep, carefully brushing a strand of her hair away from her face, she moved a bit and slowly opened her eyes.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I asked in a low voice, my hand caressing the side of her face and hair.
She yawned then smiled sleepily "no it's okay, but why are you up this early, we slept pretty late last night"
"I don't know, guess I wanted to admire your sleeping face" I said and she giggled.
"Such a flirt" she playfully hit my chest.

"Only for you angel".


Y/n POV:

Kaku drove us to HQ after we had breakfast together, he then bid me goodbye since he had to go to one of our hideouts to solve a problem.

"I can come with you" I said.
"No it's okay, Mikey might ask for you" he leaned and kissed my forehead before leaving.

Once Kakucho left I heard a voice coming from behind me "ohh, that was cute and unexpected, you guys dating?"

I rolled my eyes and turned to the voice owner "what do you want Ran?".
"Woah, feisty as usual, I actually don't want anything, but Mikey paired us in a mission".

Great! Out of all people it has to be him.

Don't get me wrong I don't hate Ran, we are just like a cat and a mouse which can be frustrating at times.

I sighed "what's the mission?"
"The hallway isn't the best place to discuss this, come with me my lady".

That! That right here is part of the problem, you can never tell what's on Ran's mind, he is always smiling/smirking, always flirty and nice.

See that won't be a problem If we were working at a normal corporate job, he would be that guy that smiles and greets everyone happily at 9 am on a monday, the guy who receives a love confession once every two days and it would be normal.

But no, we are fucking criminals and Ran out of all the executives is rumored to be the scariest, even Sanzu can have his nice moments at very rare times.

That's why he makes me on edge, he is always smiling and flirting but I have no idea what's on his mind.

"Have a seat" he pointed on the chair beside his desk, I sat down and he did the same.

"So? What's the mission?" I asked once again.
"Straight to business, I love it!" He smirked "a bunch of lowlifes thought it would be fun to steal from us so we just need to teach them a lesson"

"In other words kill them and take back what's ours" I said.
"Exactly!" He said.
"What did they steal anyway?"
"Liquor, pretty expensive liquor tho, the bottles ranges from 200K$ to one million dollars".
My eyes widened "holy shit!"
The man chuckled "yep was supposed to be served in our high end Casinos".
"How did they even manage to steal that?"
"Well that's sadly our fault, we didn't put enough guards in the hideouts, the fuckers killed everyone" Ran said, his expression getting serious for a while.

I stood up "what are we waiting for then? Let's go hunting"


I have to admit those bitches were good at hiding, we spent the whole day looking for any trace of them and found nothing.

"Hey y/n, can I ask you a question?" Ran asked while we were sitting in the car taking a break from our search.

"You just did" I said before taking a sip of my coffee.

He gave me that 'seriously y/n' look which made me laugh.
"Go on ask" I said.

"You seem to really hate me, why is that?"
"I don't hate you"
"You do, you are always giving me the cold shoulder, did I do something?" He frowned.

I think this is the first time I can tell what's on Ran's mind.

I sighed "you are just so hard to read, always playful and flirty, I never know what are you really thinking about"

He looked at me like I grew another head "Soo... You hate me because I'm flirty?"
I hit his arm playfully "I said I don't hate you, it's just makes me feel uncomfortable not to be able to read you"
"Would it help if I just ignored you then?" He asked with a smirk.
"Don't you have anything in between?!" I rolled my eyes.

He shrugged "I'm just used to being like this but y/n, you know you can asked me right, just say 'hey Ran what's on your mind?' and I'll tell you".

I laughed at that and mimicked him "hey Ran what's on your mind?".

"Right now I'll want to sleep 20 hours and shoot anyone who tries to wake me up"  he said and we both laughed.

"Not a bad answer" I said as I kept laughing.
"Hey stop laughing at my suffering!" He said while trying to keep a straight face which made me laugh even more.

After we both stopped laughing I spoke "you know, maybe you aren't that ba-"

A gunshot was heard and the glass on my side shattered.



A/n: finally Ran made an appearance, I wanted him to appear sooner but I couldn't find the right time.

Please don't hate me because of this cliffhanger 😅

On a happier note angel of death ranked #14 in Mikey among more than 10K stories, thank you all for reading and supporting this story, I'm really really happy ❤️❤️

And lastly I hope you liked this chapter, have a great day/night, love you all ❤️❤️

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