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"well Hello there Boss San, didn't know I would receive an answer from you so soon, guess you are indeed desperate" Hiroshi said smirking "you brought friends this time too".

After Kuro contacted Hiroshi we decided to meet in the same place we met the first time, so I gathered my executives and Draken for this meeting.

I ignored his comment going straight to business "you said you will give me the info I want, you can start by telling me Hanma's location".
"No no, not so fast darling" Hiroshi hopped off the wooden box he was sitting on and made his way to me, Jasmine by his side "I need to see your money first"

I glanced at Sawada and nodded so he brought a bag filled with money and opened it to show Hiroshi whose eyes lightened at the sight of the money.

"How much is that?" He asked.
"10 million dollars, like you said" I said.
"Pfft, you seriously think that we will reveal such an important piece of information For only 10 million?" Jasmine mocked.
"Remember love, we said Starting 10 million, that's the bare minimum" Hiroshi smiled.

I tried to contain my anger "how much do you want then?"
"Multiply that by 10 and we have a deal".
"I only have 50 at the moment".
Hiroshi shrugged "call someone to get the rest for you, I can wait".
"You know I can Kill you right now, right?"
"You can but that won't help you by anything".

He is right and I fucking hate it, the only reason that stops me from drilling a bullet to his head now is that he is my only hope.

I sighed "Give me a bank account now and I'll send the rest"
He shrugged "works for me" then he gave me a bank account that I'm pretty sure isn't his official one.

I took out my phone dialing Kristel's number since she is the only one who didn't come with us.

"What can I do for you y/n?"
"I'll give you a bank account and I want you to transfer 50 million dollars to it right now, make sure he gets the money right now Kristel!" I said.
"Err, alright".
I gave her the data and after 5 minutes Hiroshi got the money.

"You got an impressive crew boss" he smirked.
"Now tell me what I need to know?"
"Aren't you going to give me the other 50 million in cash first?"
"You tell me what I want, then I give you the rest"

Jasmine took out her gun "no honey, we get all of our money then you get your info".
I gave a sign to my executives and all of them had their guns out aiming at the pair "I'm done playing nice, tell me Hanma's location".

Hiroshi chuckled "it's okay JJ we can trust boss San here" which made the woman lowered her gun.

Then he turned to me "He isn't in Tokyo, he is staying in Kyoto in a high security house".
"Do you know where exactly is this house?"
"I do, but that costs extra"

"Let's just kill him Boss!" Yuri said already aiming her gun at him.
"Easy darling" he chuckled "I'll give you the specific location but I have a teeny tiny condition".
"And what is this condition?"
"You want to kill Hanma, don't you?" He asked.
"That's none of your business" I said.
"That's a good enough answer for me, my condition is that Bonten gets to be in this mission"
"Again none of your business"
"No honey it is my business, I'm the one who will give you the info after all"
"I can kill him now boss" Yuri said never putting down her gun.
Jasmine aimed her gun at Yuri "not if I kill you first, little psycho"

"You can kill us now y/n, but I guarantee you that even if you searched every house in Kyoto you won't find Hanma" Hiroshi said.

"Lower your gun Yuri" I said.
The girl looked surprised but she lowered her gun reluctantly.
"I knew we will understand each others, Miss y/n" Hiroshi smirked.

"Why do you want Bonten in this?"
"The more the better don't you think?"
"That doesn't answer my question"
"I'm not obligated to answer your question love, you the one who needs me here".

I gritted my teeth, he is up to something, this is a trap for sure.

"How do I know this isn't a trap?"
"You don't, that's the fun part".
"This isn't a game, Hiroshi"
"Aww come on, a little gambling won't hurt anyone, take your time thinking and when you agree you know how to find me" he turned to leave with Jasmine "oh and don't try to fool me Miss, next time we meet Mikey or one of his executives better be here or else  my lips will stay sealed" he gave us a mock salute and left the warehouse.

"Y/nnn, you should have let me kill him!" Yuri said almost whining.
"No, y/n did the right thing killing him will alarm Hanma, even if this is a trap we still have a choice not to go through with it" Kuro said.

I turned to Draken who didn't utter a word the whole time "what do you think?"
"Do we really have a choice?" He asked in defeat.
I nodded "let's go, we have a lot to do now".

Third person POV:

"You are playing a dangerous game Hiroshi, we could have died today" Jasmine said.

"Nope, Hanma had every possiblity in mind, they won't kill us" Hiroshi said "not now at least"
"I still don't understand why he wants two powerful gangs like Bonten and Jōgawara to find him".

"Jasmine Jasmine my darling, when our boss takes down both of them no one will dare to stand in front of us, we will rule the world".
"If he takes down both of them" Jasmine corrected "as much as I hate to admit it those two are invincible"

Hiroshi lit a cigarette "no worries, he will" then he chuckled "those suckers just payed me 50 millions to lead them to their deaths".

Y/n's pov:

This can't be a trap, right? in the other timeline we didn't go to Hanma he was the one who started the attack, right?

What if the future already changed? What if this time I'm the one to lead Bonten to their deaths?

"What did the chair do to you so you stare at it that intensely?"
I looked at where the sound came from and saw Kakucho smiling and leaning on my door.
"Nothing, I was just.... Thinking" I said.
"I can see that" he sat beside me "seems to be something pretty serious as well".
I nodded "guess so".
"Two heads are better than one you know, tell me what's on your mind"
I Shaked my head "it's not that big of a deal".
"It's about our deaths, isn't it?"
I looked at him in surprise without uttering a word.
"Guess I'm right" he smiled.
"I can't get you involved in this, Kaku" I can't risk them getting killed once again.

"Kaku, is that what you used to call me ...before?" He asked.
My eyes widened, I didn't realize I called him that "I'm sorry I didn't mean to..".

"I like it, you can call me that from now on.".


A/n: I wanna hear your theories 😊 does the story going as you expected so far or did you get surprised? I mean the part after the time leap ^^

I hope you guys liked this chapter, have a great day/night, love you all❤️❤️

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