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"thank you for meeting me Takemichi, you really helped me a lot" I said smiling at the black haired man while getting ready to leave.

"No problem I'm not sure how I helped but I'm glad" he said.
"Alright, I'll be leaving now"
"W-wait" he said "um can I ask you for a favor, Miss y/n?"
"What is it?" I asked.
"Can you... convince Mikey to come to my wedding?" He said with a pleading look.

I felt bad for the guy, he only wants to help his friend, too bad that his friend isn't ready for this help right now.

I smiled "I'll do my best, Takemichi"


I made my way back to my house after my meeting with Takemichi, and entered my place, closing the door behind me.

"Took you long to come back"

I jumped after hearing a voice behind me, I turned around and aimed my gun towards the direction of the voice.

I saw Hanma sitting on my couch, legs crossed looking unbothered by the gun aimed at him.

"Good reflex, but you would have been dead already if I wanted to" he said.
I lowered my gun "how did you get in here?"
"It wasn't that hard, the security here is a joke seriously" he shrugged.
"And why exactly are you here?" I said rubbing my forehead, I seriously don't want to deal with him right now.

"To get your answer, I wanted to take you back to that building but this is much nicer, who would have thought you would be able to afford such a place?" He grinned getting more comfortable on the couch.

"My answer is still no, you can leave now" I said coldly.
"So cold, come on kitten you seriously picking them over your best friend" he faked a pout.

"Well, 'my best friend' is the one who left me first" I folded my arms "and besides I now know what you and your friend did to Mikey before, don't you think that you did enough, just fucking leave the guy alone!"

Hanma stood up and made his way towards where I was standing, his expression serious which sent chills down my spine.

"I see you heard about Kisaki" he said.
"Yes I did" I said backing away from him.
"And what did you hear?" He asked.
"That he was a killer and a manipulative asshole" as soon as those words left my mouth, Hanma grabbed my neck slamming me against the wall, I held my gun against his head but he didn't care, his grip was firm but it wasn't tight enough to shock me.

"And what about you y/n, aren't you also a killer? what about Bonten, huh? We are all killers here so don't act all high and mighty, kitten" he spat.

"I'm not like you!" I shouted, I killed to survive before, and now I only kill bad people, never an innocent person.

"No you are just like all of us kitten, you're just delusional" he said.

"I'll fucking kill you!" I said my finger on the trigger.
"Do it! Prove to me that you are indeed a killer" he grinned.

My finger couldn't move, all I could see was the friend that I spent more than two years with, the one that didn't show me anything but kindness.

He smirked "you might be A ruthless Bonten executive in front of the others, but for me you are just a kitten, a weak little kitten".

I pushed him away from me "get the hell out, I don't want to see you ever again!"
"You will y/n, and next time you will be begging me to stop killing your precious executives and Mikey"
"If you lay a finger on them, I'll tear you apart Hanma" I threatened.

He ignored my threat "I'll make sure to leave Mikey to the end, I'm pretty sure that's what Kisaki would have wanted" he grinned and left my apartment.

At this point my knees gave in and I fell to the ground, I felt helpless, weak and lost.

What should I do now? I don't even know what's Hanma's plan, and I hate to admit but he is right, I can't kill him.

I'm just weak.

I grabbed my phone and dialed the number of the first person that came to my mind.

"Hello?" A voice answered after a few rings.
"Can I come over?" I asked, my voice cracking and I realized that I was crying.
"Angel, what's wrong?" He asked.
"It's nothing, I just don't want to be alone right now" I said.
He didn't seem too convinced by that "where are you?"
"My house"
"Stay there, I'm coming to get you" he said and we both hung up.

I waited for him my mind kept on replaying what just happened with Hanma.

I might don't know what he is up to but I know one thing, no one will be dying I just won't allow it.

After about fifteen minutes my doorbell rang bringing me out of my thoughts.

I opened the door and there he stood, looking a bit worried, his long silver hair a bit messy probably from running his fingers through it many times.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked and pulled me in a hug.
"I'm okay, just a bit stressed I guess" I said.
He pulled away and looked at my face searching for a satisfying answer "you do look stressed, but why?"
I stayed silent, unable to give a good answer to that question.

What was I supposed to say? My Friend who suddenly disappeared finally came back and he wants to kill you all for some reason?

Koko noticing my conflicted state shaked his head "you know what, it doesn't matter if you don't want to talk right now, you still want to go to my house?" He asked.
"Yes!" I said, not wanting to stay here right for now.

"Okay, let's go".


A/n: it's gonna get pretty angsty from now on but I will add some fluff here and there ☺️

I'm so sorry for the Kisaki slander, but he is a good evil character.😅

I also started a Kazutura fanfiction today, you can find it on my account. ❤️

I hope you guys liked this chapter, have a great day/night, love you all.💗

Angel of Death (Bonten X Fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now