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Mikey's eyes widened and for a second I could see worry in them before striding towards me, wrapped his hand around my neck and slammed my back against the wall.

"Who. Are you? Why do you know them?"

His hand was so tight around my neck I tried to claw it and loosen it but it diy work so I screamed at him "let go of me so I can fucking tell you!!"

He loosened his grip and I started coughing from the sudden flow of air his gun was pointed back towards me "you better start talking y/n".

"We met before Mikey" I started "in different circumstances than these, you were the one who let me meet Takemichi the first time"

"You really want me to kill you don't you? Fine I'll do it" he was about to pull the trigger when I screamed at him.

"Just fucking listen to me, god dammit!"

He was taken aback by my outburst and he lowered his gun "continue"

" I can timeleap, this isn't the first time we meet Mikey, the first time we met I was your eighth executive" I said.

"You expect me to believe this shit" he said his tone was unsure.
"You believed Takemichi before, don't you?"
"How do you fucking know all this?!"
"Because you told me!" I yelled "you told me everything about Toman, baji, your siblings, you told me all this .... You trusted me with all of this, you even took me to your family grave"

"We're you spying on me, is that why you know all that?!" He shouted.

"Even if I was spying on you I wouldn't know about your siblings nor Baji.... Cause you haven't visited them since you founded Bonten"

He slowly lowered his gun and plopped himself on a chair "what happened?" He asked "in that timeline you came from"

"You got killed" I mumbled "so does all the executives"
He doesn't look surprised at that he just nodded "who did it?"

"You don't seem surprised by what I said" I said.
"Getting killed is an expected end for someone like me, after all I did it seems to be only fair"
"No! It's not! Not like this!" I yelled surprising him "you don't deserve this Mikey and the others don't as well"

"So you are here to save me .... Us?"
"From whom?"
"Hanma Shuji"
"So that's why you are looking for him?"

That surprised me more than anything "you.. knew?"
"I only knew about you looking for Hanma, it was by coincidence but I didn't know why you want to find him".
"Shouldn't that make you suspect me?"
"It did, but I wanted to wait until you find him, taking two enemies is better than one".

I looked down "so you consider me as your enemy after all"
"Not anymore" he said.
I looked back at him "you believe me?"
"Like you said, I believed Takemichi before, and besides if you were lying you would have picked a much believable lie"

I smiled "thank you".
"You should tell me about everything you know" he said pointing at the seat next to him.
I sat down and started telling him my whole story, meeting Hanma then his disappearance, then meeting Mikey, Hanma's reappearance and his plan, Kakucho's death followed by Ran's and the other executives death, my suicide attempt and the time leaping and founding Jōgawara with everything in between those events.

By the time I finished my story about an hour have passed, Mikey didn't interrupt me at all, he listened carefully to everything I said.

"How long did it take to meet me again?" He asked after I finished talking.
"One year".
"Why? You could have just lived your life away from us, why do all this just to save us?"

"Because I love you" his eyes widened when he heard that "yes you don't know me in this timeline, I'm not close to you like before but that doesn't change the fact that I do love you, Mikey".

He looked at the gun in his hand "I don't know what to say".
"You don't need to say anything, this is me telling you cause I didn't get to say it back last time" I smiled and stood up leaving the man dumbfounded "now that you know everything I feel better"

I turned back to face him "yes?"
"I'll help you" he walked to were I was standing "if you are this determined to save me, I want to help"
I shaked my head "sorry Mikey, I can't accept your help, I'm not going to risk getting you in danger, this is my fight"

"But you are saving me... Us, it's our fight".
"I promise to ask for your help when I truly need it".
He stared at me "will you truly keep that promise?"
I smiled "I never broke a promise to you Mikey, so just stay alive for me, will you?"

After saying those words I left his office feeling much better, a burden on my chest was lifted.

I took a few steps when I heard a voice that made my steps come to a halt.

"Is it true?"

I turned around and saw Kakucho looking at me with unreadable gaze.

This might be the first time he talked to me ever since I moved to the HQ, he kept his distance from me all the time, suspected my every move which broke my heart.

Kaku was my source of safety, and seeing him so distant from me felt so wrong, I longed for his voice, his smile, his touch, all I'm getting from him now is an unreadable look.

He walked towards me and asked once again.

"What you told Mikey, is it true?"

I realized his question just now, did he hear my conversation with Mikey?

"Will you believe me if I said yes?" I asked.
He studied my face searching for any sign of me being a liar, I didn't blame him for not trusting me but that didn't stop me from feeling a bit hurt.

"Mikey seems to believe you"
"What about you?"
"... I don't know"

I nodded a sad smile on my face "I understand".

I'm not your angel anymore.

He grabbed my hand before I could leave "I didn't say I don't believe you"

"So you do?"
"I need some sort of proof for that"
"What happens if I give you this proof?"

"I'll devote my entire life to you."


A/n: I missed writing Kakucho so much! I was waiting for a chance to include him ❤️

On a non related note to TR , AOT SPOILERS AHEAD, I listened to AOT ending and it just hurts so badly when you know what will happen 😭 I didn't read the Manga but I was in aot manga TikTok for a while and some events got spoiled for me 😭

I hope you guys liked this Chapter, and it wasn't disappointing for you ^^ have a great day/night, love you all ❤️❤️

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